Kian Lawley

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So, I'm doing a Kian Lawley imagine because I fucking can and I want to also cos he's bae af, even though he hates the word bae..

If you don't know who he is, look him up on YouTube cos his videos are funny af and he's adorable and perf and he makes me all hot and bothered and he gives me sexual thoughts and he's just... he's just Kian❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

But if you wanna see his videos his YouTube channel is Superkian13. Also watch the one on the top or side, but that's not his best video there are others but I like that video.

You should go check him out...

Cos his man crush is Harry Styles soooo...

He's alright in my book!

Anyways enough of that and into the imagine!


|This Moment...By Far|

I'm currently walking down the hallway listening I my best friend complain about how 'terrible' my boyfriend Kian is.

"-I just think you need to leave him" She finishes and I sigh.

"Lauren, I'm not leaving Kian. He's everything I could ask for and I don't want anyone else and I'm sorry if that upsets you but it's the truth" I shrug and walk away leaving her in the hallway.

I walk into my class and take a seat pulling out my phone and sending a text to Kian.


Hey, can you pick me up after school? I really need to talk to you.

I sigh and slide my phone back into my pocket after hitting send and turn my focus to the teacher, as she babbles on about some type of bullshit.

I begin to doze off somewhere in the middle of her talking and the bell rings, startling me. I gather up all my books and run out of the room and to the cafeteria, thanking god that it's lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and immediately go to find my friends and sit down with them pulling out my lunch.

Because let's face it, School lunch is just goop out of the gutter.

It's just nasty.

"Hey (Y/N)" Bailey and Jack say as I sit down.

I smile mumbling a quiet 'hi' and looking around for Lauren.

"Where's Lauren?" I ask and Bailey shrugs while Jack nervously looks at the ground.

"Jack, where is she?" I ask and he sighs pointing across the room, I follow his finger to see Lauren giggling along with the popular girls as she eats her lunch with them.

"What the fuck?" I hiss glaring at her.

"I don't know, she said she didn't want to deal with you" Jack mutters and I scoff.

"She didn't want to deal with me? I'm not the one telling her best friend to break up with her boyfriend for no goddamn reason" 

"Well, I think we should let her be, we don't need her" Bailey says rolling her eyes "She's not even that great anyways" She says and I laugh.

"So true though" I nod and pull out my phone seeing a text from Kian.


Of course I can baby, but I'm not in trouble right?


No you're not in trouble, unless you did something wrong ;)


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