18. Distance

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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

"Yah! Jungkook-ah focus." Hobi hyung said in an angry tone.

Currently we were doing dance practice of BST. And for some reason *cough* Crystal *cough* i can't focus. I was trying so damn hard but I just seem to get distracted.

I sat down leaning against the mirrors were dancing in front of. I ran my fingers through my hair feeling frustrated of being ignored. I just don't understand what's happening.

(A/N:- Neither do I Kookie 😅)

Suddenly I felt someone sit beside me.
"Are you okay?" Namjoon hyung asked.

I kept quiet and keep on staring at the floor.
"You know if you wanna take rest you can, we can just continue tomorrow." He said in a real calm voice.

I don't understand how the hell is he so patient. I mean Hobi hyung is like losing his freaking mind if I am messing even a bit. He is real scary when it comes to dancing.

"Hyung can I take a day off?" I asked in low voice keeping my stare at floor.

"Sure, kookie. You can. I'll make Hobi understand." Namjoon hyung patted my shoulder and stood up and went back to others.

I sighed and stood up. I looked over at Hobi hyung. He was listening to Namjoon hyung seriously when he slowly nodded and looked at me.

I made me way out of the practice room just colliding with the person I wanted to talk.

She looked at me then she bowed a bit and started to walk past me when I grab her by her arm.

Crystal's POV

Suddenly he grabbed me by my arm. I looked back at him. He seemed a bit tired. His eyes were a bit red. And his hair were messy and little wet with sweat.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?" He asked.

"Um.. sure. What is it?" I said while looking around a bit to see if someone was looking at us.

He seemed to notice this. As he also started looking around in confusion. He is such a lost bunny.

Looking at this, I kept my eyes on Jungkook so he won't get any confused.

"Can we talk over a coffee? I am a bit tired and want a coffee too. So?"

I hesitated for a bit but eventually said yes. This might be the last time I can settle this.


He started to walk ahead of me and I followed him closely.

We went from the back door just like me and Namjoon did earlier. We even went to the same coffee shop but the seat was different and even the person. And the feeling, well a real different feeling.

Jungkook sat in front of me after putting up the order and take off his black mask.

"So what do you wanted to talk about?" I asked avoiding the eye contact.

"How have you been, nuna?" He asked in the most softest voice possible.

Maybe I just melted a bit. God! Stay focused, Crystal. Distance.

"Good. How about you, Jungkook-ssi?" I asked politely.

"I'm okay." He looked at me directly but with sad eyes. He was looking for something. But I don't know what.

Soon our orders arrived and we started to drink our coffee in awkward silence.

"Nuna?" Jungkook spoke putting his cup down.

I looked at him and put my cup aside too.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked in most serious voice. There was a bit annoyance in his voice.

I was about to speak when he cut me off.
"Don't speak that you weren't because I am young but not stupid. You send other person for our Bangtan bombs. Why are you doing this?" He asked almost pleading for an answer.

I couldn't speak anything. He just doesn't know that i have been dying to talk to him too.

He suddenly stood up and grab my wrist and took me to the second floor where there was open area. No one was there just us and the awkward silence.

He stared at me with anger in his eyes.
"Aren't you gonna answer?"

"Jungkook-ah, I can't explain this-"

"Yeah right. You can't. What are you doing, Crystal? Playing with my feelings. I don't understand. I mean i don't even get it. Why me? I have never liked a girl like this. But you. And still you are doing this to me. If you don't like me then just reject me. Why pretending? Huh?" He almost shouted the last part.

I didn't realised that tears were in my eyes. Playing with his feelings? Pretending? Right.

He looked at me and his eyes soften.
He tried to speak something bit I stopped him.

"Don't." I put my hand in front of his face and stopped him.

"Right. I was pretending everything. Actually I never liked you. You are just a young and dumb kid. Why would i even like you?"

He froze and looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

I tried hard that tears won't fall as i look at him again with a mocking expression.

"I just used you Jungkook to get in BigHit to be honest. I was never your friend. I am just an assistant director for you. Okay? So stay away from me." I said these words and turned my back towards him.

I started to walk away from him.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook-ah but I have to keep my distance from you. Its for you only."


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