5. Hang Out - Part 2

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"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked me for the eighth time.

"Will you stop asking me?" I said to him with facing him and walking forward.

"Will you tell me?" He said while catching up with me.

I walked more and we were there. It was there I smiled looking at it.

"Really? A beach?" He said while making weird faces.

"Its not an ordinary beach."I looked at him and smiled and then moved towards the beach.

There were few people. Few children and parents. Few couples.

Sun was about to go down. It was time.

"Can you tell what's going to happen?"

I shushed Jungkook and make him stand with me near the shore.

Soon the sun went down and then it happened. The water waves started to glow.

I smiled at the water glowing

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I smiled at the water glowing. I was like sea of stars. I have always loved this. I took off my shoes and socks and folded my jeans up a bit and walked towards the water waves and stand on them feeling the cold water. I closed my eyes and smiled at the feeling.

"It's really good." I turned around and saw Jungkook smiling at the water. He took off his shoes and socks too and stood next to me.

"So do u like it?"
"I loved it." Jungkook gave me a sweet smile.

"How did you knew about this place?"

"I used to come here with my mom and dad when I was small." i smiled remembering the sweet memory.

We both kept quiet for a while.

"So? Should we head back?"
"Let's stay here for a bit more." he said.

We both sat on the shore staring at the sea.

"I wish I would have known earlier I could have warned you about your wearing."

Jungkook looked at his leather jacket and pure black clothes.

"This type of clothes make me hide in public." he said with a proud face.

"So? Now you gonna head back to your members."

"Yeah I missed them a lot these days specially Jin hyung."

"You know us right?"

I shrugged my shoulders slowly and made a innocent face.

"I can't believe you don't know us."

• age matters • jeon jungkook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now