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"A demon.. from the past?" He read the headlines several times. He still couldn't believe that this girl could get that kind of information so easily.

"We can try to go to that shrine tomorrow.. Today, I will try to find more shrine that perhaps had the same track record.. In case the first shrine didn't do any good..." The girl suggested.

"No. We will go there now." Sesshoumaru said shortly. He didn't need her approval in this case. He just picked her up again, just like before and ran to their destination.

Sesshomaru seemed like not a fan of ordinary road, so he jumped between buildings instead. Meanwhile for the girl, at first she was so shocked by the way they transported to other places, but after a few minutes, she got used to it.

Suddenly, Sesshomaru stopped at a shopping district. He landed right on the sidewalk and it surely shocked the pedestrians. Also suddenly, he put the girl down and stared at her.

"What is it?" She turned on him and tilted her head, waiting for an answer.

"Show me the way.."

"I THOUGHT YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO?!!" The girl shocked and facepalmed at him. But later she picked up her phone. She put on the GPS on the screen, then she faced the phone back to Sesshoumaru. "Here.. this dot is you.. and this line is the road that we need to take to go there.. and.. oh.. this arrow is our destination.."

"Now, you hold it.. and follow the line.. I have tests tomorrow so I'm gonna study.." after putting her phone, she took a book from her bag. "Okay.. I'm ready! pick me up like before.." She said while tapping on her waist. She's still fixing her eyes on the book somehow.

In the other hand, Sesshoumaru turned his heels and lowered his back. "Get on." He said. The girl shift her eyes on his back that currently in front of her. Oh.. A piggyback? She tried to get on him and then he held her thigh in an appropriate way with his right hand. When he felt that she's safe in his grip, he dashed and ran in a super fast way.

"Lord Sesshoumaru.. I think people were staring at you.." The girl took a glance to the pedestrians around them and they were all shocked.


"Hmm.. I think it's not really good to be a center of attention while we're being hunted by that thing from before.." She continued. "Blending in will be a good idea.. we can get rid of the unwanted attention by that.."

"Do you think I'm not strong enough to beat that thing?"

"Omg.. Lord Sesshoumaru.. really.. It's not about being running away from that thing.. But don't you think if you could save your energy for more important enemy?? Not for some random encounter like that??" The girl tried to opened the mind of her companion but the man didn't gave any response, but he kept thinking about her idea.

Only after a few minutes of dashing and jumping over the roofs, they arrived to their destination, The Shiranoma Shrine. The Shrine was on a mountain right next to the city. People around that area said that this Shrine got thousands of stairs and when the girl saw it with her own eyes, she lost her energy.

"I'm.. feeling tired just by seeing these stairs.."

"You talked as if you're walking on your own feet all the way here.. hang on.." Sesshoumaru chuckled and answered in sarcasm. Meanwhile for the girl, his chuckles were something new. She blushed when she heard that but quickly she covered her face with her book.

Sesshoumaru jumped higher than before, so he could reach the top as fast as he could. However, the girl didn't hear his last warning and she almost fell from his back. But thankfully, she hugged his neck automatically to save herself. Sesshoumaru noticed the arms that wrapped around his neck. It reminded him of someone in the past that did the same thing to him. Perhaps it was Rin? But he couldn't remember.

Finally then reached the top of the hill where the shrine was there. The big red Torii gate welcomed them. The Shrine looked so traditional with fresh breeze around it. They also coukd see the city from there. It was sunset when they got there, so the view of the orange-pink sky welcomed them.

Sesshoumaru walked towards the main building and the girl followed. He noticed the sparkle in her eyes towards the traditional building. She really is in love with feudal era of Japan... He thought. He glad that it was easy to guess so he could made a deal with her.

"Excuse me.." The girl went into the building first. They couldn't see anyone besides an empty hall with big golden statues and candles around it. The building was dominated by dark woods, there's almost no modern touch in it. "Is there anyone here?" A sound of bells answered them. A man in a black-gold monk suit walked approaching them in grace.

She bowed in respect towards the man, meanwhile Sesshoumaru didn't do anything like that. He kept staring at the bald man. "Is there anything you need, young girl?" The man answered.

"Um.. I heard that this shrine could do an exorcism to the demon from the past and send them back.. Could you please send the demon next to me back to his time?" The girl pointed at Sesshoumaru slowly.

"Oh.. he is a demon? Is he possessing you?" The monk asked.

"Uh.. not really possessing me.. but he just wants to go back to his time.." she smiled awkwardly.

"Okay.. I think I can do that.. but it will cost a lot of money.. Is that okay, young girl?"

"How much is it?" She asked.

"Around ¥15.000.000 perhaps.." The monk smiled softly at her. Meanwhile she's shocked just about that amount of money.

Omg.. I can't let my parents know about this but that amount of money surely can't be hidden from them.. She's sweating and panicked.

"(Y/n)! Come here.." Sesshoumaru signed her to move closer to him. She hesitantly obeyed, and she felt sorry for the monk. Then, Sesshoumaru stepped forward, "Cut it out, faker.. I know you're not a monk.. who or what are you?" He confronted.


Thank you for reading~
I'm doing this inside the bus on my way to work 😂😂
Hope you like this part too.. ><

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