Cool Pearl

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•Y/N's pov:
*Beep,beep, beep!*
I open my eyes and see Pearl spooning me. I can't see behind me but I see her pale arm. I look up at my clock and see it reads 7:45.
"Uhhhh!" I grumble. I lift my arm up and slap the off button, once I hit it I feel Pearl move behind me. Then I feel Pearl lift her arm up and sit up. I turn around in my bed and see Pearl sitting up right and looking at me, blushing.
"Mornin' Pearl." I say, looking at her.
"Good morning Y/N. How did you sleep?" Pearl asks. Part of me considers telling her about my nightmares until I decide of telling her, she might know something.
"It wasn't that good. I've never had that many dreams about gems."I say.
"How many did you have?" Pearl asks. I sit up and pull the covers over me, I then pull my left hand out and count on my fingers.
"Well the first one was then you stabbed me in the stomach, the second one my grandma was alive and on a spaceship and the third one was about you and I going on a crystal platform and we teleported someplace that had a beach. You then hugged Garnet and Rose and you guys asked if I wanted to be apart of the Crystal gems, and then a pair of pink legs landed on the beach and a figure came out of the pair of legs. Then I woke up, I almost saw her but then my alarm went off." I explain, shoving my fingers back under my blanket.
"That was Pink's ship! Why were you dreaming of Pink all night?" Pearl asks. I just shrug my shoulders and shiver.
"I have no idea, but the figure didn't look like Pink. It was someone much taller than Pink. One of the things I don't understand is why I saw someone who wasn't Pink on her ship. It couldn't be Pink though because Rose was by you and Garnet." I say.
"It could have been Yellow or Blue, I don't know why they wouldn't bring their own ship though. Did your grandma ever tell you what these dreams meant?" Pearl asks. All I can do is shake my head no.
"She never mentioned the meanings of dreams, she did say it was as if she was really there. In my dreams it seems like it's real, I choose what I say and do. I actually feel that pain, I feel and see everything. I think my grandma just saw things, like the diamonds but she believed she could travel through dreams but it turns out she was abducted. I don't know why I'm the person out of my family to have these dreams that feel....So real." I explain, looking at my hands.
"You were probably the only one strong enough to hold and bare that gift. You will help me get back home and will also help me know what could possibly happen to you and the Earth. I'm happy I can help you with interpreting your dreams. I'm happy I met you." Pearl says, sliding her pale cold hands into my hands. I look up at her and see a very bright blush.
"Cold hands equal a warm heart." I say, blushing as well.
"Well actually gems don't have human organs." Pearl states, but she them see's my upset expression and she stammers, trying to make an excuse that'll make me feel better.
"But it's the thought that counts!" Pearl says. I chuckle and turn to look back at my clock.
"Shit!" I yell, jumping off the bed and towards my closet. I quickly move some shirts and pants around and finally find a Get Scared
t-shirt and some black, ripped jeans. I pull them out of my closet and rush towards the bathroom. I push the door open and lock it behind me, I take my tank top off and put on my Get Scared t-shirt and I then pull my shorts off and pull on my ripped jeans. Then I look down at the sink and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and brush my teeth. I brush my teeth with one hand and brush my hair with the other. I spit out the toothpaste and put my hair brush down, I grab my deodorant and slip my hand under my shirt and put on the deodorant. I then pull out my deodorant and unlock the door, I rush down my stairs and by the door. I find my red converse by the door and slip them on, then I pull my book bag off the hook.
"Pearl! I'm leaving for school!" I yell, unlocking the door and rushing to my school. I sprint down the street, once I reach the school my hair is stuck on my forehead. The bell rings and echoes around me, I sigh and rush up the stairs and through the front doors. I jog to my locker and quickly put in the combination, I pull the locker door open and place my bag in. I take out the books I need and my homework that I finished over the weekend and a few pens and pencils and I slam my locker shut. I rush to my English class and I look through the window in the door, I see that only the teacher and the Bitch of the West sitting on our teachers desk. I knock on the door and I see Amber turning her head to look at who's at the door, A.K.A me. She rolls her eyes and continues talking to the teacher. I knock again but louder but she just ignores me. I scoff and knock one more time, but with a ton of force. This time she doesn't ignore me and walks slowly towards the door, once she reaches the door she pushes the door open quickly and it hits me. I fall back and onto my butt and my books scatter across the floor, Amber just laughs.
"Look at how clumsy and stupid you are! I've never seen you look so stupid, do you know what would make this better?" Amber asks. I keep quiet and she pulls out her phone.
"A picture!! Oh, smile Y/N!" Amber says, laughing like a hyena.
"Next time leave me and Mr. Jefferson the fuck alone you skank!" Amber tells me, chuckling and slamming the door shut behind her. I hold up my right arm and flip her off, then I drop my arm back to my side. I  pick up my books from the floor and I stand. I look through the door and see Amber frenching Mr. Jefferson.
"Great. Now the slut will not have to do any homework, I'll just report her to the office. Again." I murmur.
"Y/N!" I hear someone yell. At first I think it's Pearl yelling until I remember she's at my house. I hear footsteps and I turn around, I spot a tall figure wearing a black leather jacket. Once the figure gets closer I realize it is Pearl.
"Pearl what on Earth are you doing here?" I ask.
"Oh nothing! I just know you don't like school that much, I figured I could come and offer some support and help you." Pearl explains, smiling.
"Oh, okay?" I say, wondering why she would come to my school. Then I look at her outfit.
"Where'd you get the clothes Pearl?" I ask.
"Oh. Oh! Well I didn't want to wear just my regular outfit, so I borrowed some of your clothes. I found this nice leather jacket and jeans and they surprisingly fit. I'm sorry I didn't ask, but I wanted to surprise you." Pearl says, rather quickly. I just nod my head and look at my clothes on Pearl.
"They fit you pretty well, if you ever want to wear some other of my clothes you can if ya' want." I offer. She just chuckles and moves her hand a little bit and waves it forward.
"I don't need anymore clothes. These ones are kinda scratchy and uncomfortable, but thanks for the offer." Pearl says, I just laugh and soon Amber shoves open the door. Her lipstick is around her lips and her button up shirt has a few buttons loose, so she's showing obvious cleavage. I just scoff and she stops as she walks out the class, looking Pearl up and down with her eyes. She fixes up her posture and holds out her hand.
"Hi! You must be new! My name's Amber! You seem pretty cool! If you ever want to sit at my table and stay away from this slob you can just come right over! If anything you can walk with me right now! Everyone knows this whore is pretty dirty and a huge skank. You should stay away, you'll probably get aids." Amber tells Pearl, wearing the fakest smile I've ever seen but still has her hand out. Pearl looks down at it, very confused until she moves her gaze up and then looks at me, then back at Amber. Pearl doesn't take her hand and Amber seems to understand that Pearl is gonna stay on my side. Amber scoffs and flips her hair.
"Your loss! Have fun dying with this slutty loser!" Amber yells, walking away from us.
"At least she doesn't have sex with teachers who are 57 years old! Now that's a 'slutty' thing to do! Also fix your lipstick! It's obvious you just sucked this guy di-" Pearl yells, but I soon cover her mouth with my hand.
"Pearl! Shush! You're just stooping  down to her level. And yes she might be a skank, but she's not the only one that laughs and makes fun of me. I'm used to it by now." I explain. Pearl looks mad and looks down her nose at me.
"They treat you horribly! No one should be made fun of and harassed! You're such a nice and understanding person. They should know that." Pearl says.
"The only reason people talk bad about someone else is because they're not happy about themselves. She's just not happy with how she has sex with people to get good grades. I know I'm better than her because I don't have to do that stuff, I do stuff without selling my body to old men and guys I hate. I should be happy that someone who seems flawless is not perfect at all, she has waaay to many flaws, and she probably has aids or at least a disease. I don't have or do any of those things. You have to look at the good things Pearl." I tell her, placing my hands on her shoulders. She looks at me in the eyes and knows I'm being sincere. She just nods her head and smiles.
"Okay, okay. I understand." Pearl tells me.
"Now let's start our long day of hell." I say, patting Pearl's back. She turns to look at me and smiles.
"Let's" Pearl says, nodding her head and stepping forward. English here we come!

My grandma's necklace-A Pearl x reader story •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now