9. First Day

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Crystal's POV

You can do this. Fighting.

I was entering the BigHit building and was pumping my fist a bit. Today was my first day and I don't even know what I have to do. God help me. I am just afraid that I won't do anything wrong.

I started to walk into the corridor while giving a slight bow to the receptionist. She smiled at me and bowed back.
I moved in the corridors and looked around. I was feeling like a lost puppy at the moment. I don't even know where to go.

Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and faced Lee Jun. I realised he was not that tall from me. He smiled at me.

"Annyeong." He said cutely.

I smiled back at him.
"So you must be wondering where to go?"
I nodded and slightly smiled at him.

"Come on follow me."
He started to walk further in corridor. I followed him quietly without asking anything although I wanted to ask so much.
We stopped in front of a dance room. It was not very big but not very small.

 It was not very big but not very small

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(This one guys.)

"C'mon." He said and lead me inside.
There were only a few people. Few? Only three.

I looked at him. He stopped in the corner of the room. He turned towards me.
"So, this is the dance room. You are going to shoot a dance practice today as Sajang-nim wants to look at your skills. All the equipments are there."

He pointed to the corner where all the cameras and stuff were kept.
"Soon members will come and you have to shoot."

I got a bit nervous and looked down and started to twist my fingers and make them cross and then open them and cross again.

Meanwhile the seven members entered the room when the two were talking.

"Yah Jungkook and Jimin why are you both so dressed up?"
"Hyung why are you dressed up like a homeless." Jimin backfired J-hope because of his shorts and shirt.

Jungkook didn't said anything and looked around. He was happy today as finally shoot was happening then whether it's just dance practice. He turned his head towards the corner and saw her.


A smile immediately crept on his face. He was kinda happy to see her. He didn't know why but he was. He wanted to go and talk to her but stopped as she was talking to his Jun hyung. His smile dropped. He kept on staring at them while other members were getting instructions from the crew.

He tried to focus on what crew was saying but couldn't as he was constantly looking at the two.

"Are you nervous?" Lee Jun asked Crystal.
She faked a smile.
"Yeah abit." She said while keep on fidgeting her fingers.

Suddenly Jun held her hand. Crystal flinched a bit and looked at Jun. He smiled at her sweetly.
"Don't worry it will be fine."

Jungkook saw this scene and couldn't help but scream.
"Jun hyung."

Lee Jun immediately looked at Jungkook and left Crystal's hand. Crystal also turned around and was kinda shocked to see Jungkook. She wasn't knowing that she was filming BTS. She thought they would give her some small artist or rookies but legends.

Jun walked towards BTS members and gave them a smile and Crystal followed him.

"Nae Jungkook-ssi." He smiled at Jungkook.
Jungkook returned a small smile to him.

"Everyone. Today we got a new person here."
Jun stepped a side and revealed Crystal to the members.

Crystal looked up to them with a bit confidence and bowed down.

"She is Kim Crystal. Today's shoot director."

Everyone gave her a smile and greeted her except for Jungkook. She looked at him and gave him a secret smile. Jungkook returned that secret smile.

Namjoon remembered the girl from yesterday. He was feeling kinda weird but didn't bother about that much.

Crystal went towards the crew members and equipments. While members were getting prepared.

"I think I have heard this name somewhere." Jimin said to Jungkook in a sarcastic tone.
He looked at him.
"But where? Do you know Jungkook?"

Jungkook pushed Jimin a bit. Jimin burst into laugh. He came close to Jungkook again.

"Yah isn't that girl, nuna you were talking about?" He smirked.
"There is not one Crystal in whole world Jiminie hyung."
"Nae but the smile you gave her, can't be hidden from me Jungkook-ssi."

With this Jimin went to Yoongi with smirk.

Jungkook was speechless as to how much his hyung observes him.

He adjusted his clothes a bit and looked over Crystal again. She was talking to Lee Jun again.

He couldn't help but feel a bit weird. He wasn't able to understand his feelings.

"Yah what's with that look?" J-hope asked grabbing Jungkook's attention.(the look above 👆)

J-hope looked in the direction where he was looking. He saw where he actually was looking. He turned his face towards him again and smirked.

Jungkook was looking down while biting his inner cheek.

"I know she is cute." J-hope said which made Jungkook look up immediately in a bit annoyed matter but Jungkook just hit Hoseok in a playful manner and dropped that topic.

Soon the shoot started but all Jungkook was focused on the Director.


So this is the Baepsae dance practice. Also sorry for late update. I haven't been in a good mood lately.

Also sorry for any errors.
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Thank you guys 😘

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