Harry Styles Part 7

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I'm so friggin bored and hungry 😢

Part 7? I lost Track



|The Affair|

I wake up the next day tangled up with Harry. His bed is so small and we were pressed up against each other all night

Not that I'm complaining

I suddenly remember that my phone has been off and I need to call Ella to make sure she's okay

I pick up my phone and turn it on. As soon as it's fully on my phone is flooded with messages and missed calls

Guess from who.

Yup! Alex! Isn't he the sweetest?

Nope he texted me multiple tim es to tell my I need to go grocery shopping.

I ignore all the message and dial Ella's number. She quickly picks of the phone

"Hello?" she groans

"Hi babe!!!!" I scream forgetting that Harry is asleep next to me

"Will you shut the fuck up?! My head is killing me" she whisper-shouts

"Oh yeah sorry" I say sarcastically

"Anyway how'd your night go? God I hope he was worth it? Was he better than Alex?" She teases

"Can you not smirk? It nearly smacked me through the phone" I groan "But yeah he's pretty great" I grin

"Well I hope you leave Alex for him" she breathes

"Me too, anyway I gotta go, just wanted to make sure you're not dead" I chuckle

"Nope still alive just severely hungover, but alright I'll call you later, Love you boo!"

"Love you too babe" I laugh and hand up the phone

"Who was that?" Harry's sexy I-Just-Woke-Up voice asks in my ear

"Oh that was just Ella wanted to make sure she got home alright last night" I shrug and he nods

"Hungry?" he asks and starts to walk out of the room me following closely behind

"Not really" I mumble

"What?!" he gasps "You always loved when I cooked breakfast" he says slapping his hand over his mouth in shock

I giggle and playfully shove him "Well that was 2 years ago"

"Whatever" he laughs and continues to walk to the kitchen

When we reach the kitchen there's a beautiful woman who I assume is his mother standing by the sink

"Good Morning Mum" Harry smiles and kisses her cheek

"Good Morning Baby boy" she smiles back before looking at me

"Mum, this is (Y/N)" Harry says and her eyes light up

"You, you're the legendary (Y/N)? Gosh Harry, she is beautiful" she grins and I blush "Hello Darling, I'm Anne, it's lovely to finally meet you"

"It's lovely to meet you too" I smile and she pulls me in for a tight hug

"Mum! Don't squish her!" Harry playfully groans and pulls me away from his mother.

Anne and I laugh

"Alright children, I must be going, time for work" she smiles sweetly before leaving the kitchen and the house

Harry picks me up off the ground and sets me on the counter. He steps in between my legs as he rests his hands on my thighs. I place mine on top of his and lean my head on his shoulder

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