Marcel/Harry Styles

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I want a corndog!

This really hot guys girlfriend makes me look like a walrus 😭

I swear I'm about to punch the shit out of my next door neighbor because he keeps making fucking noise and I'm trying to fucking do my homework 😤🔫

I'm doing a Marcel imagine because I'm in my Marcel feels rn

This imagine will have multiple parts because I'm badass! *Jazz Hands*



|Family Project|

"Okay class! Settle Down! I am going to give you your partners for the Project!"

The whole class groans, no one ever likes when the teachers pick fucking partners! The teacher begins to call out names and I completely zone out, whoever my partner is should know who I am so they can come to me.

"Okay go find your partner and I'll explain the project" she claps

"H-hi" a squeaky voice says from beside me and I mentally gag at who is my partner.

I look up to see none other then Marcel, the biggest nerd in all of senior year, who am I kidding he's the biggest nerd in the whole school. I move my books and he moves to sit next to me.

"Okay, now the project is called the 'Family Project' it will last for about 2 months. What this project is about is setting you up for the real world, your partner is your spouse and every two classes we will be spinning a wheel that will signify a change in your 'relationship' I will be coming around and you each will pick an occupation out if the hat, and you will each get paid, Monopoly money of course but this money will be very important and you'll see how later" she explains and starts walking around with the hat

She reaches Marcel and I and we both stick our hand in at the same time, I quickly jerk my hand away when our fingers brush and glare at Marcel

"(Y/N) be nice" the teacher scolds and holds the hat out to me. I put my hand into the hat and pull out a small slip of paper and unravel to see what I got

"Nurse" I mumble to myself, I look in Marcel's direction when I feel him staring at me "Yes?" I raise my eyebrows

"U-uh s-sorry" he mutters and turns away

I roll my eyes "Where and when are we gonna do this?"

"W-we ca-an d-do it ov-over my-y hou-ouse t-tonight" he stutters

"Okay that's fine" I mutter and the bell rings signaling lunch time, Marcel's always the first one out of the room while I slowly stroll out of the room

"Hey babe" My boyfriend Josh says from behind me

"Hi" I grin and he kisses me roughly. He always does it's never slow and sweet, it's always rough. Honestly it's quite annoying

We walk into the cafeteria and sit down at our usual tables. I completely ignore everyone and look around for Marcel. After looking at about half the cafeteria I see him sitting in the corner by himself.

Oh no.

What is this feeling?

Oh my god! Is this sympathy?

I kinda wanna go and sit with him!

Holy Shit! No

I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N) I don't give a fuck about no bitches!

"(Y/N)" Josh shakes me "Why are you staring at that nerd?" he makes a face of disgust

"What are you talking about? I'm not looking at anyone" I say quickly "I gotta pee" I stand up and run out of the cafeteria, past Marcel making sure to not make him look at me.

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