White Diamond's terror

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I have no idea who drew this but it's fucking amazing! Hope you enjoy the chapter.
•A few days later, Y/N's pov:
I walk in the corridor, hand cuffs around wrists, my hands in front of me. Two Jaspers and one Rose quartz lead me down the corridor. The cells beside me hold gems, some crying and screaming to not be shattered but my eyes land on one specifically. The cell at the end of the long corridor next to the door holds Pearl. Her face and body has some bruises and bumps, tears roll down her face and I have a feeling I know what she's thinking.
'Oh god! Their going to shatter me! They're gonna know i'm Pink's Pearl. Why am I so useless! If only I was better! Now everyone else is in cells, Garnet's split up and they're going to shatter Rose and realize that her gem is actually Pink's gem turned sideways! It's even worse that Y/N will be put in Pink's zoo! We're so screwed! Huh? Y/N!' I think, hearing Pearl's voice.
"Y/N!! Are you okay?! Did they hurt you?! Where are you taking her!?" Pearl yells, she's standing now and her arms are reaching out of the cell until she gets shocked. She jumps back, I hear a thud and I see Pearl with her back against the wall, new bruises on her arms. More tears fall from her eyes and I rush towards Pearl's cell. I reach my arms out and touch the cells bars. My tied hands faze through the bars, and I walk forward. I'm soon into Pearl's cell and I crouch down in front of her. I reach my hands out and graze her face and I brush her tears away. She instantly pops her head up and looks at me, soon more tears roll down her face. She reaches her hands out and touches my face.
"Y/N......I'm so sorry.....You shouldn't be here......It's all my fault......." Pearl tells me, sobbing. I brush her tears away again and put my finger up to her mouth.
"It's fine. It's not your fault. If anything it's mine." I then hear footsteps running towards us.
"Pearl I don't know what's going to happen to me or to you. Stay strong Pearl." I rush out, but soon I feel hands on my back and pull me away from Pearl. We faze through the bars again and Pearl's in front of me, her hands on the bars again. Arms wrap around my chest and lift me up in mid-air, we then walk to the door. I look back at Pearl one more time and I fear I won't see her again.
"I like you!!" I yell, but then the door lifts up and closes behind me, the Jaspers, and Rose quartz soldier. The Jasper lets me go and faces me to a tall, glittery, and blinding heel. I feel the Jasper's hand on my shoulder, and I try to turn my head towards her, but she forces me to look ahead. I sigh and look up. I look at the heel and then up farther, I then see legs then I look up farther, now I was looking at a stomach, the last thing my eyes look at are black, glittery lips, smiling and showing neat pearl white teeth. I slit my eyes at how bright this gems face is, until my eyes get used to it and focus. This gem has big bold eyes and long eye lashes, she looks down at me and the other gems and chuckles.
"Finally! There you are. I am finally meeting the infamous Y/N. Your 'grandmother' is well known to us diamonds. I have been told you share the same gift that your 'grandmother' has. What have you seen in your dreams?" The tall gem tells me.
"Can you tell me who you are first? I never really liked my mother but she told me to never talk to strangers." I say, somewhat rudely. She just chuckles and smirks, then I hear another chuckle, it's more broken then an actual chuckle though. I look down at the gems feet and see a small gem. She hovers over the floor and she wears a smile, only one of her eyes are open though.
"Don't make me laugh Y/N. You know some things about me. I don't have a name, if anything it's my gems name. I'm White diamond. From what I know from that stupid, useless Pearl, she said you had seen me in one of your dreams. You know some things about me. Tell me what you have seen." White diamond tells me. When she mentions the Pearl I instantly know it's my Pearl.
"She's not useless! She's awesome and amazing! Don't you dare say something like that about her!" I yell, stepping forward a bit and staring her down. She frowns for a tiny second and then laughter erupts around me. The two Jaspers and Rose quarts soldiers laugh as well, one of the Jasper's clutching their stomach.
"How interesting. Such a puny human has feelings for a gem. A gem who will watch you die when you grow old. A gem who will never have feelings for a human. You should know that she will watch you die, I think i'll even keep her alive just so she can see you die. I think I will use you in a way multiple humans have died from. You will be tortured....And I will try to turn you into a gem. No humans have survived. And watching Pink's useless Pearl squirm and writhe like a worm will be very entertaining. Watching her scream in pain as you bleed and suffer on a table will be very very entertaining. If you some how survive though, i'll make you a Holly Blue agate. Then you'll know how to follow rules and shut up. Then you can tell me all about your dreams right before you shatter your rogue friends. And i'll laugh as you realize you can't love a gem. I will laugh and use you for my own personal use. Ha! I can see Homeworld laughing at how stupid humans are once the word spreads. Take her away to the chamber Jasper 7986. Get the tools and table ready. Rose quartz 0963, go get Pink's Pearl and take her to the chamber as well. Let them talk in separate cells until I have the Bismuth ready. Watch them and make sure they don't do anything.....Stupid. Make sure they don't escape. Off you go!!" White diamond yells, clapping her hands together. The gems behind me grumble things and one of the Jaspers takes ahold of my shoulders and pushes me out of the now open door from behind us. The Rose quartz follows us and steps towards Pearls cell. The Jasper stays behind me and walks us through the different corridors. We walk down some stairs and into a new hallway. This hallway is darker and more ominous, some cells have gems in them and some don't. We walk down the corridor but my eyes soon land on a red gem just like the ones on the beach a few days ago. This one is running towards the bars but soon get thrown back, she lands on her back and grumbles. She's obviously angered at how she can't get out and she looks at me being pushed through the halls by the Jasper and she seems entranced.
"Y/N?" She asks. I look at her and stop.
"How do you know my name?" I ask, confused. She smiles a small smile and stares at me.
"It's me! Garnet! Well, actually i'm a Ruby. I'm one of the halves that made Garnet. Have you seen Sapphire?!" Ruby asks, with a little bit of hope.
"Move human!" The Jasper behind me yells.
"If i'm about to die can I at least talk to her for a second?!" I ask, yelling. The Jasper sighs and mumbles.
"Fine! You have less time to talk to that Pearl though." The Jasper tells me. I rush through the bars and faze through, then I crouch to Ruby's height. I place my tied wrists in my lap.
"What does Sapphire look like?" I ask.
"What the?" Ruby asks, taken aback. Then she gathers her thoughts.
"Oh! She has gorgeous blue hair and a blue gown that covers her feet! She has one beautiful eye that's covered by her hair! I haven't heard her down here. Have you seen her?" Ruby asks.
"I'm sorry, I haven't. I've only seen Pearl. If I survive I'll look for her." I tell her.
"What do you mean survive?" Ruby asks. I sigh and stand, then I look down at her.
"White diamond ordered me to be tortured into a gem. She also wants Pearl to watch me suffer. There's a chance I won't survive. So, this might be the last time we see eachother." I tell her honestly. I hear the Jasper grumble and walk up behind me.
"C'mon. It's time to go, human!" Jasper yells. I sigh and look Ruby in the eyes.
"It was a pleasure to meet you. Pearl was right, you truly are made of love." I tell her, then I step through the bars. Jasper places her hands on my shoulders and turns me to head in the direction we were going to begin with.
"Wait! Y/N!!" I hear Ruby yell. Then I turn and look at Ruby. Once she see's she has my attention she speaks.
"You're made of love too. I know that'll help you survive." Ruby tells me, then she gets thrown back and I hear her hit the ground. I sigh and turn and look back down the hall. We continue walking until we stop in front of two huge closed doors. The doors magically open and the Jasper walks us in. I look around us and see a few cells and a bloody table with tools around it. In the cell closest to the table holds a gem in it. We walk closer to the cell and I realize it's Pearl huddled in one of the corners. The Jasper opens the cell next to her and shoves me in, this one is different though. It has silver bars instead of lit up yellow ones. The Jasper locks the cell door behind me and sits down in a chair and watches us. Pearl stays huddled throughout this though.
'I can't believe White wants me to stay in this cell. I might not see Y/N ever again after this. What if she dies? What will I do without her?' I hear Pearl's voice again in my head.
'You'll move on. I want you to be happy if I die. But don't forget about me.' I think. Then Pearl pops her head up and turns it around. Her eyes scan the room until they land on me. Once her eyes land on me she pops up and stands. She rushes to the edge of her cell and stares at me.
"Y/N.....What's about to happen?" Pearl asks.
"What do you know?" I ask. Then she frowns.
"All I know is that I will be watching you get tortured for White's own amusement." Pearl tells me. I just nod.
"Well White wants to see if I will survive being turned into a gem. If I do I will be the first human to survive her tests. It's also for her own amusement. She wants to see you suffer, she knows I......I like you. She wants me to know that you will see me die, she wants me to know a human should never like a gem." I tell her. Then she looks down at the ground. Silence washes over the room, even the Jasper is silent.
"How did you get inside my head? I heard you speak." Pearl says out of no where.
"I heard you in my head, so I thought what I wanted to say. I didn't know you heard me." I explain.
"How is that even possible? I've never heard of that before." Pearl tells me. Then I hear footsteps. I look away from Pearl and turn my head to spot a buff purple skinned gem with rainbow dreadlocks and a rectangular gem on their left arm. She hums a tune that's unknown to me and she soon stops in front of my cell. She holds her hands out in front of her and I notice a small purplish blue gem in her hands. I notice tears rolling down her face and I hear her sniffle. She lifts her head and looks at me.
"Are you Y/N?" She asks. I just nod my head as my reply.
"How is this going to work?" I ask. She sighs and continues to look at me.
"Well White diamond wants me to place this Holly Blue gem on your belly button. I will cut the shape around your belly button and cut it a bit deep and then i'll hammer it into your stomach. If you survive you will have blue skin and white, blue, and slightly pink hair. Along with a whip. You will be transformed into a gem while you sleep. If you die we'll dispose of your body. So how about we let you out and start the operation." The gem tells me, I still see the tears on her face.
"Before we start, what's wrong?" I ask concerned.
"Oh it's nothing. It's just, White diamond just poofed my best friend. This was her gem. She will transform inside of you. Now please let's hurry this up." The gem tells me. She unlocks the cell door and grips my tied hands, she then pulls me off the floor and I stand. She pulls me over to the table and lays me down. She unties my wrists and straps them onto the table, then she straps my legs. She grabs a scalpel that's next to me and places it by my elbow. Then she grabs some scissors and snips at my shirt, once she's done she places the scissors on the table next to us and rips it in half. I blush as I realize that everyone in this room can see me in my bra. I try to lift my arms up to cover my chest but the restraints keep me, well, restrained. She doesn't look at my chest and picks up the scalpel and places the Holly Blue gem over my belly button and I shiver. The gem is cold against my skin and I hear the gem sigh. She holds the scalpel up a little higher and I soon hear my heartbeat in my ears. She points a finger on the center of the gem and then I feel the cold metal on my skin. She traces around the gem and I groan. I feel it enter my skin and the blood rush to the top and onto my skin. It instantly warms up and I scream out in pain. I feel the blood warm up my skin and I look down at my stomach to see the blood covering the gem. She continues making the incisions and I look away, the blood making me woozy.
"Ahh!! Stop!" I scream. Suddenly the gem stops cutting my stomach and I look back down. The gem lifts up the Holly Blue gem and places it by my leg. I see the incision around my belly button and the blood going off my stomach and onto the table. She heaves a big sigh and picks something off the table. It seemed to be a melon baller and I groan. She makes a circle around my actual belly button with the scalpel with her left hand and then she uses the melon baller and scoops out my belly button like ice cream. I scream in pain and thrash my body, the pain hurting my nerves.
"Ahh!!!! Pearl!! Please help!" I shriek. I hear Pearl say my name quietly. I look up at the ceiling and I hear a thunk. I look at the table beside us and I see some red, bloody muscle. I look down at my stomach again as the gem moves her hands back to my stomach. She uses her nails to pinch the skin between her pointer finger and thumb and once she has it between her fingers she peels the skin. She pulls it away from herself and I see the bloody skin peel, as if it was left in the sun too long. I shake and thrive under her touch and I screech out in pain. I see the gem finish peeling my skin off and she places it next to the ball of muscle. Then she picks up the Holly Blue gem by my leg and places it over the perimeter she made on my stomach. I see it over the shape in my skin and she soon picks up a hammer that was on the table next to us. I see her move the hammer above the gem and bring it down.
"Ahhhh!!! Pearl, do something!!" I yelp. She hammers it repeatedly and I squirm under her.
"Eeek!!" I scream. The blood keeps gushing out of my skin and my vision begins to get blurry. I hear ringing in my ear and I feel myself pass out.
•Pearl's pov:
Y/N stops moving as the Bismuth delivers the last blow to the gem in Y/N's stomach. It makes me sick at how diamonds do this, they just treat them like animals and throw them like garbage on the side of the street. Each scream Y/N would release made my heart beat faster than the moment before, it even felt like it skipped a beat. I tried to get out the cell anyway I could but It kept shocking me back. I continue watching her and her chest doesn't rise or fall, she doesn't even move. All I can imagine is hearing the low continuous beep, and then when it stops. I can't lose Y/N.

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now