Why is it a hand?

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•Y/N's pov:
The hand descends down onto the beach and all I can think about is who's in that ship. Pearl left me and I don't know how to fight. If there is a gem on that ship like a diamond, i'm dead. I look around for anything to defend myself with but nothing is around me except sand. I stay where I am and look back at the hand that is getting surprisingly close to the ground.
"Pearl?! Garnet?! Rose?!" I yell, starting to worry.
No one comes to my rescue as the hand lands on the beach. I crouch down so i'm not as noticeable, and as I do this a noise erupts from the hand. A door at the bottom opens and some big and small gems come out of the open platform. A tall purple gem with long hair and another tall gem with long sandy colored hair and a few shorter gems, all red with kind of fluffy brownish black hair. These gems look around the beach and fail to spot me. I hear something snap and I instantly turn my head. Behind me stands Rose holding a sword, Garnet with gauntlets, and Pearl holding a smaller thinner sword. I put my pointer finger up to my lips and shush them. They nod their heads and Pearl and Garnet crouch but Rose stays standing. She walks forwards and down the hill, her sword raised. I look down at the other gems and they snap in Rose's direction. They get in a fighting stance but Rose stops.
"What is she doing?" I whisper, turning to look at Garnet and Pearl. Pearl shakes her shoulders as if signifying she doesn't know. Garnet on the other hand vanishes her gauntlets and takes off, her sun glasses? As she takes off her 'sun glasses' and three eyes come out from behind them. I stare mesmerized by her one red eye, one blue eye, and a purplish one. She touches her right blue gemed hand to her forehead, each of her eyes closing.
"I see this happening in 2 ways. Either Rose gets taken away or the one that's more likely is that Rose will fight and poof them all. She'll be fine Pearl." Garnet tells us, she places her hand on Pearl's shoulder Pearl wears a shocked and scared expression. Garnet moves her hand off Pearl's shoulder and looks at me.
"You stay here Y/N, we don't need you getting injured." Garnet tells me.
"No! I wanna help. I wanna fight, please Garnet. I'm a good fighter, I promise." I say, objecting to Garnets statement.
"Y/N, she's right. Just stay here, we can train you later. We don't need you to get hurt. I don't need you to get hurt." Pearl tells me.
"Fine, but you better keep your word. You'll train me when you get done." I say. Pearl nods and stands, as does Garnet. I look back at Rose and see she's still standing in the same place.
"I don't think you know what you're doing. Do you really enjoy being used as pawns by Yellow diamond? Stay here and fight with us! The Crystal gems!" Rose tells them, shoving her sword in the air. The tall gem with sandy hair just crosses her arms and scoffs. The smaller gem with red skin does a cart wheel until she reaches Rose. The tall gem with purple skin walks close behind the red gem and places their hand on her shoulder.
"Move." The purple gem tells the red one. The red one stays in place and continues looking at Rose.
"Why would we join you? If we join you we'd be shattered! We'll never join you.....Every single one of us. Hates. You. We. Want. You. Shattered!!" The red one yelled, running and jumping onto Rose. The red one tackles and punches Rose and Pearl and Garnet rush down the hill, weapons ready and in hand. Once they reach the bottom they start attacking. Rose brings her sword up and stabs the red gem, and soon a small red gem falls to the floor. Rose lowers the sword and runs towards the tall purple gem and impales her, soon another gem falls to the floor and only the sandy haired gem and 2 more red gems stay standing. I look back and look at Garnet and Pearl, Pearl fights the tall sandy haired gem and Garnet fights the small red gems. Soon the red gems hold hands and seem to run together and form a much bigger red gem. Garnet sighs and jumps up in the air, throwing punches. The now tall red gem also throws punches, but Garnet just dodges in mid-air. Pearl on the other hand gets hurt and injured by getting head butted repeatedly. She soon falls to the floor, her sword on the ground. Rose whips her head towards Pearl and rushes towards the tall purple gem. Once she reaches Pearl the tall red gem stomps towards Pearl and Rose. Garnet falls to the floor but lands on her feet in ease. She runs so quickly I start to lose her, but she soon jumps and punches that tall sandy colored haired gem in the face. Her helmet crunches and cracks. Then the huge red gem stomps on top of Rose, but she disappears underneath the huge red gems foot. Her sword flies across the sand and close to me. All of Garnet and Pearl's warnings float out of my head and I rush towards the sword. I pick it up and rush towards the tall red gem, I slice and cut at the gems foot but nothing seems to hurt her. The red gem soon notices me and chuckles.
"Ooh, what's this? A stupid human trying to help these worthless, wrong gems? How funny! I think you'd be a great addition to Pink diamonds zoo. Don't try to do anything, we'll just make you feel worse! You're coming with us human." The red gem says, bringing her arm down and swooping me up.
"Y/N!!" Garnet and Pearl yell in unison. I keep the sword in hand and scratch at her hand with it. She doesn't wince or sneer in pain and I sigh.
"Pearl! Garnet! What do I do?!" I yell, crouching to get closer to them.
"Y/N! Jump! I'll catch you!" Pearl yells, but she gets head butted and falls to the floor. Rose soon jumps up and stays floating and holding out a hand. I smile and jump, holding my arms out and Rose catches me. Then she falls down to the beach quickly but slowly and lands on her feet. She lets me go and jumps up again, stabbing them in the chest and poofing them. The now smaller red gems fall to the floor and stay on their knees and hands. They huff and sigh in pain and I do as well. I keep Rose's sword in my hand until she floats back down, and looks at me.
"That was dangerous Y/N. You could've been taken or-" Rose begins. A poof of air comes in front of me and a gem falls to the sand. Behind where Rose just stood was 3 more gems on the sand, one white, one red, and the other blue. The person behind Rose was the sandy colored haired gem and she stares at me with a glare. I stare back and gulp.
"You're coming with us short stuff." The gem muffles, I shake my head.
"No. I'm not getting in that..... Hand!" I yell, throwing my arms in the air.
"It is not a hand, human! It's a space craft that's too confusing for a brittle human brain." The tall gem tells me, flicking my head. I then rib my hand and growl, I hold up Rose's sword and back up. I hold it in both hands and stand, holding it towards the tall gem. She scoffs and soon a helmet appears on her head, I then notice a gem where her right ear would be.  She then smirks and I get flashbacks to middle school. Me fighting with Amber and getting physical outside. Then I rush towards her, sword tight and in hand and I swing it, feeling it go through skin. But she doesn't falter in anyway, she just stays there and smiles. Before I know it i'm being tackled and i'm falling onto the sandy surface. I unfortunately keep my mouth open and sand gets into my mouth. I take my head up and spit out the sand, but I still feel something on top of me. I groan and try to stand up but they keep me down on the sand. I then feel something tighten on my wrists, but I try to move my hands apart but they don't move. I then figure they put some types of hand cuffs on me and I sigh. Soon arms grab my tied wrists and hoist me up to stand. I roll my eyes as I hear someone make a 'tssk, tssk' noise. Soon the small red gems look up at me, staring me in the eyes, except for one though. One has an eyepatch over her left eyes and she's scowling at me.
"Jasper, are you sure Pink diamond needs another human in her zoo?" The eyepatch one says, staring at the taller gem now named Jasper and she just nods her head, her helmet now gone and off her head. Jasper walks towards me and pushes me with her finger.
"Get in the ship." She demands.
"Why? What about my friends?" I ask.
"Don't worry about them. They'll reform. You should be happy we don't take them." The Jasper tells, shoving me a second time. I don't move and stay in my stance. I look down at the sword and then at Rose's gem, Pearl's gem, and Garnet's gems. Then I get an idea.
"Wait! Why don't we bring them? Aren't they needed on Homeworld?" I ask. The Jasper glare at me now.
"I said get into to the shi-" The Jasper begins, but the red gem intervenes.
"That's a great idea human! Let's bring them!" One of the red gems yells dreamily. The Jasper sighs.
"Fine. Pick them up, one of you stupid Rubies." The Jasper now yells at the now known Rubies. The Ruby with the eyepatch rushes and picks up each gem on the sand. Once the Ruby picks up each of the Crystal gems gems she rushes towards us. She stands beside her fellow Rubies and looks up at the sky, her eyes almost in star shapes, awestruck. I chuckle at her eyes until Jasper grasps my hands and literally pushes me forward. The door opens from the bottom of the ship and the Rubies run onto the ship, the Crystal gems gems in their hands. Jasper walks slow behind me but keeps a firm grip on my wrists. She walks us towards the platform and pushes me up. Once I reach the top of the platform Jasper walks up behind me and the platform soon moves up. Quickly no light shines through it and I know it's closed. Jasper turns us around and lets us walk through the corridor, leading us somewhere. I turn my head around to look at the closed door and look back at her.
"But why is it a hand?"

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now