23. Hugs And Kisses

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No one's POV
Jimin was about to open the closet, his hands were on the knob when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Jungkook was panicking was a lot that he might faint. Jimin walked away from the closet to the door and opened it.

"Yah! Come back to the room. I am bored." Taehyung spoke in his deep dreamy voice and pouted.

"Aish! Don't make that face. I am coming." Jimin turned around and walked back in and took his phone but before moving out he stopped beside Jungkook.

"This is not over, maknae." He patted softly on his shoulder and moved ahead.

"Goodnight." Both 95' liners spoke and went away.

Jungkook immediately closed the door and rushed towards the closet and immediately opened it. He looked down and there she was sitting in the closet and her eyes closed.

"Crystal." He shook her shoulders softly but she didn't opened her eyes.

"Crystal. Crystal - ssi." He started to panic and shook even harder.

"Omg what happened? Crystal?" He was literally about to cry. Jungkook closed his eyes.

"Why are you crying and shouting?" Jungkook immediately opened his eyes and saw Crystal looking at him with sleepy eyes. He sighed and quickly pulled Crystal in hug .

"What happened? Did Jimin left?" She asked while hugging him back.

"I thought you were dead." He said while pulling her up still hugging her tightly. He pulled away and kissed her passionately on her lips. She was shocked but slowly kissed him back.
He carry her up and took her to the bed.

"You are sleepy?" He asked her. She nodded cutely and was still a bit sleepy. He couldn't believe that she was older than her. He chuckled and lay her down.

"Let's sleep then." He said and cuddles with her. He wrap his arms around her waist and pull her against his chest. He rest his chin on her head and softly started to hum a song. She smiled at soft cuddle and snuggle in his chest.

"Will you like to go on a date with me?" He asked suddenly. She opened her eyes immediately but didn't move. It's not like she doesn't want to go or anything but she was kinda worried what if someone finds out.

"Um what if someone finds out?" She asked him and heard the steady heartbeat of Jungkook.

"That's my concern, don't worry. Just say yes or no." He said and smiled softly with his eyes still closed.

"Obviously yes." She blushed and closed her eyes and hold on Jungkook tightly.

Jungkook smiled hard as well and place a soft kiss on her forehead before they both fell in deep sleep.


Short Chapter but i find it cute ♥️

I hope you guys liked it and if you do then please vote and comment.
Sorry for any errors.

And the end is near so yayy 😛

I love you guys ♥️💋

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