Austin Mahone

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This is for @JadeAlyssaGrier because she voted for my last two Austin Imagines, I love you so much and so this is a Thank you!!! You don't know how much I appreciate it!!



[Sorry it's basically a preference]

|First Kiss|

Austin and I had been dating for a about a month but we two haven't kissed yet, we decided that we wanted to take things slow because my last relationships didn't go so well.

Currently Austin and I were walking the beach watching the sunset.

He has to go back on tour soon and I can't go with him because my mother said no

"Babe look its so pretty" Austin gasps and holds up a shell

"Austin it's a shell" I laugh

"Fine, it's not like if give it to you anyway" he says and turns around

"I'm sorry, it's beautiful" I try to turn him around but he's stronger

"Austinnnn" I whine and stand in front of him

He looks to the sight to avoid my face

"I'm sorry, babe I love it" I wrap your arms around him while resting my head on his chest

I feel his arms wrap around my waist and before I know it I'm thrown over his shoulder

"Austin!! Put me down!" I say sternly

"Okay" he says simply and he throws me into a wave

"Austin! I'm going to fucking kill you" I scream and run after him

I chase him until he falls on the ground and I collapse on top of him

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" he mocks me

"You're an ass" I laugh

Soon the laughter dies down and the two of us are just staring into each others eyes

I didn't even realize Austin was leaning in until his lips brushed mine, I leaned in the rest of the way and your lips moved in sync and butterflies were flying all around and apparently it's the Fourth of July in my stomach

I pulled away with a cheesy grin, I stand up and pull Austin up with me... or try

"That was nice" Austin murmurs with a smirk once he gets himself up fully

"Yeah it was" I agree

"We should do it again" he grins and pulls you closer

"We should" I nod and he cups my face and kisses me again




I love you


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