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His lips were still pressing against hers. She could felt a weird warmth in her heart when he did that to her. So.. this is how it feels to be kissed? Her eyes were still opened wide meanwhile Sesshoumaru seemed to enjoy it the most.

"Lord Sessh-" the girl tried to pull herself from him so she could get some air. however, his body was pressing hers to the door so she couldn't break free. "Pleas-"

Once again he reached for her lips. Taking control over her body and mind. He's looking for an opening into her. The girl's orbs widened as he found it and he slipped his tongue into her. Once again, the girl tried to push Sesshoumaru by his chest. She gave all of her power but at that time, she knew that this man is way more powerful than her.

Rage and regret. It was all that driving him into this state. In his mind, he knew he didn't want to lose the old woman although her identity was still a mystery for him. He couldn't recognize her appearance due to the age, and her voice was not familiar to him. The only impression that she gave to him was her graceful act as a traditional woman.

Of course, in his vision, he's kissing the unknown old woman in front of him. Not knowing that he's actually kissing someone in the present time. Tears flowing through his cheeks and fell on the teenager's cheeks. Is it a bitter love? The teenager thought. If it's really that hurt.. please share that pain with me.. The girl accepted the domination of the great demon dog.

Suddenly not long after that, he backed off by himself. He broke the chains of saliva that was intertwining them.

The girl's breathing heavily as she fell on her feet. Heat already invaded her mind and it made her dizzy. In the other hand, Sesshoumaru was finally back to his sense. He's eyeing the girl in front of him. Being a mess and helpless. However, when he realized what did he just do on her, tint of pink invaded his cheeks. "Shit! My instinct-.."

As she blushed heavily, she didn't respond to his call for a few moment. Calculating what just happened between them and the meaning behind it, she found no answer in her own mind. Okay.. I let him kiss me in the end anyway.. Facepalmed at her own action, the girl's collecting courage to face him.

The girl finally lifted up her face towards him. "It's okay.. I already told you.. it's fine if it's you.." she tried to give him her best smile.

"I'm sorry.." He lent her a hand to help her stood up. "Recently I got visions and somehow my body moved by itself.." He felt guilty over the teenager for being reckless and invaded her sensitive part.

"Visions?" The girl got back on her feet.

"I.. lost some part of my memories.." Sesshoumaru started to hold his forehead and stroke some strands of his silver hair. "I don't remember the reason why I sealed myself in the mountain.."

"Oh!" The girl took suddenly took his hand and lead him to the pink pastel couch where he was sitting before. She pushed him to sit before took a seat next to him and made her cozy way in it. "Please continue.."

"At first I thought I sealed myself due to my grief over a little girl that I used to take care of.. But then, I realized that there's someone else.. But I don't know who is she.." Once again his eyes showed the familiar sorrow. So this is the reason between his sadness and unexpected action.

"Any idea who is she?" The girl's (e/c) orbs widened. So there's someone in his heart.. Silly me! Of course he's not kissing me.. He's just mistook me of someone else.. She felt sad over it. Perhaps it's because she started to look at him in a different way. Hoping too much. She realized that it was her own mistake for being like that.

"No. She appeared as an old woman.. I can't recognize who she is.." some strands of his hair fell. She took a glimpse of it and she's took it and placed it behind his ear in reflex. Sesshoumaru looked at her in surprise. Blushed, she gasped and pulled her hand back and placed it on her chest. Little did she know, a smile slightly formed in his face, but it quickly fades as the girl turned her gaze back to him.

Stupid me!! Why did I do that??! The teenager smiled awkwardly but thankfully, the man seemed to let it slip. Sesshoumaru turned his gaze back to her with a question. "Why did you cry?"

Blinked several times, the girl arranged the words in her mind. "Uh.. it was all my mother's plan.. the guy that we kidnapped.. He's gonna be my future husband.."

"Oh.. arranged marriage.."

"Yup!! Ugh I really hate the idea! I don't love him.. He even did something disrespectful on me!! how can I marry him??" The girl shook her head and messed her own hair in distress. Finished with it, some strands fell on her face and she blew it upwards. A sigh followed after that. "I need to find a way to make this arrangement failed.." The girl leaned to the couch lazily. She took a glimpse of the book on the coffee table that was left by Sesshoumaru.

The girl extended her hand and took the book. It was a romance manga that she bought 2 years ago at the local bookstore on her way home. A story about a girl that pretends to be a boy's girlfriend....... That's it! The girl quickly fixed her gaze on Sesshoumaru's gold ones. Her orbs were burnt with determination in order to run away from her unfortunate future.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" She's holding her breath and embarrassment that would come in her next words. Not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it's worth the try.


"Can you please be my boyfriend?"


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I hope you like this part too .. ><

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