13. Mianhae

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Jungkook's POV

"Wah our maknae is looking sexy huh?" Hobi hyung said with amused expression.

"Our Jungkookie is all grown up." Jimin said while jerking my shoulders a bit and looking at me from the mirror.

Today was our Blood Sweat Tears MV shooting. We all were dressed up and the crew was already preparing the set for shooting to start soon. Makeup Nuna was just finishing my makeup and then I was done.

As soon as the my makeup was done i stood up from my chair and went out of room. I wanted to see the set. I looked how beautiful the set was looking with the huge painting and statues. After our "I Need U" MV our fans are so stressed out. I have seen so many videos on YouTube were people are trying to tell what exactly was in our videos. Honestly I can't even understand exactly, i just know the main plot and stuff but I never go too deep. I walked forward a bit. Everyone was busy just for us. Suddenly I saw a girl sitting on the far table which has a lot of equipments. She was busy. I went close to take a better look.


"we are not even friends." This statement started to repeat in my mind. I don't know why this mere girl is effecting my mind too much. She is right we are not friends. We are just...... I don't know what we are. But not friends.

I didn't realised I was staring at her. Suddenly she looked up and her brown eyes met mine. I quickly looked away and turned my back on her and was about to walk away when she called my name.

I stopped at that place only. I didn't turn around and faced her. I don't want to. We have known each other for just few days c'mon how can we be called friends?

I heard footsteps approaching towards me from behind.

"Mianhae." she said in her soft tone.

Why tf is her voice soft?

"Mianhae Jungkook." she said again.

I scoffed. And turned around and faced her. Has she become beautiful because she wasn't earlier?

She looked in my eyes deeply.
"What are you sorry for?"

"That day I shouldn't have said that. I was a bi-"
"No need to be sorry for that." I said with straight face.

"No need to be sorry for that. You were right. We aren't friends. We just know each other for only few days. How can we be friends? Right?"

She didn't said anything. Just stared at me with an amused and sad expression. I couldn't handle to see her face. I turned around and went away.

Crystal's POV

And he went away. I couldn't speak a word. I just looked down at floor. I couldn't stop thinking about this for like a day. I don't know why this guy is effecting me. Maybe because he was first person in so long with whom I talked normally.

I was brought out of my thoughts when director called me. And we started to shoot the MV. There were many unit shots plus individual shots to take. Director made me shoot few scenes and few scenes he shooted himself. Now was Jungkook's alone scene where he has to swing.

"Yah, that's wrong." Director said loudly while directing the crew who was adjusting Jungkook's harness. He sighed loud.

"Crystal do you remember how we discussed this scene?" he asked me quietly.
"O-oh nae." I said stuttering a bit.
"Can you put that harness accordingly then please. Those idiots are not doing it correct." He said with a disgusting face towards the crew.

I nodded and quickly director called that crew near and smacked his paper at one boy not hard but softly. I went over the swing in which Jungkook was sitting.

Jungkook looked at me and then quickly looked away ignoring me. I looked at him and started to adjust the harness. While doing it I couldn't help but take quick glances at him.

Suddenly he looked down at me. And keep on staring at me. I looked up at him. And couldn't take my eyes off him.

His face was so close. His eyes were so beautiful. I haven't observed his face features before. They are so beautiful.

"Are you done, Nuna?" He suddenly spoke which took me out of my thoughts.

I quickly nodded and looked at harness. "Oh nae."

I walked away from him. This was weird. I stood next to director again and looked at Jungkook who was sitting flawlessly on the swing. He filmed his part very perfectly. I was amazed by his skills.

"Cut. Very good Jungkook-ah." The director smiled and clapped.

Jungkook came down from the swing and went to the makeup room to rest a bit. While we started to prepare for the next Yoongi oppa solo scene. When all the angles were perfect, the director send me to call him.

I went to the makeup room only Jungkook and Yoongi were there.

"Yoongi... oppa set is ready." I said nervously as I couldn't understand what to call him.

I saw Jungkook shooting glares towards me from his seat.

"Ah nae." Yoongi oppa stood up and bowed abit. "Kamsahamnida." And went away.

I was about to follow him when suddenly a hand held my wrist. I turned around and saw Jungkook standing and looking at me intensely.

"I can't handle this." He said suddenly.

"I can't understand why the heck you are effecting me so much." He said out directly.

Trust me I am asking myself same thing.

I couldn't say anything but just stared at him.

"neoleul joh-ahani?"
(do i like you?)


So i don't even understand what happened in this chapter but okay. 😂😂

Sorry for errors and late updates.
Also if you liked this chapter then pls vote for it.

HAPPY NEW YEAR ARMYS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
May this year brings best for you guys 😘😘

And HAPPY NEW YEAR ARMYS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜May this year brings best for you guys 😘😘

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