14. Butterflies

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Crystal's POV

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Crystal's POV

"Neoleul joh-ahani?"
(do i like you?)

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. It was like my mouth can't even open. I just keep on staring at Jungkook who was looking into my eyes very intensely. My eyes were not even blinking but one thing was beating very fast. My heart. And something was going on in my belly. Wtf. My stomach was fine earlier.

"neoleul joh-ahani?" Jungkook repeated it again.

My heart was beating so fast that if the fans were not working in this room then Jungkook would hear my heart beat definitely. God bless the makers of these fans and ACs.

I finally found the strength to open my mouth and was about to say something when Jungkook burst in laughter. He left my wrist and fell back on his chair while laughing loudly. His bunny teeth was fully visible.
Suddenly Namjoon burst into the room hearing Jungkook's loud laughter.

"What happened?" He asked Namjoon and then looked towards me.

"H-hyung." Jungkook started to sit straight and wiped his tears.

"S-she got pranked." Jungkook burst into laughter again.


That was a prank. What?

My eyes widen and I started to get heat up because of the embarrassment. I took that so serious.

"Pranked?" Namjoon asked.
"N-nae. She thought I was actually confessing her about liking her. Aigoo."

I put my head down and looked at the ground. My hands started to get sweaty. I was getting so embarrassed. I was at the urge to cry.

Namjoon was looking at me with concern. I looked up at him and gave him a smile.

Jungkook was still laughing like crazy.

I looked at him on last time.
"I should go." I bowed. And left the room quickly.

My speed slowed down when I was a bit far away from the room.

Jungkook's POV

"Hajima Jungkook-ah." Namjoon hyung said in a serious tone.

I couldn't help but stop laughing. This is so funny. C'mon. It is. I opened my eyes which were shut due to laughing hard and looked at him. He was looking at me very seriously. I stopped laughing and sat straight.

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