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Eyes opened slowly due to the dizziness that she felt. Rubbing her eyes with the the back of her right hand, the girl tried to collect her soul. My head.. She pushed her body so she could sit on the cozy bed, yet her eyes were still half closed. The girl heard a rustling noise that she later recognized as plastics took her mind. "Ugh.. fuck.. my head.." she rubbed her eyes again before opened it.

She saw a familiar man that now were wearing a white leather jacket were folding something. His slick silver hair were tied like a ponytail, leaving his bangs covering his eyes. Clothes? The thing that he kept folding were clothes that were dominated by (f/c).

CLOTHES!! she lifted up her blanket. Once again fear consumed her mind. In her eyes, she saw herself being naked. Besides herself, everything is dark and cold. She started hyperventilating again due to the view. From the darkness, a hand suddenly appeared as if it's about to strangle her. She quickly covered her face with both of her arms and drew her leg closer to her body.

"(Y/n)!!" A shout suddenly broke her hallucination and brought her back to reality. She looked at herself and she's actually wearing a white pajama and not naked like in her mind. The surface that she's sitting on was no longer a cold stone floor, but actually a soft lilac bed. And the person that was sitting in front of her, he looked like he's in a great pain, but his golden eyes fixed on her (e/c) ones.

"Lord Sesshoumaru.." She mumbled. Her voice were too faint to be heard for human, but not for the demon dog.

"Are you okay? Do you want a glass of water?" He's worried.

"You're.... back.." she's confused with her feelings. She missed the man in front of him and his appearance really shocked her.

"Yes, it's me. I took you from that flamboyant man. It took a while.. I'm sorry.." guilt filled his chest and it's aching. It's been a while since the last time he showed any expression to her.

She's opened her mouth but she closed it again. Being doubtful just to say a word, her action confused him more. She tried to opened her mouth again just to say "because of you.."

"I took so long.. I'm sorry.."

"Not only time.. YOU REFUSED TO HELP ME IN THE BEGINNING!! So all of these shits happened!!" She began to cracked up again. "Now I'm a worthless and dirty whore!!"

Sesshoumaru couldn't replied her because it's all fact. He didn't agree with her plan when she asked him for help and now she's all broken. He want to help her, not only for the guilt that he felt, but also for a weird force from inside his heart. And he's still couldn't agree with her last phrase. "No! You're not worthless!"

"But- He touched me! A-and he kissed me in a way- I hated it! Then- He- " Her hands started to scratched her head and messed her (h/c) hair. Her nails started to dig into her scalp unintentionally.

Sesshoumaru smelled a faint scent of blood, so he grabbed her arms and prevent her from hurting herself even more. "No! (Y/n)! Listen to me! I'm sorry! I Should've stayed with you than-"

"ENOUGH!!! I don't want to hear that anymore. Please.. get out.." She cut his words. Her orbs were burning, while her sclera turning into a familiar crimson. Sesshoumaru knew this sign of anger. There's no need for another proofs of their bloodlines. Rage of the demon dog is in her blood...

After that, he decided to let go of her hand. He stood up from her bed and turned his heels. The silence confused her, but rage were still consuming her mind. She put her palm on her temple. She hated herself for being like this, especially towards him. "Here.." the girl lifted up her gaze back to the man that was standing near a pile of clothes on her couch. "I already bought these clothes since I left the old ones at Kiyonobu's mansion. I hope these clothes suit your liking." He said before he left the room.

Curious with what did he mean by that, the girl crawled to the edge of her bed before she stood up and walked. She recognized that pile of fabric was in her favorite colors before she took one on the top and analyzing it.

The fabric was soft. Is this silk? Then she extended the fabric to see the shape and it was a kimono. The pattern was consisted of (f/flowers) with beautiful gold floral lines. She's amazed by the exquisite fabric in her hands, especially since she loved her own tradition so much. How did he know? She questioned herself, but the man wasn't near her to answer it.

She also checked another fabric on the couch and most of them were also kimono with another exquisite pattern on it. Other than kimono, the other fabric were pajamas in cute pattern and pastel colors. OMG.. He bought all of this exactly based on my preference.. Her hand suddenly moved to cover half of her face. Not only embarrassed, a small trace of happiness was also filled her heart.

She snatched the previous silk kimono and put it on herself. She walked to the mirror to see herself in it while swinging her kimono. It looks pretty when being flown by the wind. The lights were also reflected by the gold strands from the kimono. Nothing lightened up her heart but this beautiful piece right now.

However, when she saw her own reflection on the mirror, her nightmate came to her again. Once again her reflection only showed her that she's naked.

"My Lady, I came to bring your dinner.." a maid knocked on her door with a tray of food for her.

"I don't need that.." she said while she started to dig on her own flesh with her nails again.


Thanks for reading~~

Now is the time where the reader is at her lowest.. TwT)9

hope you like this chapter too ><

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