2. First Meeting

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Jeon Jungkook entered the set and went straight to the director. He was looking so good in his t-shirt. And his coconut hair were making him more cute. I observed him for a while. He was meeting all the other cast very respectfully. And was listening to the director sincerely. He is so successful in such small age and I am 3 years older than him still I am working as an assistant for the director. I signed at my slow process towards success.

After director explained all the things, he came towards my direction and we started the shoot. We have to shoot 3 days with this group. Day 1 went very smoothly but was really tiring. The cast were sent to the hotel for all the voting. As soon as the voting was done, day 1 was completed and cast went to rest. Crew was also given rooms. I was sharing room with Jinee. Soon Jinee went for sleep but for some reasons I couldn't sleep in hotel rooms. I am just not that comfortable. I know I should get the habit but i just couldn't. I took my retro camera and went outside.

I was walking around in the hotel until I heard a familiar voice. I walked towards the direction of the voice. I ended up in front of the opened door of a balcony. I peeped outside. I saw a guy in white t shirt and black jeans talking on the phone.

"Nae hyung." The guy said.
I know i shouldn't eavesdrop but.....

"Saranghaeyo." Cute.

The person put his phone down and stared at the view for a while.

Omg it's beautiful. I should click a picture.

I was about to go but then I saw the person turning around and walking inside I wanted to ran but the person saw me.

"Yah." He called out.
I turned around and was shocked as it was Jeon Jungkook.

"You were eavesdropping?" He said with a straight face.

"Anniyo. I was just passing by."
"Then why were running away?" He asked.
I didn't say anything. He was trying hard to make an eye contact but I was avoiding it.
But suddenly his gaze were not on my face but down somewhere. I quickly followed his gaze and he was looking at my chest (boobs). I folded my arms in front of my chest. He looked up again.

Suddenly he took my hands and put it down.

"I wasn't looking there. I was looking at your camera. Can I see it?"

I was feeling so embarrassed and I started to burning up. I quickly took my camera that was hanging on my neck and gave it to him.

While he was taking the camera i can see a teasing smile on his face.

"Also there is not much to see." He smirked and turn around towards view.

I looked at my boobs that were small. How can he say this directly? I huffed at walked towards him.

"Yah! How can you say this directly huh? You should know how to talk to a lady that too who is older than you. You should call me nuna and here you are commenting on my bo-, I mean commenting on me." I started to rant at him.

He went quiet and suddenly he burst into laughter. I was puzzled as i couldn't understand why he was laughing.

"Mwo?" I asked.

He wiped his tears which were due to laughter.

"You are just like Jin hyung." He said half speaking half laughing.

"He too rant like you and say these things like I am your hyung you should not talk like that and all."

I looked down as I realised that I shouldn't have talked like that with him after all he is an idol.

"Joesonghamnida." And bowed down a little.

"Ahh not need to be sorry."
I looked up at him.

"You made me remember of Jin hyung, it's a good thing. No one here is like my hyungs. So thank you for making me laugh."

He started to look around with my camera. I stood up straight and suddenly realised he still very tall for me. *sigh*

"You miss your members a lot right?"

He put the camera down and nodded without even looking at me.

"I have never filmed without them so yeah I miss them a lot." He looked at me and gave me sad smile.

Even though he is an idol and looks happy all the time but his sad smile says alot.

He turned his face again and look at the view for last time.

He handed me the camera back.
Suddenly he bowed down in front of me.

"Sorry for being rude,....nuna"
He stood straight and smiled and made his way inside.

I looked at his back till he was gone. I looked down at my camera and then the view.

He is humble maybe.


So finally i wrote further. I am sorry for late update i was studying as my final semester exams are approaching 😅😅 ( Wish me luck😥)

Anyways so this chapter was their first meeting 😝❤️. Okay so do tell what do u think of this chapter and if you liked it do vote.

Also italics portion if you don't understand is her thinking.

And sorry for any errors. 😅😅


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