17. Warning

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Crystal's POV

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Crystal's POV

"No, i think this needs to be before that. And a bit brightness there." I said to Yoonji. She was somewhat editing the colours of the video as the final touch-ups were left. I don't even know why I was doing it i mean I am the sort of assistant director. But I am kinda enjoying doing each part at the Entertainment.

While we were were looking at the changes, someone knocked on the door as I looked at the opened door. It was June. He smiled at me as he entered the room with three cups of coffee.
"There you go ladies." he smiled and handed us our coffee.
"Well thanks, June." I smiled back at him and took a sip of my coffee.

June and I have become quite good friends now. I feel comfortable around him. Even when Jungkook did all those crazy shit somehow June was the first one with whom I discussed the incident. He like a supportive friend said to first figure out my feelings. While I am still figuring out, Jungkook on the other hand is openly doing everything. He stares at me like shamelessly. Even though someone noticed him staring at me. Later the day he came at my office and started to kinda flirt with me which I got to know later on as June told me it was flirting.

"Mm. Sajang-nim called you in his office."
"Huh? Me?" I looked at him.

"Yepp." He said while focusing on the screen.

I nodded and put my coffee on the table and went out of the room. As I was on my way to his room. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and was caught off guard as Jungkook was standing leaning too close. His face was just slightly away from my face.

"Hey Crystal~" He said in seductive way. I can feel his breath.

My heart. It was beating fast. God.

Maybe he can hear my heart beat afterall all it was beating soo fast.

I stared at his brown and big sparkling eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. I didn't realised we were standing still and SO CLOSE.

I immediately pushed Jungkook in his chest as he stumbled back a bit not to much even though my push was so hard. Why is he so strong?

"I-I g-gotta go." I stuttered while I was feeling my face getting hot. I quickly escaped and went in front of Sajang-nim's office. I run my hand in my hair. As I straightened my shirt and knocked on his door.

"Sajang-nim."I called out politely.

"Come in." He said.

I opened the door and went inside and bowed in front of him as he just nodded with out looking away from his laptop.
"You called me?"

"Ah nae. Sit down Crystal-ssi." he said looking at me.

I sat down in front of him. He kept his laptop a bit away from him as he kept his hands on table and looked at me in a serious manner.

"Look Crystal. I won't complicate the things. I'll ve straightforward."

I got confused as on what is going to talk. Is firing me? But what did I do?

"Is there anything between you and Jungkook?" He asked.

I froze. I looked at him and didn't blinked. He looked back at me in my eyes. As I lowered my gaze and looked at my hands in my lap.

"I-I d-don't-"
"Look Crystal I know what's going on and also I know everything going on in this Entertainment. So don't lie."

I was about to say something when he interrupted.

"I don't want an explanation Crystal. I know what happened on sets. Behind the sets. After the shoot. Everything."

I got shocked and looked up when he said After the shoot. Does he know............. about the kiss?

"Do you all these things have consequences?"

He asked. I was still looking down not able to look him in his eyes.

He signed as he leaned back in chair and rubbed his temple. He than again lean forward on table and looked at me.
"Okay as you are new and talented, I won't fire you."

I looked up at him in abit happiness.

"But consider it as your first and last warning. Don't go near Jungkook. Because we don't want any type of controversy as to idol and staff dating. I know its cruel. But you know they have a lot of fangirls and if they knew it they might lose interest in them."

I nodded. He nodded back too.

"Crystal I am not threatening you but it is for your own good. And you should understand it."

"Yes sir."I said in low voice.

"Now you may leave."
I nodded and stood up and bowed down and was about to open the door.

"Also if I see this thing again I will straight away fire you,Crystal. I won't hesitate."

I nodded as I head out and closed the door and stood still looking down on floor.

I need to stay away from him.

It is good for him and me.

Stay away.



I wasn't able to put the new chapter because of was kinda busy but yay new chapter.

Sorry for late update and mistakes if any.

I hope you guys like this chapter and thanks for 500+ reads. I don't deserve it.


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