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One Direction

These are short sorry!!



|You Dye Your Hair|

Harry: Harry was at the studio for the day and I was thinking of doing something crazy but not illegal. I think of multiple things to do but the only thing that seems to stick out is dyeing my hair. I smirk at the thought and grab the car keys and walk out of the house. I drive to the nearest Sally's [A/N Sally's is a beauty supply store in Maryland they have everything!] I walk to the hair dye aisle and pick out a bright blue color almost ocean blue like the Bahamas. I smile slightly as I picture what it will look like and walk to the cash register. "Will this be all?" the lady asks. I nod and pay her. I skip out of the store and drive home. I run inside to the bathroom. After I dye my hair and dry it I look in the mirror. I absolutely love it and can only hope Harry does too. My admiring doesn't last long because I hear the door slam shut. "(Y/N) babe where are you?" I hear Harry scream. I quickly clean up the mess and run into the bedroom and throw all my hair in a beanie. "I'm in the bedroom" I yell back and lay on the bed and turn on the tv. I hear Harry's footsteps coming up the steps and the door open. He looks at you confused "Why are you wearing my beanie?" he asks. "Um you know it's... cold yeah! It's cold" I say with a nervous laugh. Unfortunately he doesn't buy it and he pulls the beanie off my new light blue hair falling to my shoulders. His eyes widen "Damn that's hot!" he says and kisses me roughly

Louis: "Babe can I dye your hair?" My boyfriend Louis asks. I chuckle "Hell no". He pouts and crosses his arms "Fine" he huffs. Oh no! I brought out the Sass Master. "What color?" I roll my eyes at him. His eyes light up. "I'm thinking red!" he squeals. "Fine you can dye my hair" he squeals again and pulls out a box of red hair dye I look at him in shock and he just smirks and says "I knew you'd agree if I brought out the sassy side" I giggle at my crazy boyfriend and walk to the bathroom. After he's done he dries my hair and I gasp when I look in the mirror "Wow Lou I look great!" I grin "Let's not get conceited (Y/N)" he laughs

Liam: "(Y/BFF/N) I think I wanna dye my hair but I'm not sure, what do you think?" I ask my best friend "I think you should maybe like a brownish purple" she says "Omg yes!" I screech. We both go back to my best friend's house once we get the hair dye. I am going to do it for my boyfriend Liam who is on tour. "I'm going to Skype Liam when it's done" I tell my best friend she just nods as she dries it. "We are done!" she says happily. I grab her computer and call Liam. "Hey babe" he smiles warmly "Did you dye your hair" I nod "(Y/BFF/N) did it" I tell him "it looks great babe!"

Niall: "Babe I want you to help me! My brown is showing" Niall whines "Well I need you to help me dye my hair brown first then I'll dye yours" he huffs but nods "Come on (Y/N)" he dyes my hair the dark brown I usually do and I spend the rest of the night dying his and listening to him complain about being hungry

[A/N OMG I'm so sorry that sucked ass!!! I'm running out of ideas]

Zayn: I was watching a video of 5 Seconds of Summer and I saw Michael Clifford has pink hair! [A/N I know he doesn't anymore but just deal with it] I figured if he could pull it off I could too so you went out to buy pink hair dye and went back to Zayn and I's shared apartment. While dying my hair I got it all over the counter and the bath tub I curse but continue dying I'll clean it later. After I dry it I realize I can't pull it off like him but I don't really give a shit I'll embrace it. I go out to get food and come back hearing Zayn yell. "what the fuck happened to my bathroom!?!" I walk i n "Our bathroom" you correct "What the hell?!?" he screams looking at my hair. I pout "Well I thought if Michael Clifford could do it I could too" I say as tears form in my eyes "Well you obviously can't!" he mocks me run out crying, I go to the first place to think of which is Harry and his girlfriends house. [A/N I'm making myself Harry's girlfriend because I can and wanna] When I get there I knock on the door and Harry's girlfriend Cailin opened the door "Hi Kay how are you?" I ask my voice cracking a bit "Oh my god what happened are you okay? Your hair looks great! Sorry I'm rambling! come inside" she says and opens the door wider. I walk in and see Harry sitting on the couch with their kitten "Hello (Y/N) you alright?" he asks I nod and follow Cailin she walks upstairs and into her and Harry's room "Babe what happened?" she asks softly "Zayn he didn't like my hair and told me I couldn't pull it off like Michael Clifford" I tell her "Well I think it looks great and Michael can pull of anything especially naked!" she says I can't help but laugh "Woah I hope I'm the only one who can pull off naked" Harry says as he walks into the room an sits by Cailin he kisses her lips softly and it makes me feel sad how come he's supportive of her and Zayn isn't to me? "(Y/N) Zayn is here to see you" Harry tells me, I nod my head and walk downstairs and to the door. "(Y/N) I'm sorry I was just mad I love your hair I promise I was just stressed" he says I hug and and kiss him quickly






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