26. Fired

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2 days later......

Crystal was working on the camera lens in the editing room when suddenly a stressed out Jun bursted in the room. He was panting hard as if he ran all the way here.

"Why the rush, Jun?" Crystal chuckled as she put her camera aside and looked at him.

Jun didn't say anything and sat on the chair beside Crystal and showed her his phone. Crystal took the phone from his hand in confusion and looked at what it was.


Breaking News: Jungkook from BTS is Dating!?

Jeon Jungkook from the biggest kpop group BTS was seen with a women in the car late night

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Jeon Jungkook from the biggest kpop group BTS was seen with a women in the car late night. They both were very cozy and were also kissing. Some fans say that the anonymous girl might be an idol but our insiders tell us that the girl is a staff member. There is no confirmation for either the company or the idol.

Comments 99+

btslife - what he can't date?!
xx_ - I don't like the girl already no matter who she is.
bts_blink - is it LISA?
aneyong - please support him if he is dating.
taeTae - i am unstaning.
Yoi - Guys she is staff member. I have seen her in a behind the seen. I mean she looks like her.
Justbts - @Yoi please tell which video.

Read more comments..


The fans were already bashing her without even knowing her. And she also saw negative comments on Jungkook. She knew this would happen but this soon she died expected it.

"What are you gonna do now?" Jun asked softly.

"I......I don't know." Crystal mumbled and leaned back in her seat. Jun sighed and felt bad for his friend. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"It will pass." but i don't know when Jun didn't knew what would happen. He knew how fans can be jealous, possessive and even dangerous.

The room was surrounding by dead silence when the door opened revealing other staff member.

"Sajang - nim is calling you, Crystal-ssi." He himself looked kinda worried for the girl. Jun looked at Crystal and patted her shoulder softly. Crystal came out of her thoughts and stood up from her seat and without saying anything went out of the room.

Crystal looked at the door. And suddenly the memories of the day he gave her warning came in front of her. She sighed and knocked on the door just to hear an angry voice.

"Come in."

She entered the room and saw Bang PD looking at something at his ipad. He looked at Crystal with stank eyes and then looked back at ipad.

"Sit." His voice harsh as ever.

She sat down but didn't dare to look at Sajang-nim. She was scared to death.

"I warned you but you didn't listened and now the consequences." He turned his ipad towards her. Crystal slowly looked up at the ipad and felt bad immediately. There were even more mess on social media. The fans were throwing bash at her but even more at Jungkook and group.

Her heart was feeling all types of pain. Because of her, he and the boys are suffering. Maybe just maybe she wouldn't have been so selfish, this won't be the situation. Tears were forming in her eyes as she bit her lower lip and looked down at her fingers. Bang PD sighed and turned back his ipad.

"You are fired, Crystal-ssi." His tone soft than before.

She didn't spoke anything. She just froze at her spot. The feeling of guilt was so much that she couldn't even feel like moving.

"This is only for Jungkook and the boys. I can't put anything at risk now please understand." He felt sympathy looking at the girl but had no choice. She nodded and stood up and bowed 90° in front of him.

"Thank you for everything, sajang-nim and sorry for causing troubles." She said and before she burst into tears she left the room. She stood outside the room and suppress her tears as much as possible. When a hand pulled her by her wrist and her head crashed on a hard but warm chest. She looked up and bit and saw Namjoon hugging her tightly. She couldn't help but start to cry without realizing.

"I am sorry." She said while crying. Namjoon put his hand on her head and with other hand patted her back.

"It's not your fault." He softly said.

She couldn't say anything because of her hard crying. She felt nothing but pain in her heart.

Soon she pulled away from Namjoon and sniffed and wiped her tears and tug her hair behind her ear and looked at Namjoon and gave him a weak smile.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon would lie if he said that he wasn't worried. Infact he was so worried that he might be feeling pain inside his heart too just seeing Crystal crying.

"I am." She nodded and paused before speaking again. "I am leaving." She looked down while speaking.

Namjoon eyes rounded. He was surprised. He imagined the outcomes but her leaving didn't even come in his mind ones.

"B-but why?......Did PD nim said something to you? You know I can talk to him to ab-"

"No. It's only better for Jungkook that I leave. Also for you guys too." She said with heavy heart.

Namjoon didn't speak for few seconds as he was trying to understand her.

"Have you talked to Jungkook?" He asked softly.

"No. I will not. I can't face him. It would be even more difficult for me." A tear ran down Crystal's cheek when she spoke this. She was trying hard not to cry again.

"J-just tell him that I am sorry." She smiled while crying and looked up at Namjoon who was just trying to understand her decisions.

"And thank you to other boys, they are so wonderful. Specially you. Thank you for being a great friend, Namjoon-ah!" She put her hand in front for him yo shake. He looked at her hand for few seconds before shaking.

She left his hand. And looked at him with sad smile on her lips and few tears in her eyes. "I am sorry for the troubles."

And she turned and went away. Namjoon-ah just kept on watching her back and how he can't stop her.

Goodbye, Crystal.


Get ready for the final~

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