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Must-fit-in this air ventilation!!! The girl was struggling due to the tight air ventilation that the building got. But somehow she managed to move inside it. Now looking for Mr. Kiyonobu Hyotaro... She crawled inside in in the most silent way as possible as she could.  She took every turns in the small space that she had after memorizing the air ventilation system in the building while on her ride with Sesshoumaru.

This sould be the floor where the meeting will be hold.. but why is it so quiet?? The girl went out from the air ventilation that was in a hallway. She landed perfectly without making any sound. The hallway was quiet and she grew suspicious about it. She looked to the right.. and to the left.. yet there's no sign of human.

The meeting room will be on the right, but his private room is in the left.. better take the more quiet place.. Then she took the left and ran there. She took another left and found a room with a big wooden door. Before she went inside and hide, he put her left ear to the door and tried to listen for any sounds in it.

When she feels like it's clear, then she opened he door for a small gap and peeked through it. When she opened it more, she realized that the room is currently empty. This surely suspicious for her. Then, she decided to entered the room but with high caution.

The room was very luxurious, just like her father's working space. There's a big desk in the middle of the room. In front of the desk, there's a coffee table and 2 couches. There're big glasses windows on the right that lightened up the room. Meanwhile, big bookcases were on the left side of the room. There're several plants that helped to decorate it, either the plants on the table, and on the floor. As she expected, the plants were mostly in red, just like roses and spider lilies. The room also covered in a maroon carpet with a modern symmetrical pattern.

The girl scanned the room once more for a potential hiding spot, yet she find nothing. The room was too open and the furniture wasn't much. Then she looked up and perhaps, the chandelier would do the trick for her althought it's there're a 5 meters gap between them. People tends to not looking upwards.. This will do.. This time, she didn't have anyone to give her a boost, but she took a few steps backwards and ready to jump, relying on her own feet. She gave her all for that jump but too bad she didn't make it in her first attempt. I need to do more practice in my jump..

Then, she commenced her second attempt but it's still didn't give the outcome that she wants. Not giving up, she tried several more times until she heard faint voices from outside the room. OH SHIT! THEY'RE COMING!  Adrenaline rushed in her veins. She gave another chance and this time, she got no room for error.  The girl ran to the corner of the roo, then she turned her heels and dashed for more power. Not Yet! Not Yet! She ran until she reached the right spot for a jump. Then she pressed her left feet to the floor as hard as she could and let her body mass move upward. Finally! I'm flying! She extended both of her hands in effort to reach the chandelier. I got it!! Her eyes widened. Finally her effort had a result, but she forgot that the chandelier wasn't going to stay still when got impact from another power. As the chandelier swung, her hand slipped from the metal that she held onto. 

"This is all the matters that will be discussed in the parliament meeting.." A man in a black suit handed papers to the man with the wine suit as they entered the room that decorated in shades of red.

The man in the wine suit took the papers and sat on the couch that was in the middle of the room. He scanned through every pages and prepared himself for the meeting. A sigh once heard from him. "Is this all of it?" He asked to the man in black suit after threw the paper to the coffee table in front of him.

"Perhaps, yes.." The man in black suit took the paper back. "If the other members had a different matters, they eventually will share it in the meeting.." He added.

"What a pain in the ass.." The crimson haired man answered. His right hand automatically moved to his head and rubbed it softly. he inhaled deeply before letting go of the air soon.

The girl also rubbed her sweat with the arm of her crop top. It was so FUCKING CLOSE!!  She's hiding in the other side of the desk.

"Bring me some tea.. Raspberry to be exact.. " He said and the man in black suit bowed down before he walked away from him. "Oh.. keep the red vibrant.." The man then turned his gaze to the window. He stared at it until the man in black suit left him.

Silence spread in the room. the girl peeked from her left side to check on the man and he's still there. Perhaps, not noticing her presence. Should I attack him now? Wait! He's one of the top three strongest Yakuza family! I must be cautious!  She took another glance to the man. He's still there. The longer the silence, the more he will notice my presence.. The girl took a deep breath. She took her Tantou and prepared for an attack. When she thought that she has calmed herself, she took another glance to the man. Thankfully he's still there, but when she look to her front, she saw strands of crimson hair were dangling in front of her.

"If you're looking for me, I'm here, darling.." The girl lifted up her heads just to find the man grinning at her right from above of her. A sickening grin that she never saw in her life.


Hello~ thank you for reading this part too.. ><

hope you like it hehehee

Anyway, I continued this in the office~ usually I did it when I'm on the bus to work.. owo

Well, I don't know but somehow I managed to finished this here hahaha XD

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