1st Surgery

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Ashen was awakened harshly by her cage being opened. Somber stirred beside her and lifted his head.

"Take them both out. I can perform duel injections just to begin," a Terran explained and Ashen realized it was the same Terran who had taken her blood the night before.

"Injections," echoed Ashen as the Terran grasped her scruff and her haunch and pulled her from the cage. Another Terran did the same to Somber. They carried the two pups into yet another large white room. This one had all kinds of large mechanical tools sitting in one area. Ashen saw screens and wondered what they were going to monitor.

She was set down on the table gently and when she lifted her head she saw rows of needles with unknown liquid in them. She began to thrash but the Terran held her down and she groaned. The last thing she wanted was to be injected with whatever the heck were in those needles.

"Somber," breathed Ashen as she looked to her brother who was also being held down. He bared his teeth in the beginnings of a snarl but he knew that he couldn't scare the Terrans away.

"It's okay," assured Somber as he looked over to his sister with calmness lighting in his eyes. Ashen managed to relax her body and her eyes closed as she looked to her paws. She managed to control her breath and realized that Somber had done the same.

The hand lifted a bit from her back and Ashen managed a large breath. She opened one eye and out of the corner of it she saw the Terran grasp one of the needles. She started to tense up a bit but she looked over to Somber and he smiled at her as he tried to calm her down again.

"It's okay. It's okay," Somber kept repeating as his own body turned limp like a fish out of water. She had the right idea.

Ashen managed a nod and felt the Terran grasp her scruff. He pulled it upward and injected the needle in. Ashen moaned a bit as the Terran injected the liquid into her body. The liquid flooded through her like fire. She growled in pain and she couldn't help her body from thrashing. She looked up at the Terran holding the needle and felt rage spark in her heart. She would make him pay for what he was doing to her and Somber!

The Terran took out the needle and cleaned it off before he grasped another needle but this was connected to a strange liquid filled bag. Ashen had no idea what it was but she didn't want to find out. Before she could react the Terran stuck the needle into her vein and new liquid began to drip into her body. She growled at the feeling but before she could stand she felt instantly woozy. Her eyes threatened to shut while her head felt like it weighed a ton.

She snuck a glance over to Somber and realized he had already succumb to the liquid. He was asleep and they were beginning to shove something down his throat. Ashen desperately wanted to howl to him and wake him up but the fatigue she felt growing inside her was too much. She let out one more pathetic growl before she lost consciousness.

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