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"Can you please be my boyfriend?"

He raised an eyebrow. Caught the sign, the girl realized that he didn't know what a boyfriend is, but she's not sure. At least until he threw him a question.

"Boy.. friend?" As expected. The girl rolled her eyes and clapped her hands once before throwing a sigh at him. "What's with that attitude?" Sesshoumaru glared at her. He thought that she's being impolite.

"Nah.. just an expression.. I have expected that question.." The teenager chuckled yet she was replied with a glare from him. "Boyfriend and girlfriend.. it's a special relationship between a girl and a boy~" the girl closed her eyes and put both palm of her hands on her head. Then her hands made a half circle, imitating Spongebob's rainbow gesture. She smiled widely upon her explanation.

"???" Yet, Sesshoumaru still didn't understand the meaning.

"It's a romantic relationship!" The girl tired of giving signs for him. Modern sign language won't do on this ancient man.. She scoffed.

"Oh.. husband and wife.."

"Yes!! But not marriage.. more an earliest stage before becoming a husband and wife!" She explained excitedly.


"Earlier than that! Usually it involves younger generation.. like teenager.."

"The teenager were preparing for marriage?" Sesshoumaru's face showed that he's finally understand, but the definition in his brain were actually different than the reality.

"Uh.. They didn't think of marriage yet.. People become boyfriend or girlfriend usually just because they like the person but doesn't want to commit a commitment yet..." the girl scratched the back of her neck. Turning her gaze to another direction, she's waiting for the man's answer.

"No.." a short answer came out from Sesshoumaru's mouth.

"Eh?" The girl blinked several times. "Oh! Don't worry.. it doesn't have to be a real relationship.. being a fake boyfriend is also-"

"NO." His voice suddenly turned low and firm. The (e/c) orbs widened. "I'm not gonna play around with a commitment like that."

"But- You just have to PRETEND to be my boyfriend. It doesn't mean you have to be my REAL boyfriend." The girl frowned but she still couldn't believe his answer. "Please! It doesn't have to be the real thing.."

"(Y/n).. Marriage is a serious matter.. You can't play around with it like that.."

"I'm not playing around! I JUST DON'T WANT TO MARRY AN UNKNOWN MAN FOR ANY FUCKING REASON!" The girl raised her voice. Questioning the other person's decision.

The sky was already dark and the girl has to go to school on the next day, but their arguments were remain still. Sesshoumaru just locked his gaze on the determined girl. Her urge to run from her arranged marriage is just too big and he knew that no advice would make its way to her mind in this state.

Sesshoumaru let out a sigh before he gave some words for her. "(Y/n).. get some rest.. you've been awake since yesterday.." He stood up and walked towards the window. He paused just to take a glance at her.

She took her chance to say something before he walked out. "If I get married.. yeah! If I get married with that bastard, I won't be able to help you go back to your time anymore!" She'a not threatening him, yet it will be one of the consequences for both of them. Unfortunately, the man didn't give any answer. He continued his steps and vanished in the darkness of the night.

"I thought.. you will save me.." the girl bite her bottom lip. The cheeks that was dry, now wet again. Cursing her fate in her breath, she fell asleep soon after that.

The bell that signed the school's end was ringing. Picking up her books and pen, she put everything in her black school bag. Standing on her feet and ready to go, she turned her gaze to the window. It was cloudy with a higher chance to rain.

He's not coming back, huh? This morning, the teenager found herself slept on the couch without a single trace of Sesshoumaru. She assumed that he hasn't coming back since their fight. Am I asking too much? I should've listen to him.. The girl regretted her words back then.

The girl walked from her classroom. She kept her head low due to the thoughts in her head. Even until she reached the gate, she ignored Kirisagi that was already waiting for her in the car. She chose to walk her way back although it will be a really long way. "Lady!!" The girl felt someone's grip on her left arm. "Where are you going?" He repeated the question that he has said several times.

"Let me go.. Suddenly I'm carving for some desserts.." her (e/c) orbs didn't shine its light. The black haired man surely realized her state. She's being unguarded, not like her usual self that always in a full cautious mode. Kirisagi let go of that arm. He saw her walking to the direction of the shopping district.

He turned his gaze from left to right, tried to find the familiar figure that currently always shadowing his little master, yet he didn't feel any presence around her. Did they have a fight? Of course, Kirisagi would follow wherever the teenager go, especially when she's alone. He let out a sigh before walked back to the car.

Sound of a bell was heard from the door. The girl walked into the dessert cafe. She thought that she could study in here, instead of her own house. At least in this place, she didn't have to remember about her marriage, sick future husband, and her old-style friend.

"how many seat do you need, miss?" A waiter stood near the front door.

"Just one.."

"Oh.. then please come this way.." The waiter lead her to a seat next to the window. A table for two person? how perfect. She thought. After the waiter gave the menu, she took it and scanned through it. "Have you decided what you want to order, miss?" The waiter smiled at her after a few minutes of wait.

"A green tea parfait.." her eyes stopped at the green dessert in the menu. Pretty familiar since she just had that one a few days ago with someone.


Hello~~ sorry for the long wait ><
You know I used to continue this on my way to work, and I got a long weeked a few days ago 😂😂
So, the progress stuck somehow ahahaha
I already tried to continue this at home, but most of the idea came when I was in the bus.. QwQ
So, i wait until i went back to work.. xD
Anyway hope you like this part too.. ><
See you in the next chapter.. xD

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