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"The Great Demon Dog.. what a selfish creature he might be.." the man let out a sigh. "He let my daughter carry on a heavy duty as the only child.." He smirked at the figure that was still standing there, not moving an inch.

"I pretty much understand that.." the girl finally speak up for herself. "The Great Demon Dog may decide my background.. but I'm the one that decide my future.. and I PRETTY MUCH HATE TO CONTINUE THIS FAMILY LINE.." The girl turned her heels and walked back to the door.

"You may be so arrogant for now, my dear.. but soon reality will slap you in the face and make you drop that ego..." the man muttered in his breath after the girl left the room.

The girl walked her way back to the east wing where her room is. She's still so pissed. why is there no one that gonna save me from this fucked up plan? When she finally stepped inside her room, she walked straight to her wardrobe and picked her pajama. Since Sesshoumaru wasn't around, she could freely change her clothes without going to the bathroom.

She's only in her underwear, but her eyes took a glimpse on her reflection in the mirror, before she put on her clothes. Her right hand swiftedto her right ribs, rubbed it softly before she turned her body and take a look at the left part. He got this kind of mark too on his face.. Could it be, he's the Great Demon Dog of my family? She took a few moments of silence in her mind. Nahhh.. there're thousands Great Demon Dog.. it couldn't be him.. She said as she slipped the pajama and headed to her bed. Throwing herself onto it, she fell asleep as soon as her pink polyester blanket wrapped around her body.

The night was long 500 years ago. But now, everything seems to goes so fast, including the night. Sesshoumaru already spent one day and one night explored the city that used to be so familiar with him. Trying to find information by himself, he found himself not able to comprehend what the modern demons said. He just couldn't find demons that was in the same age like him, so he decided to go back to his little helper's place.

Opening the wide window, he's welcomed by the sleeping figure on the bed. She lost some weight already? Sesshoumaru caught a slight different on the girl. It was just one day.. how come? Confused, he went into the room even further and examined the girl. He extended his arm gave a gentle touch on her cheek so she wouldn't wake up.

She lost a few grams.. After checking on her, he didn't move an inch. Instead, he continued to caress her cheek. He sighed and continued to do so for a few minutes. Things come and go through his mind, especially about the last time the girl asked for his commitment. I don't know.. If I really like you that much to make such commitment with you.. He's pretty much aware that what she meant was just a cover to help her, but betraying faking a commitment was just against his own traditional value.

Suddenly the teenager turned her body and surprised Sesshoumaru. He thought that he woke her up just now, but thankfully he's not. "Stupid.." the girl spoke in her sleep and made Sesshoumaru blinked a while. "Lord Sesshoumaru.. stupid man.. silver hair.." Sesshoumaru just let out a louder sigh. He rolled his eyes for being called like that in her unconscious state.

Soon after that, the teenager continue with her words. "Silver hair.. wind scar.." Sesshoumaru caught the last words in her breath. His golden orbs widened. That words were familiar with him. No one suited the words that she described besides his one and only younger brother. Inuyasha.. He's here too? He's thinking, it's much suspicious if his brother was probably still alive as well, he's only a half demon after all.

He quickly took his steps and ready to go out for another research, but this time, he's gonna look for his brother. Suddenly something tugged his fluffy fur before he walked further from the bed. She turned around and found the girl was already hugging his fluffy fur. "Please, protect her.." He muttered while letting go of his fluffy fur and wrapped it around the girl's body. I will be right back.. He said as he pull some strands of her hair to the ear and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before he left.

He didn't know why did he do affectionate action like that. He just felt like he need to do that. The sensation from her soft hair were still left in his hand. He couldn't help but to fly through the night while staring at the palm of his hand.

The morning came. Another bright light penetrated through the opened window in the pastel colored room. Her eyes couldn't help but to react to that light. She felt something fluffy on her body but her brain was too slow to respond on that thing, but her body responded in a different way. She curled herself more into that fluffy thing.

Not a good idea.. I must wake up.. I can sense the school is coming for me.. Random thoughts ran through the teenager's mind, but that thoughts were the one that efficiently woke her up. When she opened her eyes, she realized that something was sticking on her body. This fluffy pillow??! LORD SESSHOUMARU??!

The teenager scanned the room but she found no one there. Quickly she crawled to her window and tried to find the figure of the owner of that fluffy pillow. "LORD SESSHOUMARU!!" she shouted to the nature but nothing has came to respond.

She crawled back to the fluffy thing and examined it. The smell is still new.. it means Lord Sesshoumaru was here not long ago.. why did he come back? What make he leave as soon as he arrived? And why did he leave me with his fluffy thing with me?


Thanks for reading this part too~
Sorry for the late reply.. TwT
Yesterday I got flu so I skipped work and I cannot continue this story..
Anyway, I hope you like this part too~ 😀

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