7. Suggestion

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Jungkook's POV

"Yah Namjoon-ah, we are going." Jin hyung shouted standing on the apartment's door.

"Nae hyung." Namjoon hyung said without him.

Jin hyung, jiminie hyung and Taehyung were going out for some shopping as today was also given a day off. I don't know the exact reason for today's off. I was told some problem occurred and the shooting will start soon. Today was our MV video shoot of Blood Sweat and Tears. But now it's postponed because of the "problem". I was excited today as I was finally gonna go back to my schedule but this "Problem". Aish.

Namjoon hyung was at home today. He was watching television. Hobi hyung was working today and Suga hyung is using this day to sleep. Well as far as I am concerned I was sitting on the dining table scrolling through memes. As usual.

I stopped looking at my phone then sat next to Namjoon hyung on the couch.

"Why was schedule cancelled today?"

"Well not a particular reason." he said simply.

Oh? So he do know the reason.

"Hyung c'mon tell me. Jebal." I said while making the cutest face possible.

Namjoon hyung looked towards and then sighed and sat straight.

"Actually the assistant director who was going shoot had some issues and had to go back to Busan and left the job. That's the reason. Now do you think it was a very interesting reason Jungkook-ah?"

Assistant director? Isn't director the main?

"But hyung isn't director more important? I mean like I could've have understand if director was gone and the shooting is postponed but an assistant director?"

"See Jungkook, everyone has a special place and importance. Now just imagine if J-hope would have left the group that time then would we have been BTS? Just like that shooting team also needs every member for their job to be perfect. Bang PD-nim is looking for replacement. That's why it's postponed. "

Namjoon hyung relaxed back again after saying and started to watch television again.

Replacement? Huh?


"Oh hyung! We need to go to company."
"Aish Jungkook why?" Namjoon hyung said with an irritated face.

"I have someone perfect for the job and I need to tell that to Bang PD."

"Jungkook I-"
"C'mon hyung, we need to go."

I said while grabbing my coat and moving out of the apartment.


"Jungkook-ssi do u know what you are saying?" Bang PD-nim said with an annoyed face.

"Just trust me on this PD-nim. She is really talented. I have seen her videos. And if she is given chance then she will do more better."

"Jungkook-ssi she was just assistant of the director. Not assistant director."

"I know but she is actually amazing PD-nim. Just atleast look forward to her and if you don't like it then you are already finding people fir the job."

Hr kept quiet for a while and was thinking by looking down. Then he spoke after few minutes.

"Namjoon-ssi what do you think?"
He asked Namjoon hyung who was listening to our conversation intently.

"PD-nim, I think we should give the chance and Jungkook is also right if she is good then no problem but is she is bad then you are finding more people already."

He listened to Namjoon hyung quietly. Then he looked towards me and then Namjoon hyung.

"Ahhh Okay."

I jerked my fist backwards in happiness.

"I'll send her the letter. Do you have her address?"

My smile suddenly faded away.


My eyes went wide. (Jungshook)

"Yah so how am I going to contact her?" PD-nim said in loud voice.

Namjoon hyung stood up immediately and grabbed my shoulder and started to take me out of his office.

"Ah PD-nim ill find the address and will give it to you. Kamsahamnida. Annyeong."

We moved out and quickly closed the door.

"Yah pabo. You don't have her number even?" He whispered a little.

"I thought I won't be needing it." I said while rubbing my back of the neck.

We started to head towards exit.

"Or you forgot?"
I just smiled in a silly manner.

"Aish this kid. Okay we'll find."

*Later that night.*

Crystal's POV

"Yah why don't you ever help in kitchen , you lazy girl?" Imo shouted from the kitchen while making the dinner.

"Imo~ you know that I can't cook and when I try it's a disaster. And moreover I am so tired." I said while snuggling on the couch.

"Yah if you were tired. You won't be watching television and lay down on couch like a panda." She said while coming in the Hall with a spatula in her hand.

I see her and shrugged my shoulders and gave a her cute smile and showed her the finger heart.

"Aish." She went away while murmuring.

Me and imo are very close since my mom is not here and dad is always on work. We always fight like this but she always take care of me like her own child. She didn't got married because of my parents. I wanted her to get married but she wasn't interested either. As she says she can't handle one more person like me. But I know the truth she is afraid that I might be left alone. I love her so much.

Suddenly our bell rang.

"Will you get that or should I have to do that too?" Imo shouted.

"I am seeing. Okay."

I opened the door and saw the postman.

"Kim Crystal?"
"This is for you." He handed me a letter. I took it.

"Please sign here."
I signed.
"Kamsahamnida." He bowed down a little and left.

I locked the door and looked at the letter and started to open it.

"What is it?" Imo asked from kitchen.

"A letter for me." I said while unfolding the letter.


I read the name and was shocked a bit.



Sorry for late update again. My exams are going on so 😭😭😭.

Also sorry for any error.

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Thank you guys 😘

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