6. Home

441 12 4

Jungkook's POV

"Even if we are far away
We are looking at the same sky
Even if something happens
If you are here I am not afraid anymore
I believe
Our love will lit for eternity
It will always stay beautiful as it is
It will always be like cherry blossom pedals"

I heard someone calling me over the music. I took out my headphones and the staff member calling me who was sitting at front.

"We are here."
I looked out of the window. Finally HOME.

"Members are at home right?" I asked him.

"I don't exactly know." he said while looking forward.
I nodded and got out of the car and took my black bag pack.

"Members will tell you schedule okay?"
"Take care."

With this the car went away. I turned back and started to move to our apartment. I rang the bell.

"Yah. You open the door."
"You do it."
"I am older than you. You do it."
"Aish. Hyung."

I heard their arguments. Hyungs. I missed it.

Suddenly someone opened the door it was Hobi hyung. He was as usual in his oversized t-shirt and shorts.

"Jungkookiiee~" He tackled me in a hug.
"Long time maknae." He said in our hug.
"Long time hyung." I smiled. Even though Hobi hyung is little clingy still I missed it.

"Ah hyung! Let me enter."
"Ah Sorry Sorry." He said it in his English accent. Funny.

"Ah Jungkookie." Jimin-shi gave me a tight hug.
"We missed you so much. Specially me." he said in his sweet voice.

"Aish I can't say the same." I said.

He broke the hug and hit me in the chest. And then laughed a bit.

Jin hyung was sitting on the couch. A game was paused on the television. I was right Jiminie and Jin hyung were playing video games and no one could leave it and open the door.

"Jungkook-shi Welcome back."

I gave hyung a small hug while hin sitting only. I looked around and couldn't find Taehyung, Suga hyung and Namjoon hyung.

"Where are others?" I asked keeping my bag pack down.

"Ah Yoongi hyung is in his studios and Namjoon hyung too. And taehyungiee might have fallen asleep." Jimin told me.

Hobi hyung took place of Jimin in video game as Jimin was sitting with on dining table.

"So how was the experience?" he asked with a smile.

I can't tell him or any hyung truth.
"It's was good. I missed you guys too though."
"Specially me?" Jimin asked while pointing himself with a smile on his face.
"Anniya. Jin hyung the most."

"Jungkook saranghae." Jin hyung said while his eyes still on game.

"Have you eaten anything?" Jin hyung asked again.

I started to yawn.
"You should rest Jungkook." Jiminie said.
"Yeah. Goodnight hyungs."

I walked to my room. I missed this too. I threw my bag pack on the ground and jumped to my bed. Soon my eyes were closed because of sleep.


*next day*

I felt a heavy weight on me. I started to suffocate.
"Jungkookie~" a deep voice called out.

"Aah Taehyung-shi get off." I said in my sleepy irritated voice.

"Come on wake up." He got up from me. I sit up straight and Taehyung hugged me abit while me sitting. I hugged back.

"Come on let's go out. Breakfast is ready."

I brushed my teeth and went out. I saw Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung already there.

"Ah Jungkook." Namjoon hyung and me did a bro handshake.
"When did u come back?"
"When you were working."

We all ate our food as usual while talking. Soon Jimin and Suga hyung and Hobi hyung joined too. After breakfast as there was no schedule today. I decided to unpack my clothes and stuff. Jiminie also said he will help me.

I started to take out my clothes first. Suddenly Jimin called me out. I looked towards him. He was holding the Polaroid that Crystal....... Nuna gave me.

"What is this?"
I sat next to him.
"It is the view from the balcony of the hotel I was staying in."

"It's beautiful."
I looked at it and it reminded me of her. I don't know what it is about her. She is so different.

"Why are you smiling like idiot?" I saw jimin staring at me.
"Am i smiling?"

I kept the Polaroid back in my bag and went back to keeping my clothes.

"Yah. Something is there. Tell me."
I looked at him. He was pouting. Oh shit.

"A friend gave it to me."
"You don't know her." I said while keeping my clothes.

I looked at him again. He was smirking.

"You have a girlfriend?" He asked in a teasing tone.
"Yeah girl-friend." I said reminding her words.

"Yah Jungkook did she friend zoned you?" He started to laugh at the thought.
"What? I don't even like her and besides she is Namjoon hyung's age."

"Yah Yah whatever." He started to work further.
"But tell me what is she like."

"She...... umm...... She is very passionate about her dream. Also she is kinda mature and kinda childish. And she is terrible dancer and always late." I laughed a bit reminding her dance.

"You should make her meet Namjoon hyung. She is like him. They would like each other." Jimin said in a funny way while working.

I stopped at this thought. She and Namjoon hyung?


Of course. No.

But they are kinda similar.

But a match? No.

Why am I even thinking this? It's not like I like her.




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Also sorry for any errors and mistakes.

Thank you guys 😘

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