15. Jealous

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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

"Yah! That was definitely wrong. What were you even thinking huh?" Jiminie hyung shouted a bit at me.

During our break I told him what I did with Crystal. I was kinda confused for my feelings and what I did to her. Also I told him my talk with Namjoon hyung.

"If you like her, then tell her." Jimin hyung said calmly.

I looked at him. Tell her.
How can I?

"But hyung what if she doesn't like me? Also she is older than me. And what about the manager if he find out."


He directly looked me in the eyes with a serious face.

"You tell her then no matter what her answer is atleast you would be relieved that you told her. And don't worry about company. If we listened to them then we won't find anyone. Just don't make mistakes like me."

Jimin hyung looked down at ground. I know what he meant. He also liked a girl before but he didn't told her because of the company and she left the country. He was broken. We all were there for him. But still it hurt him as he regretted that he didn't told her his feelings and let her go.

We both kept quiet for a while. When something caught my eyes.

Namjoon hyung and Crystal.

I stood up and saw them coming together from the entrance. My fist tightened.

"Why are they always together?" I said it without realising.

"Someone is jealous. I guess."

"Jealous? I am not."

Jiminie hyung stood up and put an arm around my shoulder.

"Jungkook you are jealous from the first day she came and she was talking to Jun."

I widened my eyes as I looked at him.
"I was?"

"Yes you were. I can read you clearly maknae. I know you from so long. But the difference this time is that the rate of Jealously is high."

He chuckled a bit and patted mu shoulder and left. My eyes were still on the two.

They weren't talking but walking close. Crystal was looking down while Namjoon hyung was looking are her.

• age matters • jeon jungkook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now