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"So.. that's how I will go back to the past?" Sesshoumaru was still quetioning the spirit in front of him.

"Yes.. and,Dad?"

Sesshoumaru lost in thoughts again. But then he responded to the spirit's last call. "Hmm?"

"You better go now.. Mom needs your help.." Her answer surprised him. He swiftly ran back, leaving the spirit alone almost instantly. "Dad.. make sure you will safe mom.. and.. Let's meet in 5 more years.." The spirit smiled sincerely to nothing before she vanished into the darkness once again.

(Y/n)! (Y/n)!! Where are you??? Sesshoumaru slammed the bedroom's door where he left her the last time. However, she only found a maid that was cleaning the room now. He found her papers that now laying helplessly on the coffee table. Quickly he left the room and the confused maid.

Running without any specific direction, Sesshoumaru ended up in the castle's garden. He's pretty much aware that this place was her favorite spot. He tried to look at every corner of the garden, hoping to find her white Furisode between all of these green scenery. His sense of danger upon her was getting bigger as the dusk sky began to fade.


"Oh poor (y/n).. don't you think.. he really looks like your ancestor?" Totosai grinned at the tired girl. She has been evading Inuyasha's attack for half an hour now. Her mind was busy at the attack instead of the question. "My.. my.." Totosai only sighed for being ignored. "Inuyasha! Stop!" His voice successfully stopped the demon dog's move when he's about to land his claw on her.

"Huhh??" The man with dog ears glared at the other man.

"Let's make this.. a little bit fun." He stepped forward between the two fighting figures. Standing in front of both of them, he constantly gave a satisfied smirk towards them. "How about hide and seek? (Y/n).. You may run.. and we'll see who fill find you first.."

Hide and seek?? The girl's panting heavily. Her brain was too dizzy to think but she knew that she needs to take action soon. "I will count to 30. Run as far as you can.. and hide when you couldn't find any help..." He grinned devilishly.

OH SHIT! She caught the danger sign and made her move almost immediately. "One.. two.. that's fast.." The two man watched her vanishing form in the woods.

"What's your fucking plan, old man??" Inuyasha stepped in front of the man in suit. He growled in annoyance because he almost kill her just now. "I was so close to her death!"

"It's going to be fun.. trust me~"

"No! This is way too easy! I'll just have to sniff her smell and I'll find her!" Inuyasha said confidently.

"Oh really? Try to sniff her now!" Totosai challenged him. Inuyasha tried to sniff the air but his confidence soon vanished. He moved to the ground, sniffing it like a real dog would do. "Find anything?"

"Fuck.. How come she didn't have any smell??? She's a human, right??" Inuyasha stood back on his feet.

"That's the fun part! Even your brother, a fully fledged demon dog, couldn't find her when she's missing before. Imagine.. how great her family has formed that little girl into an assassin.."

"What the hell.. I've met her 500 years ago yet I never knew that she would possessed such abilities.."

"You never saw her as a threat before. That's... surprisingly acceptable." The man turned his head back to the direction where the girl ran before. "It's already 30. Let's find her." He grinned and left Inuyasha.


"This smell.." Sesshoumaru caught a familiar smell in the air. It came from the other side of the mountain. The side where the shadow from the dusk fell. He gathered his power before dashed upwards and flew with the wind. He added the pace so he could reached the source of the smell sooner.


He must finished to thirty now and I haven't reached the castle yet! How far did he take me anyway??! The girl let herself stopped at a nearby tree. She took her breath while thinking where she was and where she should go now. Shit! It's almost dark!! Her sight was caught by the sky that didn't seem to be on her side today. Wait... She stared at the pine trees around her. A few trees has a huge gap at the root. The gap was enough for a human to hide in there.

This will do... With all the energy that left in her current weak state, she's keeping an eye at her surrounding. A few rustling sounds from the leafs surprised her, but thankfully it was nothing but the wind.... and soft footfalls in the distance.


The smell.. it keeps moving.. (Y/N), I hope you're okay.. Sesshoumaru was keep running. He didn't like the smell that he followed but he had a high hope that it will lead him to his little helper. Down the path of the tall pine trees he went. His steps halted at the area where the smell were surrounded around it. He scanned the area. Most of the trees got huge gap in their roots and it makes it a good spot for hiding. His orbs widened as heard a single rustling from the leafs. There!!


The softfalls were getting louder. (Y/n) could felt her sweat streaming down her temples. She wiped it soon, not wanting it to fell on a hard surface and make a slight noise. "There you are.." a familiar voice was heard behind her. She turned her head to see the source of the voice...


"There you are.." Sesshoumaru rab towards the familiar figure in front of him. He prepared his claw and attacked it. However, the silver haired figure dodged his attack easily.

"Heh! I've been waiting for you, Sesshoumaru!" Fangs was showed in his smirk.

"Inuyasha! Where did you take her??!" Sesshoumaru growled while marching his attack.


"To-.. Totosai.. uncle.." The handsome silver ashed haired man reflected in her (e/c) orbs, hovering on her.

"Found you.."


Thank you for reading this part.. ><
Hope you like it.. :D
This one took longer to do cause.. I got so much holiday 😂😂
So I didn't have much time to spend on the bus.. lol 😤👏

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