25. The Date (Part 2)

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It was almost evening when Jungkook was driving to their second place. Crystal was busy clicking candid pictures of Jungkook and of the scene outside her window.

They soon reached their destination. Crystal looked at the place and was even more surprised.

"Aren't there going to be many people inside?" She turned to Jungkook who was unbuckling his seatbelt. And then he looked to Crystal and smirked.

"Let's go." Was the only thing he said amd got out of the car. Crystal followed him quickly.

While they were near the entrance a man appeared who was in his middle 50s.

"Jungkook-ah~" he called and smiled widely while pulling Jungkook in a hug. Jungkook smiled as well and hugged him back.

Crystal was so confused but soon smiled when the man looked at her amd bowed down.

"Anneyonghaseyo." The man smiled widely at her.

"Ommo she is just as you told.So pretty." He smiled at her and turned to Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled proudly and tune to Crystal and hold her hand. Crystal tried to keep her calm. She never thought Jungkook talker about her to anyone except Namjoon or Jimin.

"Shall we go inside?" He asked softly.

"Oh yes yes. I prepared everything. Go ahead and enjoy." He said and step aside to make way for them.

Jungkook smiled like cute kid at him amd started to drag Crystal as well.

"Saranghae~" He said out loud for the man and man just chuckled and said it back.

"I know you have so many questions and i am ready to answer." Jungkook said reading Crystal's confused expressions.

"Who was he and why is this amusement park so empty like we are the only one here?" She asked without her holding herself back.

Jungkook chuckled and stopped and turned to Crystal.

"He was a friend of my uncle. And he owns this place. So basically asked him to give this place to us. Simple." Jungkook proudly shrugged his shoulders.

Crystal was in awe and looked around at the giant wheel and every shiny stalls ans smiled. She only thought that this type of stuff only happened in movies.

Jungkook smiled softly at her expression. He step closer to her and hold her shoulders.

"I knew you don't like you know fancy places so yeah i prepared it." He said shyly.

"You didn't have to do it." She spoke trying not to upset him.

"Why not? You are special to me and I only do this type of stuff for the people close to my heart." Jungkook pulled Crystal in hug.

Crystal smiled and looked at Jungkook. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tip toed and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. And during the whole day this made him blush the most. Crystal chuckled at his small cute act.

"Ah let's enjoy now~" Jungkook tried not to look at Crystal but Crystal still teased and chuckled.

They started to ride and rides. Giant wheel were they enjoyed the beautiful view from the top. They even rode merry-go-round and clicked a lot of pictures. They had many things to end.

"This place is so amazing." Crystal spoke while they were enjoying their ice cream.
Jungkook smiled and immediately remembered something. He took out the box from his pocket and asked to Crystal turn.

She did and Jungkook pulled the necklace out put it on her neck. Crystal looked at it and immediately turn to him.

"When did you buy it?" She asked playing with small camera pendant.

• age matters • jeon jungkook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now