4. Harry Styles Final Part

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Final Part

|He's Your Best Friend|

"(Y/N)?!?!" I hear my angry boyfriend scream. I pull back from Harry and look at my boyfriend. Out of the corner of my eye I see Harry with a mixture of anger, jealousy and disappointment on his face. My heart starts to ache at the fact that I caused it.

Okay (Y/N) play it cool. I thought to myself.

"(Y/BF/N) what are you doing here?" I say.

"Cut the shit (Y/N) I saw what happened!" he spits "What the hell is wrong with you?" he screams.

"What the hell is wrong with me?!? I think you mean what the hell is wrong with you!" I scream.

"I have no problem I did nothing wrong unlike you, I'm not a cheater" he shrugs his shoulders.

"You have no problem?!? So trying to rape your girlfriend isn't a problem?" I scream and hear a gasp come from Harry.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a slut who tries to seduce her best friends I wouldn't have to do that"

I laugh "I'm trying to seduce my best friend? That's hilarious"

My boyfriend's face turns red with anger and I feel a stinging in my cheek as my head turns to the side.

He just slapped me.

"What the fuck?!?" I hear Harry yell as I clutch my cheek.

Harry swings his fist to hit (Y/BF/N) in the jaw knocking him to the ground. Harry comes over to me cupping my cheek.

"Are you okay baby?" he says softly.

His face softens when he sees tears form in my eyes. His face soon turns into anger when he removes his hand from my aching cheek. He tries to go back over to where my boyfriend his but I grab his shoulder and turn him to face me.

"Please don't" I whisper.

He nods his head and grabs my hand "Let's go to my house and watch movies" he says with a childish grin. I giggle and he pulls me closer to him. When we reach his house I start to make the popcorn as he picks out the movie. I take a seat on top the counter as I wait for the popcorn. He comes into the kitchen without a shirt on and I can't help but stare.

"Where's your shirt Harry?"

He shrugs his shoulder "I don't know it was on one minute and off the next" I laugh and shake my head.

Harry walks over to me and stands between my legs. He looks at my cheek and brushes it with his fingers, I wince slightly and he tightens his jaw.

God angry Harry is so hot I think.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill him" he hisses and balls his hands into fists. I grab his hands and pry them open and entwine our fingers.

"It's fine I'm okay now" I whisper with a small reassuring smile. He nods and kisses my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck and he rests his hands on my hips. I nuzzle my face into his neck and he squeezes me. I lift my head up and press my lips to his. He seems surprised by my actions but quickly responds to the kiss. Sparks and butterflies are everywhere as the two of us kiss. His tongue swipes my bottom lip asking for entrance but I deny it. He groans and lifts me off the counter and walks to the couch. He throws me onto it and hovers over me bringing his lips to mine again. He swipes my bottom lip for a second time and this time I let him in. Our tongues roam each others mouths and I draw back from him with his bottom lip between my teeth. He moans and pulls me closer. I pull away when I smell something funny.

"Shit Harry, we burnt the popcorn" I whine.

"Who cares?" He shrugs "Now give me another kiss" he winks and leans down to kiss me.

I move out of the way and run across the room "Sorry I don't kiss boys who aren't my boyfriend" I say innocently.

He gets up and walks over to me and takes my hands in his.

"Well then if that's what it take (Your Full Name) Will you do me the most greatest honor of becoming my amazingly wonderful and beautiful Girlfriend?"

"I don't know do I still have cooties?" I ask.

He laughs "No not since Year 3"

"Well the I would love to"

"Excellent" he grins and brings his lips down to mine.






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