19. Pretend

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Crystal's POV

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Crystal's POV

"Aren't you going to the work?" Imo asked while looking at me.

"Aniya." I simply said. After that conversation with Jungkook I was kinda avoiding seeing him. I felt so bad and guilty.

"Did you got fired?" My imo asked in surprised tone.

"Aniya. It's just that there isn't much work at the moment cause their comeback would be a bit later." I said and started to scroll down on my Instagram feed. I smile at the amount of loving comments, I got on my recent posts.

Suddenly our bell rang when I huffed and lazily stood up from the couch.

"Who the hell is disturbing this afternoon? What do you wa-"

I stared at the person standing in front of me and got shocked.

"Hi!" He spoke with a small smile.

"Um can i come inside? Anyone can spot me." He said while looking back.

I nodded and step aside for him to enter.
"Who is there, Crystal?" My imo came out from the kitchen while asking. She looked at him and then at me.

"Um this is Kim Namjoon." I spoke softly.

My imo smiled widely at him and come closer to him.
"Aigoo! I know him. He is in that biggest group BTS." She said and Namjoon showed his dimpled smile to him.

"I'm her aunt. Kim Yeon. Nice to meet you. I am a great fan of yours. I love how your videos give some messages to the youngsters these days. Wah! You are even more handsome in real life and......."

My imo kept of talking and as nice man Namjoon is he kept on smiling and nodding.

"Uhhh.... imo,he is here for some work so if you'll excuse us." I asked politely.

Namjoon gave me a confused look to which I just nodded slightly not to be noticed by imo.

"Oh yeah yeah. Sorry. I'll get you something to eat." Imo smiled and made her way back to the kitchen.

I lead Namjoon to the living room and made him settle down on the couch.

"So you live with your imo?" He asked.

"Yeah. My dad is working always and well my mom doesn't live with us now. So yeah it's just imo and me."

He nodded and looked down.
"So what brought you here?" I asked getting curious.

"Oh yeah right um is the-" He was stopping by imo coming in with drinks. She smiled and served the drinks to me and Namjoon.

"Ahh Mrs. Kim you don't have to." Namjoon shook his head.

"Oh no its alright and btw it's Ms. Kim." She smiled sadly.

I looked down feeling guilty again.

"Ah okay. Sorry." He said and then imo went back again.

Namjoon looked down at his hands and then up towards me when his eyes shifted to something behind me.

"I-is that a swing?" He asked focusing on it.

I looked behind me through the glass door and at the swing and then back at Namjoon.

"U-uh yeah actually, I love to swing at it whenever I am sad or thinking something." I said getting embarrassed a bit.

"Can I, um sit on it?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah sure." I said and walked to the glass door with him behind me and opened it.
I sat on one swing while Namjoon sat on other beside me. I slowly started to swing back and forth on it while Namjoon moved slightly.

"Did something happened between you and Jungkook?" He asked suddenly.

I stopped swinging and looked at the green grass.
"Um why did you ask?"

Namjoon sighed at looked at me. I didn't face him but was looking at him at the corner of my eyes.

"Cause it's kinda my gut feeling. And my gut feelings are always right."

I looked at him slowly and sighed.
"Did he told you something?"

"No actually but he is quiet nowadays which is kinda odd cause it's been a long tims he has been this quiet which was when we were rookies." He said.

I didn't said anything just looked down because I am responsible for his quietness.

"Look, Crystal. He likes you, like like you. And this is the first time I have seen him liking a girl this much. Except for I.U."

We chuckled at his last statement.

"Do you like him?" He asked softly.

"Does it matter?"
"Yes it does. Actually a lot. To him." He said immediately.

"Even if I say I like him, the situations couldn't be changed." I said sadly remembering Sajang-nim words.

"What situation?" He asked.

Right. He doesn't know.

I kept quiet and keep on staring at the ground.

"You can tell me if you want. I won't force you." He said calmly waiting for my answer.

I looked at and sighed and then started to tell him whatever Sajang-nim said. He listened to me quietly.

"So that's the reason." He said while nodding.
I nodded back.

"That's good." He said.

I looked at him with wide eyes. Wtf!

"Why is it good?" I asked him.

"Um cause I thought that he thought you actually didn't liked him. But I was sure. You know gut feeling." Namjoon smiled widely.

"Look Namjoon it's not tha-"
"Do you like him?" He asked again.

I shut my mouth and looked at him. I thought of being honest with him this time. He already knows everything.

"I love him." I said softly.

Namjoon stood up from the swing. He's tall.

He turned towards me and looked at me.

"Good. So tell him that honestly and fight for your love together. At least you can handle that pain together. And we all are there to support you guys." He said simply.

"But Namjoon-"

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked in my eyes.

"No fight for you love, Crystal. Don't give up just like that. Or else you will regret it forever."

Fight for my love?

I nodded slowly.

Okay. I'll fight for it.
Jeon Jungkook, i love you.


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