10. Coffee?

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"Haa" All members screamed in unison while doing the last part of choreography.

I stopped the camera. "Done." I said loudly.
All the members started to sat down on floor and relaxed.

I looked at them. They were all in a bit sweat and were huffing like anything. They work so hard.

I removed the camera from the stand and turned around to other side. And started to look at the video.

"How did it came?" a voice speak near my ear. I could even feel the air that came out because of talking on my ear. I turned around and saw a serious faced Lee Jun. He was standing so close to me.

Jungkook couldn't help but look at the scene and quickly got up from the floor and directly went to them.

"I want to see too." Jungkook without getting noticed and him realising came between Crystal and Jun.
Soon the boys started to come near her to see. Her one side was Jungkook and other side was Jimin.
She showed them the video.

"Yah daebak. You did a great job Crystal-ssi." J-hope said in his amusing voice.

Jimin gave Jungkook a quick glance and smirked to himself by thinking of the next thing he is about to do.

"Jinja. It is amazing Crystal." He patted Crystal's head. Crystal was shocked at Jimin's gesture but didn't say anything.

All the members where giving Jimin a weird look specially Suga but Jungkook had some other look. Jimin looked at Jungkook and smirked.

Jimin put his hand down and scratched his nose to hid his laugh.

"Oh but Crystal-ssi as you are new here so who do you think did the best dance."

The awkwardness cooled down as Crystal began to think and other members started to argue who did best.

"It's definitely not going to be me." Namjoon said showing his small dimpled smile.

Crystal looked at him. She was liking his clothes. Cute.

"Yah Crystal-ssi tell us." Jimin asked again.
She got a little confused and abit shy as they all were very good dancers.

"Crystal-ssi you don't have to answer that. It's okay. It's your first day. Chill." Namjoon said with a concerned face.

"Jimin drop it." Jin also said.

"Aish Jinja." Jimin sighed and went away.

Jungkook was just standing there as he was expecting her to take his name bur she didn't. Jungkook thought to himself what was i expecting?

He went away with a sad face. While Suga also thanked her for shooting and Jin too and also bowed down.
J-hope patted her back and thanked her and went away.

Crystal's POV
"Ahh Mianhae." Namjoon said out of nowhere. He was looking so cute in his outfit. And plus his dimples were like cherry on cake.

"For what?"
"Jiminie. He is kinda childish and also we don't have so much women around to talk to except for our stylist nuna. So we get a little weird and awkward."

"It's okay." I said getting a bit nervous.
"So this will be shown to PD nim and if he liked it he will keep you in the company?"

"How did you know?"
"Ah when you ran into me the other day. PD nim told me that only."
"Ahh okay."
I started to think what if he doesn't liked it.

"You will be selected don't worry. Fighting." Namjoon pumped up his fist a bit and smiled.

I smiled back. I wish too.

(Next day)
Okay Crystal-ssi whatever is the decision, accept it. You are best. Fighting.

I started to move towards Sajang-nim's office and took a deep breath before knocking the door.

"Come in."
I opened the door slowly and peeped in.
"Ahh Crystal-ssi."
"Nae Sajang-nim."
"Come in. Come in. "

I got in and and stood in front of the desk. He was looking on the laptop in front of him and then looked at me.

"So? Crystal-ssi what do you think will you be accepted?"
"Ahh Sajang-nim I am kinda nervous so I can't tell my gut feeling."

I knew it but didn't wanted to tell him as he will think that I don't have confidence on myself.

"Crystal-ssi.............. you are accepted." He said with a happy voice.

"What?" I started to jump up a bit but stopped as I realised were I was standing.

"Ohh kamsahamnida Sajang-nim." I started to bow dow continuously.

"No you did so got Job. We are even thinking of uploading it." He said will smiling and looking at his laptop.

I couldn't believe it that he liked it so much.
"Now work would start from day after tomorrow. And as always Lee Jun will guide you. Now you can go and party."

"Oh nae Sajang-nim. Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed down again and quickly closed the door.

I started to jump and dance like crazy. I couldn't control my happiness. I tried so much to come somewhere and now finally here. Aahh Appa will be so happy and Imo too. Aish jinja.

I keep on dancing with all happiness. And suddenly i turned around and stopped in a weird position if dance. I felt embarrassed.

Namjoon was looking at me with a large smile.

I stood straight and flattened my clothes.
He came close and stood in front of me.

"You are better dancer than me." He said while holding his laugh.
I faked a smile and rubbed the back of my neck with my hand.

"Mianhae." I said while looking a down a bit.
"Did you get the job?"He asked folding his hands in front of his chest.

"Oh? Nae. I got it. Now I am an assistant director. First step." I proudly said.

Namjoon just smiled.

"Yah Crystal-ssi, won't you give a party?"
"Party? To everyone?"
Aish I don't have money.

"Anniyo just me." he said while pointing to him.
"Just you? Okay."
Okay I think I can afford that.

"What do you wanna eat?"
"Just coffee. With you." he said getting a bit shy.

Coffee? With me?


So First of all sorry for late update and errors if any.

Also I want to ask your fav ship. Tell me please.

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Thank you guys 😘

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