Harry Styles Part 5

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Okay you guys so I've decided that after this imagine is over and there will be like 2 or 3 more parts I will edit all my imagines. And when I start to edit I won't be posting until after I'm done. But it shouldn't take me that long to edit this book though

Dude I just hit 3K!!!

Part 5



|The Affair|

*2 Years Later*

Nothing's changed. Absolutely nothing. Alex is still a dick. I still miss Harry. I still wish I chose Harry

After moving to England we had maybe two good weeks where Alex was nice to me. Now it's occasional and only when he wants something if you know what I mean

If you don't it's sex

I never realized how unsatisfying he truly was until I had Harry. I mean gosh anyone who said 'Size doesn't matter' is a very bad liar because size definitely does matter

"(Y/N) get ready we have that dinner for my work tonight" I hear Alex yell to me

"Okay! What should I wear?"

"It doesn't matter just look presentable and put makeup on!"

I pull out a nice navy blue dress with some nude heels and slide them on before doing my makeup. Something I've had to do everyday since we've moved here

"Let's go!" he yells again

"I'm fucking coming!" I spit and walk out the door

"What the h-e double hockey sticks are you wearing?!?" The pussy I call my boyfriend yells

"It's called a dress and heels"

"Well you look slutty. But it's too late to change so let's just go" he says quickly and yanks my wrist causing me to wince

We get into the car and drive to a very fancy restaurant

"Let's go! Don't you dare think about embarrassing me do you understand! This is very important so don't mess it up" he says while harshly grabbing my chin

I look out of the corner of my eyes and see familiar green eyes. I close my eyes and reopen them a second later. Disappointment washes over me when I see they are gone.

We walk into the restaurant Alex holding tightly on my bicep surely leaving a mark. We walk to the table where all his friends are and we take a seat. The boys greet each other as I sit there quietly wishing to just be home, or better curled up in Harry's arms.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I inform Alex but he just ignores me

Of fucking course.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I look dull and lifeless. I just look plain awful

After splashing some water on my face and fixing my makeup I walk out of the bathroom and back to the table of his friends

~Harry's P.O.V~

I've been watching her. It sounds creepy but it somehow helps. I miss her so much and I can only hope she misses me too.

I'm sitting at the table behind hers listening to their conversations

I see the waitress make her way towards they're table

"Hi what can I get you guys?" she asks

"I'll have a steak" I hear that prick answer. Oops I'm sorry Alex

"Can I have a burger please?" I hear her sweet voice ask

"(Y/N) shouldn't you be getting a salad I mean you don't need to be eating that much and you could use a salad" he says to her

"Oh yeah... Um you're right... I'll have a house salad please" she says sadness lacing her tone

I can't take this shit anymore. I get up and walk out of the resturaunt trying to think if a way to get my (Y/N) back

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

After leaving the resturaunt we drive backhome and as soon as we get there I go to take a shower.

Before my shower I call the number I was so used to dialing hoping it's go to voicemail

Thankfully it does and I wait patiently for the beep

"Hi Harry" I sigh "I know it's really weird for me to be calling especially after 2 years but uhh... I miss you... a lot and I really wish I didn't choose him. I just didn't want to admit to myself or you that you were the better choice. But now I wish I did" I say voice cracking as tears begone to roll down my face "I'm so sorry" I sob "I know you probably hate me and all but I love you and I hope you know that" I sob into the phone before hanging up

I start the shower and get undressed before stepping into the shower. I had stayed in the shower longer than planned and once I realized it I turned off the water and walked to get clothes and seeing Alex dead asleep on the bed I walk out of the room and to the guest bedroom before crawling into the bed and falling asleep.






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