27. Goodbye (Final)

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Few days later....

Jungkook walked inside the dancing room quickly. Today was their another dance practice shot and he couldn't wait to see Crystal. After that stupid article he couldn't reach because of his hectic schedule and also what bothered him was she wasn't picking his calls. Maybe she was angry on him or something but today he would just crush her in his tight hug.

Soon everyone arrived but Crystal didn't. Maybe she is late. Jungkook thought and kept looking at the door until it was time to shoot. He looked at director, he didn't seemed bothered and nor Jun looked bothered about the fact that Crystal wasn't here.

He walked towards Jun and pulled him a little bit to a side.
"Hyung, where is Crystal-ssi?"

Jun knew Jungkook didn't knew about it but he didn't wanted to ruin his shoot so he just.....lied.
"Oh uh maybe she is late."

"B-but hyung, no one seemed to be bothered that their one of the main director isn't here. Also there is this new girl." Jun didn't looked him in his eyes. He can't fool Jungkook. Of course he is not a kid.

"Hyung, tell me what happened." Jungkook was more than eager to know what he happened. Jun sighed and tell him everything.

"Yah Jungkook it is fo-" Before Jun complete his sentence, Jungkook stormed out of the room. Others kept shouting his name but he didn't stopped. Without realizing he was already out of the building and was looking for a taxi. Before fans recognize him, he quickly got in the taxi and tell him Crystal's address.

Jungkook felt something was wring but her leaving him. Why would she do it? He thought they can fight it together but she choose to gave up?

After almost 20 minutes, taxi stopped in front of the house. Jungkook handed over whatever money he had and get out of the car immediately and started to knock on it.

"Crystal-ssi! Yah i know you are there! Crystal." He said loudly when the door opened revealing Crystal's aunt. He didn't knew he was being rude and entered the house without her permission and started to look around.

"Crystal-ssi, come out, now." No response.

"Crystal-ssi!" No response.

"Crystal" This time his voice break because he was crying. He feel on his knees and started crying loudly. Ms. Kim felt bad at Jungkook. She walked to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"She went away, Jungkook-ssi."

flashback to 3 days ago......

"Crystal-yah~ Please eat something." Ms. Kim knocked on Crystal. Since the day she was fired, she didn't came out of her room. And kept on crying inside. Ms. Kim started to feel helpless and thought of calling help. She called her brother, Crystal's father.

He arrived the next day and without waiting went to knock on Crystal's room.

"Crystal-yah! Come out. Appa is here." After a minute later, Crystal opened the door and immediately hugged her father and cry more louder. He was hurt seeing her daughter like this and couldn't take anymore.

"Sister, I am taking her with me." He said and Crystal didn't say anything but kept on crying. Ms. Kim nodded and patted Crystal's back with worried expression.

"He took her yesterday only." She looked at Jungkook who was listening to everything but didn't responded to anything. "I am sorry, Jungkook."

Jungkook stood up and looked at Ms. Kim and bowed down and walked out of the house. He just walked not knowing where to go.

He just lost a very precious thing to him. Tears were running down his cheek and he never thought that heart can feel so much pain.

He didn't go to company rather he went back to his house. He opened the door and walked inside just to be greeted by worrier hyungs.

"Yah! Are you crazy? Where were you?" Taehyung whined and hold Jungkook's arm.

"We were so worried." Hobi talked next.

Jin was about to start him scoldings too but Namjoon stopped them.

"Guys leave him alone for a while." Namjoon said and walked to Jungkook and handed him a letter which Jun told him to give Jungkook.

Jungkook took it and without saying anything went inside his room and locked it and crashed on the floor and leaned his back against the door. He was feeling a lot of pain. It was like someone stabbed him straight in his heart. He looked at the letter which Namjoon gave him and saw his name on it in....... Crystal's handwriting. He quickly opened it up.

Anneyong Jungkook,

I don't know when you will get this letter. I told Jun to gave it to you when you have move on or something. But anyways. I hope you are doing fine. You might be angry on me? Right?

"Never. I can't be angry on you." A tear fell down on the letter as Jungkook was reading.

But what could i done. I can't just get you in more troubles. I didn't wanted to destroy your dream. I wrote this letter cause I wanted you to remember the good times we spent whether as friend or whether as a couple and not the bad part.

Since the starting i thought that our age difference would matter alot to people but after all the stuff happened i realized it.

It wasn't the age that matters.

Anyways I just wanted to give a proper goodbye but couldn't hence the letter. I hope you just keep on doing your best with music and your practice and become even more big in your career and take care.
Goodbye, Jungkook-ah~


Jungkook cried hard. He couldn't handle anymore and threw the letter and walked out of his room and immediately hugged Jimin who was in living room. Other members were very worried about this and came to him to comfort him.

"It will be okay, Jungkook~" All the members said and stayed with him till he felt better.

The end


Finally done.

I don't know i think i am crying hard while writing this. Not just because of the story but it is ending.

Anyways the end is SHITTY I know but this is just the way idols are. They can't date because of the toxic fans around. I just want dating to be normal after all these idols are freaking human. Do comments you opinions on it.

And no there won't be any sequel to this cause i don't know i want everyone to know that this dating ban is stupid and rather spreading hate you should support your idols because you don't know what they scarified in behind the scenes for you and what pain they have gone through. Imagine being in love with someone and that someone loves you too but people who call themselves your fans have issue with it so you can't be together.

Oh god! I should stop or else I'll keep on ranting.

I hope you liked the Story and if you felt bad anywhere in the story i am sorry for it 😔.

Also sorry for any errors I'll keep on editing it wherever errors are. And thank you for supporting this book even when it felt like never completing because i wasn't updating.

Also please check my other fanfic "Fate Strings" if you are NCT stan. And you can message me anytime if you wanna ask something

Love you guys ♥️♥️
And goodbye ✌️

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