Luke Hemmings

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This may have a couple parts



|Worst Trip Ever|

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!" My friend Calum screams as he enters my house

"What?" I ask when he comes into the living room

"We're all going to go on a trip and you should come!" He cheers before smirking "Luke will be there" he sing songed while wiggling his eyebrows

I blush "Cal stop! But I'll go"

"One problem, I have to take Casey" He groans and rolls his eyes

I sigh dramatically but nod in agreement. Casey is awful. She's rich and perfect and she is always trying to bring me down. And worst of all somehow she knows about my crush on Luke and that is not good

"Yay!" he claps "We leave in an hour!"


After I'm done packing I get a call from Calum saying that they are all outside. I walk out if my house and to their car before getting into the backseat. I am immediately squished between the door and Luke, which I'm not complaining about but there is an open seat on the other side so he could scoot over. Calum is in the passenger seat and Ashton is driving.

"Hi (Y/N)" He grins showing off his dimples

"Hi Luke" I say quietly looking down

"Okay so we're going to go get Casey and Mikey said he'll be down a little later because he has to help his mum" Calum informs us and we all nod. I've never met Mikey before but I heard he's great

After about five minutes we pull up to Casey gigantic house and Ashton honks the horn for her to hurry up and after a short while she comes running out of the house with her huge pink suitcase with sparkles all over it in her hand phone in the other and the highest pair of heels I've ever seen on her feet. Her brown hair is in beach waves and stops at her ribs, her makeup perfectly done

All in all she's gorgeous

And obviously Luke notices

She walks around the car putting her bag into the trunk still typing away on her phone.

"Hi Casey" Calum mutters and she just sways her hand in response

Calum just shrugs it off and turns on the radio, Green Day filling my ears

"Eww turn this shit off!" Casey groans

"What?!" Ashton screeches "You want us to turn off Green fucking Day?!?" he yells disbelief

"Yeah turn on like Justin Bieber or something" She giggles

"Um no" I scoff and Casey turns to face me

"Oh Em Gee (Y/N)!" She sarcastically smiles "Last time I saw you, you were actually pretty what happened?" She laughs and I suddenly feel embarrassed. I'm just glad Luke has his head phones in and doesn't hear this

I turn my attention to the window leaning my head against the cold glass

This was going to be a long ride


"(Y/N) we are stopping to get something to eat, what do you want?" Ashton asks

"Trust me, the last thing she needs is more food." Casey scoffs


"I'm not hungry" I mumble and Calum gives me a look but I just roll my eyes

"Okay well somebody wake up Luke" Ashton tells us

"I'll do it!" Casey giggles

She gets close to Luke and begins to kiss his neck and I mentally gag

"Lukey, wakey wakey" she giggles and his eyes flutter open

"Yeah?" He asks his voice raspy from just waking up

"We are stopping to get food, where do you want?" Ashton asks and Luke shrugs

"I don't care" He mumbles

"McDonald's it is" Calum claps and Ashton begins to drive in the direction of the nearest McDonald's

As we pull in Ashton and Calum jump out as I slowly get out of the car, the other two staying in the car

The boys order and wait to be called as I begin to walk back to the car

I open the door "Oh my god" I say and shut the door real quick before running back into the McDonald's

"What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost" Ash chuckles

"It wasn't a ghost, I would have loved to see a ghost compared to what I actually did"

"Well what'd ya see?" He laughs and I shudder as the picture pops back into mind "Well come on spit it out" he giggles

"Casey was giving Luke a blow job in your back seat" I say quickly

"What?!?" He screams and begins to walk out to his car a furious look on his face




I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️


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