4. Hang Out

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Today was the last day of shoot with this group. In next episode next group of stars will come. Jungkook is soon gonna leave the show because of his hectic schedule. I am kinda sad about it. Even though we have known each other for only few days.

Today, I even woke up before Jinee and got ready. I wanted to reach early as today's shoot was only till afternoon. And I wanted to say a good goodbye to Jungkook, as no one knows that I will be seeing him again or not.

I took my camera and walked out of my door. I was at the end of corridor and about to turn when I bumped into something hard. I looked up and Jungkook.

"Oh mianhae." I bowed down a little.

Jungkook smiled a bit. I observed that he was all dressed up. Maybe shoot is early today. Oh shoot I forget to wake Jinee up. Fuck me.

"Is shoot early today?" I asked him.
"No." he simply said.

"So, today is last day." I said in a normal tone but deep inside I was a little sad. Why?

"Yepp." he said with a half smile.
"Oh I got this for you." I took out a Polaroid from my camera bag and gave it to him.

"I thought you would like it

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"I thought you would like it." It was the picture of the view from that balcony. I clicked it yesterday evening.

He took it and looked at it. He smiled and then looked at me.


I smiled at him.
"So any reason you dressed up early?"

"Ah nae. I was actually coming to meet you."
"Me. Wae?"
"I wanted to ask if you wanna hang out today."

I got a little nervous and confused. He wants to hang out with me? Like me? But why? We are not even good friends.

"I know we are not good friends. But as it is my last day and only you and Minseok hyung were my friends so I wanted to hang out with you too after shoot."

"Minseok?" i never talked to him. How can I even hang out with him?

"Nae but he is not coming as he has other schedules so I only you were left. That's why I asked you. So will you?" he asked with innocent face. So cute.

"Okay but after shoot." I said with small smile.

He smiled like a cute child. He is so cute and like a bunny. He showed his bunny teeth.

"Kamsahamnidam....... Crystal." he smiled.
"Yah nuna."
"Oh yeah. Nuna."

"Meet you at 3 pm outside the hotel." He said and started to walk away.

"Yah." i called him
He turned around.
"Won't people will recognise you?"
"Don't worry about that." He said simply and went away.

Aish. This kid.

Soon the shooting ended. It was done smoothly. Every one said a goodbye to Jungkook and Minseok. And everyone came back to hotel.
It was 2:20 pm. I started to get ready. I wore my ripped black jeans and a white plain t-shirt. I took my camera with me too. Obviously its my life.

"what are you getting ready for?" Jinee asked me while I was tying my hair.
"Nothing just going to roam around."

Jinee eyed me suspiciously. I couldn't tell her because she will then kinda ship me with him and we two are just friends? Or acquaintance. Moreover he is 3 years younger than me.

I walked out of my room and moved downstairs. I came back out of the hotel and look around for Jungkook. He was nowhere to be seen. I should call him. Wait you don't have his phone number. Great.

Now, I don't know his room number nor phone number. Will he come?

I was looking around when a tall guy in leather jacket and wearing a black mask on his face with black beanie came towards me. (pic above)
I was kinda scared. He looked at me.

"You need something?" I asked him.

He removed his mask and then I saw his face. It was Jungkook.

"It's me."
"You kinda scared me."
"You got scared with this clothing. Then you would be terrified when you see Yoongi hyung."

I looked at him in confused manner.

"Anyways let's go."

We started to walk away from hotel. He put on his mask again.

"So where are we going?"
"There is a good and quiet place. We can go there."

We end up in a expensive restaurant. I was quite shocked to look at the expensive food. How the fuck will i pay?

"You look like you have saw a ghost." jungkook said with smirk.

"Yeah that's ghost is of my money which will be dead after paying for all this." I mumbled to myself.

I looked at menu carefully to find something less expensive. But every thing is just out of my freaking reach.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?" he asked me.

"Huh? No it's fine."said while looking at the menu.

Suddenly someone take my menu and put it on desk. Jungkook wrapped his fingers around my wrist and took me out of the restaurant.

" Yah. Why did you do that? "I asked.
"Because I could read your face and saw how uncomfortable you were while looking at the price."

I kept quiet.

"Sorry." he said. "I just wanted to hang out and I brought you here."

"It's okay." I smiled.

I suddenly realised that jungkook was still holding mg hand. He saw were I was looking and left my hand immediately and scratched back of his neck.

"So do you know any other good place?" he asked to break the awkwardness.

I thought for a while. And then I remember. That place is good.

"Yeah. I know."

"where?" he asked.

"You will see." I smiled.


So this chapter was kinda cute for me.

Sorry for late update and if any error.

Also check out my other fanfic of taehyung "Rewrite The Stars".

If you liked this chapter then vote for it.

Thank you😄

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