22. Wrong Timing

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(Dedicated to AditiYadav141 as she is hard stan 👀😏)

(Dedicated to AditiYadav141 as she is hard stan 👀😏)

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Crystal's POV

"It's just that my girlfriend was flirting with my hyungs in front of my eyes and i wanted to know how can she?" He asked in dark tone.

"G-girlfriend?!" I stuttered silently.

"Yes, you are my girlfriend? Why are acting so shocked?" He asked moving more close to me. His face only few centimeters away from mine. I can feel his warm and soft breathing.

"U-um it's j-just y-you never said it." I didn't looked him in his eyes and i wasn't even breathing, i was holding it.

"Oh right! Okay so let me show you that you are my girlfriend." He said it in the most sexy voice ever.

I looked at him as he said this and he immediately kissed my lips softly but passionately pressing me more against the wall. I was surprised but soon kissed him back with the same passion. Oh how much i love his kisses god kill me~

His one hand on my wrist, pinning it on wall and other trailed down my body and picked up my leg up softly. My one hand was wrapped around his neck, keeping me close and other on his hard torso.

The kiss was getting more and more steamy by each second passing. Slowly his lips left my lips and came down to my neck, kissing it softly which made a soft moan escape from my lips.

"J-Jungkook~ stop~" I moaned softly but it didn't effected him rather he just pick me up and took me to his bed and made me lay down as he come over me again and started to kiss my neck again.

I breath heavily as he did it. I didn't knew that under that cute bunny there could be a dom daddy.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at me with serious look.

"Crystal, I hate when you talk to hyungs with such loving tone. Especially Namjoon Hyung." He said again looking like a baby. God the duality!

"What do you want then, should i be cold with them?" I said smiling a bit.

"No but you never called me with any nickname like you did with Taehyung." He pouted and  get off from me and sat on the bed, pouting like a baby.

(What did you think, i would make this smut? 😏🤣 Nope not in this household bitches. He is still a baby for me.)

I smiled at him and sat straight. I moved a bit close to him.

"Jungkookie~ kookie~" I said in cute voice holding on his arm which made him look at me cutely.

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