21. Together?!

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Crystal's POV

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Crystal's POV

"Did you prepared everything?" The manager asked me while i was telling other staff to keep stuff in the car.

"Yes, sir." I said and he nodded and quickly went away to work further.

We were currently going to the airport because boys have a concert in Paris. And currently some staff members from filming unit is also going.

I haven't seen Jungkook after our little incident on that day cause he has been busy preparing and me too. We got a lot of work when we got to know that there would be a concert their at the very start of their tour.

We all sat in the vans and obviously boys will sit in a different van. I sat at the very last seat of the van so that i won't be disturbed during the whole journey while i am sleeping. The car was about to start when the door of the van open up.

"I don't know how, but boys don't have much more space in the van. Fit him here, please guys." He said and suddenly Jungkook entered the van and his eyes directly landed on me and without looking anywhere else he came beside me and settled down. My eyes were wide open and was staring at him without even blinking.

"I don't get, their van is so big then why can't he have the space?" i heard manager mumbling to himself but my eyes were still on Jungkook.

"Anyways, be comfortable, Jungkook-ah!" He looked at Jungkook and he just softly smiled and nodded.

I looked at manager going away and the door of van finally closing. I felt the car started move. I quickly turned my gaze outside the window.

"Jungkook - ssi, are you comfortable?" I heard one of the staff members asked him.

"Nae, hyung." he said as softly as ever.

"If you want you can get a seat alone, Jun will sit with Crystal - ssi." I turned my head towards sunbae and then looked at Jungkook who was clenching his jaws?!

But he smiled soon which i know that was fake. He shook his head slightly.

"Anniya, i am fine." He said and to which sunbae smiled and turned his head ahead.

I turned my head towards the window again. I felt his arm brushing with mine. And i felt tingling feeling under my skin. God, Jeon Jungkook's effect.

I gulped slightly moving my arm away from him and hugging myself and kept my gaze out of the window although my attention was on the boy sitting next to me and staring at me with stupid and cute smile.

I turned my head to look forward at the staff as soon were sleeping and others were listening to the music by their headphones.

I looked at Jungkook after confirming no one was watching. He smiled at me suddenly which made me want to kiss him then and there but of course i couldn't.

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