Austin Mahone

559 15 1

Triple Update!



|You're Mentioned in an Interview|

"So Austin I heard you have a new girlfriend!" the interviewer gushes

"Um yeah I do" he blushes

"So tell me about her"

"Well her name is (Y/N) and she's great, I mean she's really sweet and gorgeous and the best thing I could ask for, I absolutely love her and she's supportive of me and what I do and my fans love her as well as my mom so she's definitely the one I've waited for [A/N ahh see what I did there]" Austin says with a goofy grin

"So tell us how you met her"


"Austin let's go to the mall I need a new pair of shoes!!!" I hear Alex call for me

"Okay cool lets go" I yell back and grab the keys to my Range Rover

When we get to the mall we walk into Foot Locker [A/N I'm don't know where the good shoe stores are I only get my shoes from Vans because all I wear are vans so yeah y'all have to deal with foot locker] and I stop in my tracks when I see the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on, she's walking around with a guy I hope is her brother but I'm not sure

Oh shit! She saw me! Oh shit she coming closer! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh sh-!

"Hi!" she chirps happily

"Hey I'm Austin!" I say and hold out my hand

"(Y/N)" she smiles and takes my hand. God she's gorgeous

"Well it's lovely to meet you"

"You as well, so I have a question" she says

"Anything" I smile

"Do you see this skin?" she says and rubs her arm

I nod slightly confused

"Well it's made out of girlfriend material" she giggles "You see these jeans?" I nod again "Guess what it's made out of" she leans in and whispers "Wifey material" she laughs and hands me and index card "Here's my card enjoy!" She smiles and walks away

I look at the card in my hand

It reads:

Hi! Um so you're really cute and I kinda like you so you should call me, it's okay if you don't, I understand I'm kinda weird and incredibly straight forward but I'd like to get to know you, so yeah call me

P.S. I like Pizza!!!!

(Your Phone Number)


Girlfriend Material with the Wifey Material Jeans

I chuckle at the part that says she likes pizza, I like her even more now

I type her number into my phone and hit call

•Phone Call•

"Hello?" I hear her voice chirp happily

"Hi, I'm looking for someone who is girlfriend material, with wifey material jeans" I say holding back a chuckle

"Hi Austin!" she says loudly

"Hi beautiful! How are you?"

"I'm great, how are you?" she's very loud but I can't help but love it

"I'm wonderful, since you answered the phone" I laugh

Alex is in my face making kissing faces and I kinda wanna smack him

"Wow aren't you cheesier than an extra cheese pizza. Ooh I love pizza! It's so good like oh my gosh! Sorry! I'm rambling" she quickly

"Well maybe I like being cheesy is it so wrong?"

"Is that so wrong is it so wrong? That you make me strong" she sings

I laugh so hard that tears are in my eyes

"Are you laughing at my singing? I happen to think I'm amazing at singing especially while singing One Direction!" she giggles but stops abruptly "I just realized that you called me, and if you don't mind me asking why?"

"Oh yeah right that, I want to know if you'll go out with me, like on a date, you don't have to but I'm I would lik-"

"Of course I will cutie, as long as it's a pizza date! Cause I love Pizza!!!" she cuts me off

"I'm offended you thought I take you on a date somewhere that doesn't have pizza"

|Flashback Over|

"And the date was absolutely amazing and now here I am 9 months in and in no hurry to get out" he grins widely

"That is perhaps the cutest story ever" the interviewer smiles before the commercials come on




I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️


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