Luke Hemmings

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Okay so this one is honor of the fact that I just got a date to homecoming which I'm not even sure if I can go, because it is on the 11th of October and I have to go to Ocean City for my brothers birthday, but nonetheless I was really surprised because well I'm ugly but um unfortunately we're only going as friends because he is my best friend but still I'm ugly and he's hot as shit but anyways...



|He's Your Best Friend and Asks you to Homecoming|

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

I was sitting on the couch with my best friend Luke,we were watching movies and eating popcorn with nothing to do, I look over at Luke to see him already staring at me he quickly adverts his eyes away from me and I see a blush creep upon his cheeks

"Why were you looking at me?" I ask him

"Um uh I-I wasn't looking at you" he chuckles nervously

"I'm not an idiot Luke now tell me why?" I demand

"Um well did you ever get a date to homecoming?" he asks with a gulp

My heart beat quickens. Is he going to ask me? It's in 2 days and I've denied everyone waiting for Luke

"Well technically no but I have been asked by a couple people" I tell him playing with my fingers "Did you?"

"Um well uh kinda yeah, Rachel asked me and I mean she's my girlfriend so I had to say yes"

My eyes begin to water and I am overcome with disappointment but I try not to let it show, I thought he broke up with her, at least that's what he told me

"I thought you two broke up but uhh well that's good for you, Um I have to go now though but I'll see you tomorrow at school"

/The Next Day\

I walked through school to my next class when I was stopped by N ick, the Varsity Kicker [A/N Nick is based on an actual guy named Nick who is the varsity kicker he's so friggin hot like he looks like Austin Mahone and I'm not joking and no I'm not going to homecoming with him even though I wish I was but no I'm going with my best friend John but anyways continue]

"Hi Nick how are you?" I ask

"I'm great, you?" he says with his gorgeous smile

"I'm great, what's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to homecoming with me?" he asked blushing slightly

Before I could answer we were interrupted

"Nope she doesn't wanna go with you sorry now bye" Luke said quickly and shooed him away

"What the hell Luke? Maybe I wanted to go with him!" I yell

"Why would you wanna go with him? He's a player and a manwhore" he yells back [A/N This part about Nick isn't true he's a total sweetheart and I love him to pieces but anyways continue reading sorry about all these notes]

"No he's not a player or a manwhore and maybe he actually wanted to go with me" I say somewhat sadly "Why do you care anyway? You already have a date" I point out

"Well yeah but... but.. ugh just you can't go with him" he says walks away

+Later that Day+

I had just finished my homework and there's a knock on my front door.

I run down stairs and open the door to see a soaking wet Luke. I didn't realize it was raining

"Luke what happened?" I ask opening the door wider for him

He sniffles and I run to get some of his clothes he left in my room

"Uhm well, I feel like shit" he says

I look at him confused and hand him the clothes

"Why?" I ask as he changes

"Because I-I lied to you" he said quickly

"About?" I was so confused

"About me being with Rachel and her asking me to homecoming the truth is I wanna take you but I got nervous and chickened out and I'm sorry it was the only excuse I could think of"

"So you lied because you wanted to take me to homecoming but you got nervous" I ask he nods and walks closer

"But I want to take you to homecoming so will you go with me? I know it's nothing spontaneous but will you?"

I nod and hug him tightly

He breathes out a sigh of relief and kisses your cheek

"I'm glad you said yes" he whispers

I nod "Me too"




I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️


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