6. Bradley Simpson

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Omfg! I just got back from the Austin Mahone Concert and it was fucking amazing like I can't even, first they had Shawn Mendes and he was wearing this muscle shirt and his biceps like fuck me, second was Fifth Harmony and even though I'm not a harmonizer (sorry, not sorry) they were pretty good, third was The Vamps and they are now my new obsession!! They were AMAZING!!!! They just were great they were like all energetic and idefk they made me smile so hard!! Bradley is hot as fuck! and Lastly Austin Mahone he was perfection he was just asdjklgh he made me scream and I think I'm going to lose my voice!!!

Anyways this imagine is for The Vamps' Bradley Simpson because he's sexy.



(Y/S/N) = Your Schools Name

|You're a Nerd and He's Popular|

~Your P.O.V~

I am on my way to AP Calc class with my best and only friend (Y/BFF/N).

"Oh my god! Look who it is (Y/N)" (Y/BFF/N) squeals.

"Who?" I look around to see who she's staring at.

"Right there!" she points.

I follow her finger until I see the one and only.


He's the hottest most popular guy in (Y/S/N) but he would never want someone like me. He's all popular and talented and I'm just a nerd. I am snapped out of my thoughts when I see his right eye drop into a wink.. I look around to see who he winked at but I didn't see anyone. I look back at him and point at myself while mouthing 'me?'

He nods and walks over to me "Hi (Y/N) you look absolutely stunning today" he says with his amazing smile.

He knows my name I internally squeal.

"Th-thank y-you Brad" I stutter while blushing in embarrassment.

"What class are you headed to?" he asks.

"Um AP C-calculus" I say.

"Well can I walk you?" He says nervously while he looks down at his feet.

Why was he nervous?

"Um s-sure" I smile. His face brightens and he grabs my hand and entwines our fingers.

"Is this okay?" he asks softly.

"Um s-sure b-but wh-what about y-your r-reputation?" I ask.

He stops and looks into my eyes "I don't care about that, I like you a lot more than I should but I can't help it your so beautiful and perfect and I want to be somebody to you [A/N Ahh see what I did there? ;) No? Okay I'll stop now] I want to be able to call you mine and cuddle you while we watch movies and kiss you when you least expect it I just want you, I'd take you over my reputation any day"

I was absolutely speechless.

"Can I kiss you?" he asks. I shake my head 'no' and he gives me a confused look.

"Why not?" he pouts.

"You ruined the element of surprise by asking" I smirk finding confidence.

He pouts and continues to help me walk to class. When we reach outside the classroom he stops me "Can I take you out? Like on a date" he says his voice shaky. I nod my head and he smiles "Can I have you number?" he asks I nod again and hand him my phone. He hands me his and I put in my number. We hand each other our phones back and he kisses my cheek.

"I'll text you later beautiful" he says and walks away. I walk into class and sit next to my best friend.

"What the hell was that?" she asks.

"I just got a date with THE Bradley Simpson" I say unable to believe it.

"Oh me gee" she squeals.

"Girls!" my teacher says sternly "Please settle down" we both nod and stay quiet.

My phone buzzing interrupts the teachers lesson.

From: That Sexy Guy Brad😘

I will pick you up tomorrow at 8 for our date dress casually you're in for a surprise ;) Also I'm waking you home today

I smile and show (Y/BFF/N) the text message she stars to jump around in her seat.


The bell rings for the end of the day and I walk to your locker to see Bradley is already there.

"Hi Gorgeous" he smiles and pulls me into a hug. Before I could reply you hear a high pitched voice.

"Bradley what the fuck are you doing?!?" the voice screeches.

I turn around and face Jenny the school slut [A/N No hate if your name is Jenny, I love you]

"Why are you with this nerd?" she gestures towards me.

"She's not a nerd don't talk about her like that" he spat. He grabs my hand and drags me out of the school.

"I'm sorry about her" he says quietly once we start the walk home.

"It's fine, I'm used to it" I mumble.

"Well you shouldn't be" he stops and steps in front of me "People need to realize that you are perfect in absolutely every way" he says.

We continue the walk until we reach my front porch. Caught off guard Bradley smashes his lips to mine. His lips are soft and perfect, our lips move in perfect sync and his tongue swipes my bottom lip asking for entrance, I let him in and his tongue explored my mouth. I pull back slightly his bottom lip between my teeth making him moan.

Where the hell did all that confidence come from? I question myself.

He pulls away fully "How was that for the element of surprise?" he smirks.

"Pretty surprising" I giggle.

"I didn't know you were that good of a kisser" he laughs making me blush.

"Neither did I" I laugh with him.

"I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow" he informs me.

"Okay see you then"

"See you then" he repeats and pecks my lips once more before walking back down the street.





I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️


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