Harry Styles

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This is going to be short, sorry for the long wait I've been writing my story Shadow lately.

I hope you like this I think it'll be cute.

I think I'm going to make this like a series with each step I guess but idk yet.


|Baby Bump|

~Harry's P.O.V~

"Baby, I'm home!" I yell as I walk through the door. I've been in the studio all day and I just want to come home and cuddle with my girlfriend. [A/N Goalssss]

"Babe?" I yell when I don't get and answer. I walk up the stairs and to our bedroom to see (Y/N) sitting on the floor, in my t-shirt, sobbing into her hands.

I kneel down and sit next to her, pulling her into my lap "What's wrong baby?" I whisper into her ear.

"I'm so fucking fat! I can't fit into anything anymore" She cries and I hug her tighter.

"Baby, that kinda happens when you're pregnant" I chuckle and she glares at me.

"This isn't a time for jokes Harry"

I stand up picking (Y/N) up with me and I carry her down to the kitchen, setting her on the counter. She squeals and jumps off the counter and I giver her a weird look.

"The counters cold on my butt" She blushes.

"Okay, well are you hungry?" I ask and she nods.

"I want pizza! And wings! And-and French fries!"

"Okay well, I don't have anything to make that, so let's go out" I suggest and she looks at me like I'm stupid "What?"

"I just told you my clothes don't fit!" She screeches.

"Fine" I huff "I'll go get good and bring it back okay?" I tell her.

"Yeah sure whatever" She waves me off and goes back upstairs.

"Bye babe, love you too! It's really not a problem" I sigh to myself and leave to get her food.


When I get back home (Y/N) is sitting on the couch crying. Again.

I put all the food on the kitchen counter and walk to the couch sitting next to her "Why're you crying?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I think it's hormones" She shrugs and I kiss her temple. She lays her head on my shoulder and sighs.

"I'll bring you some food" I say about to stand up but she stops me.

"No no, I'll do it, you stay here" She smiles pecking my lips and walking to the kitchen.

She comes back moments later with two plates. She hands me one and hops onto the couch resting her plate on top of her stomach.

"Want to watch a movie?" She asks and I nod.

"Pick one" I tell her and she gets up setting her already empty plate (besides the bones from her wings) on the armrest of the couch. She pulls out a movie and walks over grabbing her plate and mine putting them in the kitchen. She walks back in sitting next me and laying her head on my shoulder. She takes my hand and places it in her stomach.

"She's kicking" She giggles. A grin breaks out on my face.

"It's crazy to think that in just 3 months she'll be here"

"I know, I can't wait" She squeals.

"Me niether, we'll finally be a family" I smile and she presses a kiss to my lips.

We fall silent soon after and divert our attention to the movie. My hand making circles on her stomach occasionally feeling her kick. I feel warm lips press to the base of my neck, I let out a quiet moan as (Y/N) begins to suck on the skin.

"Babe" I moan quietly and she hums "Baby, you gotta stop." I laugh nervously but she doesn't stop. I stand up and walk to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Why'd you leave me baby?" She whispers from behind me, her hands trailing down my back.

"(Y/N)" I stop her. She huffs and reaches her hand around and grabs my crotch.

Damn, pregnant girls are so horny.

"(Your Full Name) stop it" I say sternly and she only giggles in response. I turn around to face her bringing her lips to mine. I think it's adorable how she's trying to be sexy.

I pull away from her seeing a seductive look on her face. I begin to laugh and she pouts.

"Harry" She whines.

"I'm sorry baby, I just think it's cute how that you're acting all sexy and it just comes out adorable with your cute belly" I giggle and she smiles.

"I hate you" She laughs and kisses me chastely.

"I love you and our baby" I say against her lips.

"I love you too Harry" She wraps her arms around my neck.






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