Luke Hemmings

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My dog keeps stealing my bras! Like wtf?!

The picure isn't just Luke Hemmings I know but I jut love Cake they are so cute(Don't ship them in the gay kinda way just as best mates) And I love the fact that they ship themselves

Omg today was senior interview day at my school and this really hot guy that looks like Harry Styles looked so fucking hot and I told him and he told me that I'm cute!! Omg

Btw I'm not a senior I'm a sophomore

So this is a song preference and I'll put up a Mikey and Cal one soon since I already have an Ashton one

I tried to put the song up but none of them worked on the app so I'll try to add it later but I'm sure y'all know the song

|Rock Me by One Direction| (This song is bæ)

Luke: 'Lying on the beach as the sun blew out,

Playing this guitar by the fire too loud,

Oh my, my, they could never shut us down'

"Luke" I whisper unable to sleep. It's been 3 hours and for some stupd reason I can't fall asleep.

Oh wait! Maybe it's because I'm laying on the hard ass sand.

"What's wrong baby?" He yawns and brushes the hair from my face.

"I can't sleep" Ipout and he chuckles and sits up

"Well I can fix that" He smiles and grabs his guitar and begins to strum not playing any particular. But soon he begins to stum obnoxiously loud, drowning out the pooping coming from the fire.

"Luke! Stop!" I giggle uncontrollably at my crazy boyfriend

 He whispers "Like a lot and I know your parents hate me and they think that I'm a bad influence and that I will end up leaving you when something better comes along but that would never happen because there is no one better, except for maybe a baby penguin but we could just get one together" I giggle and he grins at me before clearing his throat "Anyways back on track, I plan on spending forever with you and no one could shut us down no matter how much they try because you're mine forever and ever. Got it?" He breathes and holds out his pinky

"Got it" I say and link our pinkies

He scoots closer to me wrapping a blanket around us and connects his lips to mine. Our lips move in sync and he pulls me into his lap forcing me to straddle him. I disconnect our lips and rest my forehead against his

"Luke" I whisper and he hums in acknowledgement

"I want you to rock me" I whisper seductively in his ear an his eyes shoot open

"Yeah?" He asks happily

"Yeah" I nod and he wastes no time in showing me that he really does love me


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