3. Smile Hiding Pain

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"Yah Crystal wake up. The shoot is about to start. C'mon."

I heard Jinee yelling while she was pulling my blanket. I got up with still my eyes closed. I saw her already ready.

"What is the time?" I asked mumbling a little.

"It's 9:35."

Suddenly my eyes opened wide and I quickly grabbed my phone to check the time and it was 9:35.

And I am late again.

I quickly got up and started to take out my clothes out of my suitcase.

"Yah why didn't you wake me earlier?"

"Really? You are gonna blame me? I have been calling you since 8. But as heavy sleeper you are. You won't wake up."

I didn't care to answer her back and quickly brushed my teeth and put on my clothes.

After getting ready, me and Jinee locked our room and went down and joined the other crew who were already there.
We all reached the venue and I started to set my camera. Soon all the things were set and we were about to go live on vlive app.

Director started to film the cast but suddenly someone interrupted.

I looked over from where the voice was coming and saw Jungkook with a large white packet.

Jungkook entered where every cast was standing. Everyone looked at him with a weird expression.

"Where were you Jungkook-shi?" Jo seho asked.

"I went to bring some burgers and drinks for everyone." He said with a cute smile.
I smiled at his cuteness.

"We don't want them." He said.

"But I brought them for everyone so that we can eat together."

Jungkook sat at his place with his burgers with a sad face. I was looking at him only that how perfectly he was handling it.

"Yah come here." Jo seho called again Jungkook with his burgers.

He handed over the burgers to him with a smile filled with hope.

"Its hamburgers. This big." Jungkook said with excitement and using his hands to explain the size of hamburgers.

I was smiling at his thoughtfulness behind the camera. I thought he would be an arrogant and over confident idol who doesn't think of anyone else but himself but he is totally opposite.

"They look like leftovers." Jo Seho said whole handing his hamburgers back to him.

"But they are not." He said in serious tone.

He took the hamburgers with a sad smile.
"Why are they not eating?" He said while chuckling a little.

He put the packet at the table beside him. "I can't believe they are not eating it." He said it with smile again.

He is hiding his pain so well. If I were at his place then I would have drowned myself in my tears only. This guy is gaining my respect with each and every day passing.

"Yah crystal go with them and take it away." Director said to me in a silent tone.

"But sir -"
"No but go quickly."

I went quickly towards the table. I picked up the packet. Quickly took a look of Jungkook and came back with food.

I opened the packets and saw hamburgers which were nothing like leftovers. I wonder why Jo seho was so rude to him.

Soon Day 2 ended. It was a tough day for me but mostly for jungkook. I don't know who gave them right to embarrass him in front of everyone.
He was so strong and the smile with which he hid his pain. I can't believe someone such young can tolerate this shit. Even though I am a crew member I still think that they were wrong.

We all reached hotel and went to our rooms. Me and Jinee couldn't stop ranting on what happened today. Even our director thought that it was rude.

Soon Jinee went to sleep and me as usual took my camera and went out. Today no voice came from the balcony. I looked out and Jungkook was not there. I walked out and stared at the view. I don't know why but I wanted Jungkook to be here. I know we haven't talked much but still.

"Missed me..... Nuna?" a voice came from behind.

I turned around and saw him, whom I wished to be here. I wish I would have wished for me being director even that have become true. Sigh.

He came beside me and stared at the view. And smiled a little. I was looking at him. I don't know how he was keeping that smile after what happened.

"You are staring Nuna." Jungkook said without looking at me.

I blushed and quickly looked away.
Again there was silence.

"I didn't knew you were in the crew of Flower Crew."

"Well yeah why would you know. I'm not the director. I'm the assistant and nor I am your stylists and neither I am that beautiful that you will notice me."

He turned around and faced me. I looked at him. He kept quiet for a while and the turned back to the view.

"Yeah you are right. You are not that beautiful." He said with a teasing tone.

"Yah. Only I can call myself ugly. You are 3 years younger than me. You should know how to respect the older."

Suddenly I remembered what happened today. And kept my mouth shut.

"Why did you stopped?" he asked.

"C'mon ask me. I know you want to say something after what you saw today."

I kept quiet for a while but then turned towards him.

"How and why did you maintained your smile after so much happened?"

He was silent but then he took a deep breath.

"Sometimes you have to keep the happy face not for yourself but for others who love you. Also sadness and anger are questioned more than happiness."

He gave me a small smile. And then again went silent and enjoyed the view.

For others who love you?
Dad and mom.

"Wow. You have nice lines." I smiled.

"Well thank you nuna." He smiled back.
"But still you can't call me ugly." I spoke while pouting.

"I didn't call you ugly. I just said you are not beautiful." He laughed a bit.

"Aish." I gave up and stopped fighting and suddenly started to laugh.

He looked at me and joined me. We both laughed like little children.


So first of all sorry for late update. 🙏🙏🙏.

Secondly I know this was a bad chapter. But I wanted to take this incident on how rude Jo seho and other members with our baby Jungkook. I mean he was so excited about it. It's all in the video above 👆👆.
Later they even criticised Minseok for eating the burgers he bought. 😑
I wanted to beat shit out of Jo Seho 😑😑🔫🔫.

Let's just leave this topic with this chapter only. Or else I'll keep on ranting.

Sorry for any error. Bare with it.

Thank you for reading. 😘😘

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