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•Y/N's pov:
"I did it all for you." I tell Pearl honestly. She smiles until we hear a grunt. Pearl turns around and looks at Rose, I look at her as well.
"As much as we enjoy being out of our cells and seeing eachother, we should try to find a way out of here." Rose tells us, stepping forwards.
"You're right. What's the plan?" I ask. Everyone goes quiet and stares at me.
"What?" I ask. Rose steps towards me, then she places a hand on my shoulder.
"Tell us where to go. You know this ship better than all of us. Show us the way." Rose tells me wholeheartedly. I look around and see everyone is smiling at me.
"Okay then....Well White is on the top floor and the escape pods are on the 11th floor, sooo 5 floors down." I explain with a finger on my chin.
"So we go 5 floors down. How do we not get caught?" Pearl asks.
"Well the Bismuth I met told me about-" I begin.
"Shape shifting! Of course! Y/N you're a genius. Rose can act like a Rose quartz soldier, I can split up and Pearl can just be a Pearl. Does anyone have any questions?" Garnet asks. Rose and Pearl exchange looks and I instantly know what they're thinking. They're thinking about being Pink diamond and Pink's pearl and they smile, only I seem to notice this though.
"No one? Oh, yes Pearl." Garnet asks.
"If i'm going to just be a Pearl, who will I be chaffering?" Pearl asks. Some light emits from Garnet and Ruby and Sapphire are now where Garnet once stood.
"Me of course." Sapphire says smiling.
"Actually I have a question now." I say. Sapphire then moves her head in my general direction.
"Yes, Y/N?" Sapphire asks.
"If Rose is already a Rose how will she shape shift into a soldier?" I ask.
"Hmmm. That's a good point. Rose, do you have any ideas?" Sapphire asks. Rose looks at Sapphire and nods.
"I could shape shift into an old Rose quartz gem I knew, maybe with the thought of her I can at least look a little like her. What's our percentage of actually doing it Sapphire?" Rose asks.
"2%, but let's try our best anyway. Y/N, lead us out of this room." Sapphire orders. I nod and turn around, until I feel Pearl grasp my hand. I look to my left and looked at Pearl with a quizzical look.
"Y/N.....What about me? They already know me and who I followed. What should I do? Shape shift?" Pearl whispers with wide eyes.
"Ummm. I have absolutely no idea. Maybe change your outfit? Uh, can you actually do that?" I whisper back. In the corner of my eye I see Rose's pink hair and she's soon next to Pearl.
"Pearl, what about your outfit?" Rose whispers, looking down at Pearl.
"Y/N says I should change my outfit. Do you think that could work?" Pearl says, lowering her voice a little bit. Then I notice Ruby and Sapphire staring at us. Pearl then turns and looks at them.
"I can't do this Sapphire. They already know what I look like, White and her Pearl knows what I look like. You can even ask Y/N. They had me in a cage, watching Y/N getting tortured. Do you know what will work?" Pearl asks, pleading for an answer. I can't tell what Sapphire's thinking but she seems to be in deep thought. Rose puts her pointer finger on her chin, then her eyes bulge out.
"Ah ha!! Pearl, come here." Rose exclaims. Pearl nods her head and strides towards Rose. Rose leans towards Pearls ear and cups her hands around it and says something to her. Pearl nods her head and mumbles words under her breath. Soon Rose pulls away and looks at Pearl expectantly. Pearl shudders but nods. Then she walks towards me.
"Y/N. I need you to poof me." Pearl tells me. I look at her, flabbergasted.
"What do you mean Pearl?" I ask.
"Y/N, summon your whip and poof me. Turn me into just a Pearl, no body, just the gem. I know you've been practicing. Once you poof me, it'll take me a little bit but i'll reform and have a new outfit." Pearl explains. I just shake my head.
"Pearl. I think my idea might work, I need to talk to you and Rose in private. Once you hear me out, then we can choose. Now Rose, Pearl, follow me." I order, they nod and come over towards me. I walk towards the corner and they follow, then I wrap my arms around them and begin saying my plan. They wrap both of their arms around my shoulders and look at me.
"Rose, Pearl. Why don't you shape shift? I already know that Rose is Pink and Pearl was her Pearl. So Rose, shape shift into Pink and Pearl shape shift into your old outfit. Do you think that's possible to do?" I ask, whispering. Pearl makes a weird noise and looks at Rose. Rose looks at Pearl, then at me. She unwraps her arms from mine and Pearl's shoulders and steps out and towards Sapphire.
"Okay. We've got a plan. This might be risky but it just might work. I will shape shift into Pink diamond and Pearl will shape shift into her Pearl. Sapphire, do we have a higher possibility?" Rose asks. Sapphire nods her head and grips Ruby's hand, then she looks back up at Rose.
"The percentage has gone up by a .5%." Sapphire tells Rose, smiling. Rose chuckles and looks back at Pearl.
"So now it's a 2.5% chance? That's even better." Rose says sarcastically, but she smiles. Pearl steps next to Rose and looks at her. In a flash of pink light, Pink diamond now stands in front of me. The tall, pink, beautiful gem looks around at everyone with a smile on her face. She seems pleased with herself and them looks down at Pearl. Rose nods her head and Pearl smiles, in a flash of white light Pearl is now in the dress I saw her in from my dream just a few nights ago. She's still the same height but her dress goes just a little bit above her knees. I look over at Ruby and Sapphire and Ruby looks completely surprised, Sapphire on the other hand looks somewhat pleased.
"How do we look?" Rose asks everyone.
"Scary." Ruby tells her.
"Very intimidating." Sapphire says.
"Wonderful.......My diamond." Pearl tells her, a slight smirk on her face. Rose laughs and looks down at Pearl with admiration in her eyes.
"Okay, Y/N, lead us out." Rose instructs. I nod and walk towards the doors I came through. I hear footsteps behind me and I know that the other gems are following me. I open the door and step out, I look around the corner and see no one in the halls besides the cells filled with upset looking gems. I wave my hand and step out into the hall, everyone steps out into the hall and I hear the door close. Sapphire walks towards my side and Ruby follows, Rose gets in front of me and Pearl follows her. Rose gets to my left and Pearl is on her left, and Ruby and Sapphire are just a little bit behind us. Some heads of the imprisoned gems look up at us and the rest sulk and stare down. I lead them down the hall, searching for the door that leads to the stairs. We finally reach them and I type something into the key pad. The door opens up and I step through, then Rose and Pearl step through and Ruby and Sapphire come through last. I walk down the multiple flights of stairs, and we soon land on the 11th floor. I type something in the key pad and step through the now open door. Pearl and Rose walk beside me and Ruby and Sapphire softly step behind me, I look to my left and right and see huge cages. I look at the big cages and wonder what used to be in there.
"Y/N....." Sapphire whispers, leaning towards me and touching my shoulder. I stop and look down at her. She points towards a cage and I spot a huge looking gem, it's an orange gem that's on all fours. It has purple hair and muscular orange skin, it has white slit like eyes and roars. Sapphire backs up a bit and Ruby does as well, Rose looks at it in complete shock. 
Rose steps towards it and reaches out a hand, Pearl surprisingly doesn't go after her.
"Y/N!!" I hear someone yell, I turn around and see Bismuth. She runs towards me and tries to hug me, but then she notices everyone else. She stands and solutes Rose with that hand signal.
"Hello Pink diamond. It's great to finally see you." Bismuth tells her. Rose just looks at her in complete shock written all over her face. Pearl elbows her in the side and Rose shakes her head, then she waves.
"Oh, hello." Rose says quietly. She looks shocked and I look at her, then I close my eyes and think.
'Rose. I know it might be weird that you're Pink diamond again, but just breathe. It'll be fine.' I think, I open my eyes and see her looking at me. She nods her head and takes in a breath.
"Bismuth, this Holly blue agate is showing me and my Pearl around, along with my personal Ruby and Sapphire. Now that i've seen the whole ship I think me and my fellow gems will take our leave." Rose says. She turns around and begins walking but Bismuth speed walks towards her.
"No no no. White diamond should see you right away. She would enjoy some company, that's probably why she invited you." Bismuth tells her. Rose turns around and looks at the Bismuth, she wears a true frown and looks down at Bismuth.
"I can see her later Bismuth. I need to get back to my ship." Rose tells her. Bismuth shakes her head and frowns.
"Does she even know you're here? She should know you're here! She is part of your family and you should see her! She can talk to you about your colony and it's cluster." Bismuth orders her, crossing her arms. Pearl sighs and steps towards Bismuth.
"Listen here Bismuth! My diamond is tired of this ship and wants to leave. Now let us take our leave." Pearl orders back. Bismuth raises an eyebrow and chuckles.
"Well I'm sorry garbage, but my diamond should talk to your small, idiotic gem of a diamond! Now go talk to my diamond or I will have to get her myself!" Bismuth barks, pointing Pearl in the chest. Pearl looks outraged and swings an arm, but a Topaz grabs it before Pearl can hit Bismuth. Pearl looks shocked and looks up to see the Topaz.
"White diamond will be pleased to see you. Now go before I shatter you and the rest of these gems. Pink diamond can always get new one's, especially defective ones." The Topaz warns Pearl. Pearl tries to pull away but the Topaz tightens her grip.
"Let her go Topaz. I'll take them to White and tell her what's going on. Bismuth you can come with me but trail behind us." I order, looking at both Bismuth and Topaz with a glare.
"As you wish Holly." Bismuth and Topaz say at the same time. Topaz lets go of Pearl's hand and turns on her heel and stalks away. Bismuth looks at me and I look at Rose and Pearl. I solute Rose, and I bring my hands up to my chest.
"I'm sorry my diamond for my comrades. They can get out of hand. Now please follow me towards White diamond's room." I say, turning around and walking forward. I hear footsteps behind me and I know they're following me. I lead them to the door that we just went through and I begin to type something in the panel but I hear someone clear their throat. I turn around and look at each gem behind me. I fold my arms behind me back and I notice Bismuth walking towards me.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but the Pearl's are supposed to open doors to each ship. You should never do a job that such a low gem can do to make themselves worthy." Bismuth tells me. She steps backwards and elbows Pearl in the chest. Pearl sighs and steps towards the door. She types something quickly into the panel and steps back and stands beside Rose. The door lifts open and I step through and I walk up the stairs. I walk up each flight until we reach the top of the ship. Everyone stays behind me until we reach the doors that lead to White's room. Pearl types things on the panel until the doors open. I turn around and look at Bismuth.
"Bismuth, you can leave now. I will take them inside." I tell her. Bismuth nods and turns to walk away, once she's out of view I look back at Rose, Pearl, Ruby, and Sapphire.
"Just act natural. Breathe if you feel nervous, i'll get us out as quick as I can." I tell them. I walk through the door and they follow, I look up and solute White. I bow and so does everyone else except for Rose.
"My diamond I found Pink and her Pearl......" I say, until I realize White already knows that Pearl is Pink's pearl. I wear a fearful expression but I still look at White. She looks down at us with a smirk on her face.
"Pink!! There you are!" White says.
"Hello White." Rose tells her.
"What brings you here Pink?" White asks.
"I'd like to learn more about my cluster. I'd also like to apologize for disappearing for a few millennia's, my Pearl got taken away from a human." Rose tells her.
"It's fine Pink. You should know about your cluster though. You should know when it'll break through your planets crust. If that's all you need than please leave my ship." White says.
"Okay. I'll go back to my ship. I'll come back when there's a real emergency." Rose tells her and turns around, Pearl does as well and types something in the panel and the door opens. I turn around but White speaks.
"Y/N. Stay back please." White tells me. I turn around and face her.
"Yes, my diamond?" I ask. White smiles and I hear the door close behind me.
"You're a very resourceful girl. I have enjoyed watching you trick my gems, I will let you leave. I do have to warn you though. I will not let you go again. If you come back here I will shatter you. Now off you leave." White tells me. I turn around and begin to type things in the panel.
"Oh, Y/N? I must warn you that if you ever get poofed, you will not reform. You will be dead to the world forever." White warns. The door opens and I step through, then I hear it close behind me. Rose and Pearl turn their heads towards me but Ruby and Sapphire continue talking to eachother.
"Let's go." I tell them. Pearl steps towards me and places her left hand on my shoulder.
"Are you alright?" Pearl asks. I just nod and stare at the ground.
"You're horribly pale. We should hurry you onto the escape pods. Come on." Pearl tells me. I just nod my head and continue staring at the ground. Pearl turns around and walks forwards, then she tells Rose something.
"We should go." Pearl whispers. Rose nods and turns around and walks forwards, Pearl stays by her side. Sapphire falls back by me and Ruby continues walking.
"I have seen that White knows about us. What has she told you?" Sapphire asks with her hands folded above her dress. We walk slowly behind the others and I stare at her confused until I remember Sapphire can see the future.
"She told me I was a resourceful girl and that that's the reason she's allowing us to leave. She also told me that if she see's me again she will shatter me." I explain.
"There's something else though, isn't there? I can sense that your confused and scared. What else did she tell you?" Sapphire asks. I continue walking and she stays by my side. Pearl types something on the control panel and the door opens. We all step through the door and step down the multiple levels of stairs. Sapphire and I walk down the stairs slowly and I notice that everyone else is gone. We reach the bottom of the stairs on the 8th level and Sapphire looks at me expectedly.
"Fine. White told me that if I get poofed, I'll never reform. So i'm scared Sapphire." I tell her honestly. She nods her head and parts her hair down the center, then one blue eye stares at me.
"I see multiple paths and multiple roads Y/N. I see so many ways things that will hurt you, I also see things that won't. I do not know if you'll be poofed or if you'll survive. I cannot pick a specific path. I do know you will fight for love and for human kind. No one knows how they will die, not even me. Trust me when I say we will all protect you. You're apart of the Crystal gems now. You're apart of our family. Now brush off those nerves, and live life to the fullest. I believe that you can be happy as a gem. Pearl will stay with you along the way. Rose will help you, and so will me and Ruby. We will make sure you're safe Y/N. If you ever need help just call for Rose or Pearl. Do know that me as Garnet will always protect you. Now, let's go." Sapphire tells me. She smiles and then lets go of her hair. She grips my hand and types something on the panel and once the door opens we step through. We walk down the corridor until we reach the others by the escape pods. They're green with a black windshield. Once we reach the others I let go of Sapphires hand. She walks towards Ruby and hugs her, then a bright light emits from them and Garnet stands besides Rose. A pink light comes from Pink diamond and Rose now stands as herself. Then a white light comes from Pearl and she now wears her regular clothes. I smile and look at them but my smile soon fades, I begin to hear running footsteps behind me.
"Get in the ship!" I whisper yell. They all nod except for Garnet. Rose pulls Pearl into the pod and Garnet steps towards me. I look at the pod and smoke comes off of it, then it shoots out and disappears. I turn back to look down the hall and see Bismuth running towards me and Garnet. Once Bismuth spots me and Garnet she stops and scowls.
"What are you doing here?" Bismuth asks.
"Just leaving actually." I tell her. Bismuth scoffs, she moves her right hand and it becomes a hammer. Then she moves her left hand and makes it a saw.
"Just let us go Bismuth, I don't want to hurt you." I tell her. She just steps forwards, glaring at me and Garnet. I sigh and summon my weapon, and Garnet summons her gauntlets. Bismuth runs towards me and I crack my whip against the ground but Bismuth doesn't falter. I grip my whip tightly and whip it towards her feet, I tie her feet up and tug on my whip. I press the button on my whip and electrify it, she wriggles around on the ground. I pull her towards me and Garnet jumps on top of her, then she pounds her fists all over Bismuth's face and stomach. Garnet soon jumps off Bismuth and I do my yo-yo trick and move my wrist close to my face then farther from my face. I then fling her far away from us and I bang her on the ground. Soon I hear a popping noise and I see her gem on the ground. I run towards one of the escape pods and type things on the keypad so I can open up the pod. I finish typing things on the pad and the pod opens up. Garnet walks towards me and hugs me from behind.
"I told you i'd protect you." Garnet tells me. I smile and step in the pod.
"Come on Garnet. Let's go home." I tell her. She smiles and steps in, after me and the pod closes up. I put my hands in the projection of the controls and I feel electricity moving through me.
"Oooooh....." I say. I hear Garnet chuckle and she sits beside me on the bench. I create the image of the sandy beach in my mind and the ship falls towards it. I pull my hands out of the projection and look out the windshield. I see Earth coming into orbit and we quickly fall into the orbit of Earth. The ship heats up and we fall towards the ground, I close my eyes until I feel us hit the hard ground. I open my eyes and see Garnet on the floor with her glasses on the ground. I spot her 3 eyes and she winks, then she puts on her glasses. She stands up but leans forwards a bit, then she tries to pull open the door. It doesn't budge and she summons her gauntlets, then she punches the door and it soon flies off. Bright lights shine into the pod and I cover my eyes. Garnet steps out and onto the sandy shore. I uncover my eyes and stand up, then I step out the pod. When I step out I'm soon tackled to the floor. I get sand all over my face and I hear Pearl laughing, I then instantly know it's her.
"Oh! I'm sorry Y/N!" Pearl yells. She gets off of me and she grips my hand, then she pulls me off the ground. She turns me around and wipes the sand off of my face. She flashes me a smile and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her back but then I feel four more sets of arms around me and Pearl.
"Welcome to the Crystal gems Y/N." Rose says.
Hello! Sorry it's been so long. I just didn't have the motivation to do it. But I do have some big ideas for upcoming chapters. I can't find a video about a fusion between Garnet and Holly blue, so i'm gonna draw one. Please don't hate it, i'm not the best artist and i'd love to hear feedback once the chapters up. Up next is the kindergarten!!

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now