8. BigHit

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Should I go inside or not?

At the moment I was standing in front of the BigHit Entertainment. It was a huge and had a perfect architecture. Some foreigners were standing out of the building with cameras. But still there was a weird silence. I was feeling so nervous. My palms were little wet with nervousness. I looked at the building up and down again. And then stared at the entrance. I took a deep breathe.

Okay Crystal. Calm the fuck down. You can do this. Fighting.

I started to walk up the stairs and opened and opened the glass door. There was a man standing. He stopped me and asked why I was here. I told him about the letter and also showed him and he let me in.

I didn't knew we have to cross this freaky man too.

I walked to the reception table where a woman was working on some stuff. She was in her mid thirties.

"Sillyehamnida." (Excuse me)

The lady looked up at me.
"Nae? How can I help you?"

"Actually I was send a letter from BigHit and I have been called here today."
"What's your name?"
"Kim Crystal."

"Ahh nae. Sajang-nim called you."

I nodded. She pressed a button on the telephone and picked up the receiver.

"Sajang-nim? Crystal - ssi is here. Oh nae. Arasso."

She put the receiver down. And stood up from here seat. And came out from behind of the table.

"Please follow me." she turned and started to walk towards corridor. I started to follow her.

While we were walking I could see the big dance rooms. Studios. She stopped in front of a room. Bang Si Hyuk was written on a plate and it was put in the glass door.

"Sajang-nim is waiting inside."
"Oh nae. Kamsahamnida." I bowed down a little.

She bowed down too and then went away.
I was staring at the blur glass door. And the plate. I was quite nervous. I knocked on the door.

"Ah Crystal-ssi come inside."

I opened the door and saw the CEO sitting on the chair. He was old. But I actually thought the CEO will be more old. I bowed down in front of him.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Je ireumeun Kim Crystal imnida!"

He smiled at me.
"I know. Oh sit down Crystal."

I sat down getting more nervous. He put his hands on the table.

"Crystal let's come straight to the point."
I nodded.
"So I have been told that you are very good a video making and all."
"Nae. I know how to shoot."

"So, recently our assistant director left the job because of few reasons. So we were looking for a person perfect for the job and someone suggested your name. But I haven't seen your work. So before appointing you for the job I would like to look at your work. "

I got a little confused as how he will see my work also who suggested me? I never posted my works anywhere.

" Don't get confused. We will tell you everything. "

He picked up his receiver and pressed a button.
"Send Lee Jun in."
He put the receiver down and soon someone knocked on the door. A guy around my age entered the room and greeted the CEO.

"She is Kim Crystal."

Jun looked down at me gave me smile and bowed down a little. I returned back the smile and nodded my head.

"Crystal, he is Lee Jun. He will tell you everything. So you can come from tomorrow. We will see your work and depending on that we will appoint you."

I stood up and bowed down.
"Okay Sajang-nim."

I turned around and started to move out. I opened the door and moved out and closed it. I turned around but suddenly I bumped into something hard. I looked up and and pair of dark brown eyes looking at me. I pulled away from that person. As soon as I looked at him from distance I realised it was Rap Monster of BTS.

"Joesonghabnida. Joesonghabnida." I started to bow down fastly.

"Anniya. Anniya. It's okay." he shook his hand in front of me as a sign of stop.
I stopped and looked at him. He was bare face without any makeup. He is still so beautiful. And I am not even beautiful with makeup.

Yes you are ugly. Shut up stupid mind.

I smiled at him a bit.
"I didn't looked where I was going. Sorry."I hesitated a bit.

"Oh it's okay." He gave me his dimpled smile.

"Namjoon-ah" I looked back. It was Lee Jun. He was peeking out of Bang PD's room.
"Sajang-nim is calling you inside."
"Oh nae." Namjoon said.

Lee jun gave me a quick smile and went back inside. I looked back at Namjoon. He bowed in front of me a little. I did the same and step a side and gave him the way.
He went inside and closed the door again.

I smacked myself on my head. Pabo.

I started to walk towards the exit and went out of the building and headed towards my house.

Tomorrow is a big day.


Sorry for the late update and errors if any.
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