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The girl opened the big wooden door with the weight from her own body. She's just didn't have any power left. Her blood were still dripping from the edge of her lips yet she didn't felt any pain from it. Everything was too common for her.

She closed the door behind her and leaned on it. Letting her body went limp and fell on her knees, she let out a sigh. Sesshoumaru switched his gaze from the book on his hands. He closed the book and put it on the coffee table before he stood up and approached her.

The girl tried to wiped her blood that were spilled again, but this time Sesshoumaru paused her. His grip on her hand were strong yet gentle. "Is that your blood?" He asked. Her head was hanging low but she managed to nod slightly.

All of a sudden, he lifted up her chin with his other hand. He leaned closer to her and made her heart beats faster in a moment. His face was really close, in fact, he's sniffing at the blood that was on the edge of her lips. "Your blood smells ordinary.."

"O-of course.. human's blood are the same.. what do you expect??" Stuttered in embarrassment, the girl leaned backwards, trying to give more space between them.

"No.. Each human has a specific eating habit and that makes their blood different in some ways. May I.. taste it?" He locked his golden orbs on her (e/c) ones. Silence broke between them. Shades of red were already tinted her (s/c) skin heavily, yet he didn't really care. He only need her answer.

Hold yourself together, (y/n)!! It's just for a safety purpose!! Quickly said yes and let him finished his business!! The girl nodded, yet her body trembled in anticipation. Her eyes shut tightly and she pressed her back to the door.

Staring at her reaction, he knew that she's scared. Maybe a soft approach will do... Once again he leaned even closer to her.

A soft yet wet thing touched her lips. She didn't expect the touch to be on her lips, so she opened her eyes in response. Right in front of her (e/c) orbs, she could see his silver long eyelashes on his closed eyes. By that time, she realized that he's actually licked the blood that left on the edge of her lips. Her face were getting hotter and her heart beat even faster.

He didn't need a lot of time until he pushed himself away. His gaze turned somewhere else. He's observing the taste of her blood, ignoring the owner of the blood that almost losing her consciousness by his action. "As I expected.. Your blood is sweet.." he muttered. Something snapped him from his thought. He could felt something's gripping his shirt and he looked down.

Pressed between the door and his chest, her orbs were teary while she's locking her gaze on him. "If it's you.. I wouldn't mind.." tears flowed even more. "If you're the one.. that I'm gonna marry.. I wouldn't mind.." her sobs were echoed in the room. Her small fingers were hanging on his shirt, gripping it as strong as she could.

Sesshoumaru didn't understand the situation. Marry? What does she mean by that? His hand fingers were not under her chin anymore, instead, both of it were holding to the door, pinning her inside. Surprised, he just could see the girl being helpless, not like her usual self. "What do you mean?" Panicked, Sesshoumaru tried to remember his times when Rin used to cry, what he would do at a time like that.

Sesshoumaru started to wrapped his arms around the girl. Pressed her closer to him, so close that even he could felt her heart from his own chest. He placed one arm on her hair and began to stroke her (h/c) soft hair. "There.. there..." He mumbled "It's.. okay..". He tried to calm her and obviously he's not used to that kind of action, yet he did his best.

Her voice soon faded out. Her breath were also calmer yet she's still snuggled her face on his chest. Soon, he felt a small push from her and he released her from his arms. "I'm sorry.. for being like this.." she muttered.

The man just frozen in his place. Didn't say anything or even moved after that. "Lord Sesshoumaru..?" He's spacing out again. The girl shook his body, yet nothing came in response.

Sesshoumaru's sight turned again. This time, he's sitting in a tatami room. In front of him, there's a woman. Her hair was white and she seemed old. A human? He couldn't recognize who is she. The woman was sitting gracefully in her pink kimono with a pattern of spider lilies. Her eyes were covered in bandages. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?" Sesshoumaru could feel himself shouting at the woman.

"You know.. my health is getting worse.. any medication in this era will not cure me.. including your Tenseiga.." she took her glass of tea and sipped it.


"It's no use for bringing me back to this world.. my body is getting old.. it will rot soon.."


"Lord Sesshoumaru.." The woman turned her face to him, as if she could see at him in the eyes although her eyes were covered. "You must learn to let me go.."

A fire of rage suddenly emerged in him. The girl was shocked at the slighy changes in Sesshoumaru's appearance, especially his eyes. His sclera turned red and somehow there're winds flowing around him. "Lord- Sesshoumaru! SHIT!!" She tried to holding on his shirt, but since the winds were too strong, she got no choice but to wrapped her arms around his waist. The small things like books and other accessories in her room were already flying around, meanwhile, the heavy things like furniture were started to moved uncontrollably to any direction.

"LORD SESSHOUMARU PLEASE COME BACK!" The girl screamed at the top of her lungs. Her effort wasn't useless. The winds suddenly stopped and Sesshoumaru's stiff body already twitched a little. Sesshoumaru looked down at her, yet his sclera were still red.

Once again, his hands brushed her cheeks softly while staring at her with sorrow. The girl was confused yet she's not surprised anymore. That look would always stuck on him everytime he finished messing with his mind. Hovering right on her face, she's staring at his red sclera and golden orbs, wondering what did this mean. Yet, her question soon to be answered with a weird act of affection that he showed unintentionally.

"Lord.. Sesshoumaru-???" Her words were cut by his lips that was pressed on hers.


Helloo.. hope you like this part too aaaaaaaaa
I'm feeling cringe help hahaha
But i can't help my love for sesshoumaru.. TwT
Thanks for reading anyway xD
Soon, we will moving to the second phase of the story~

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