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"Should we go home now?" The girl asked. She's holding all of the paper bags on both of her arms. The sun was almost set, but the shopping district were getting more crowds as the times goes by.

"There are more people at night.." He mumbled. The lights from the stores started to illuminate the streets with colorful lights.

"Yeah.. most people had no choice but to hangout at night because they have work at day.."

"Don't they afraid of the demons that come out at night?" The man walked a few inches in front of the girl. He seemed amazed the lights and the crowds.

"Demons? There's no such thing in this era... oh- well.. you're an exception.." the girl also enjoyed the nightview of the shopping district. She's rarely got a chance to hangout at night due to lack of friends, but now at least she got one extraordinary friend that dragged her outside at night. "Oh.. is there anything you wanna try while we're in here? A dessert perhaps?"

"You mean trying human's modern food? Is that even worth the try?" Sesshoumaru turned to her. He realized that her focus was on something else.

"Well.. it depends.. besides, I need a place to sit so I can study.." After that, the girl lead their step to a cute dessert cafe that got a cute polar bear mascot on the front. She opened the mint wooden door and greeted by the waiters. Sesshoumaru was just following her there. He had no idea what is she gonna do in this bright and cute place.

The waiter lead them to the table that was in the corner of the room. The girl took a seat on the white sofa and sesshoumaru sat in front of her. After the menu had being given, the girl share it so both of them could see it. Sesshoumaru had no idea what was all of that words in the menu, although there're the katakana pronounciation on each food.

"I'm gonna order the green tea parfait.. how about you? Is there anything you want?" The girl turned her gaze to him, only to find his confused expression. "Uh.. okay.. just doubled the green tea parfait.." after the menu was taken, the girl put out her notebook. She put it on the mint wooden table and started ro read it.

"Why are you reading that?" He asked. He's feeling bored after scanning the room and observed the other customers of the cafe. He just didn't find them amusing, not like the girl in front of her. For him, this girl just able to give him interesting entertainments and surprises.

"I've told you.. I'm gonna have a test soon.. besides, I'm in the 12th grade.. I have to prepare for the university entrance exam too.." the girl held her forehead in a stressful gesture.

"12th grade?"

"It's like.. the last year in school.. after that I have to continue to go to college.. it's like the next step of educational systems" she flipped the pages that full of her handwriting.

"Oh.. you studied a lot.. I like that.."

"Huh??" Her eyes widened and she turned her gaze from the book to the man in front of her.

"Sorry for the wait.. Here's your order.." A waitress came to their table with 2 glasses of green tea parfait. The girl thanked her while she put her book aside. She put it on the table and then bowed before she left them with their food.

The parfait was decorated cutely with the green tea ice cream that shaped like a bear on the top. Under the ice cream, there're corn flakes and, small slices of green tea cake, and other sweet things in the bottom. The girl took her phone and take a picture of it. Little did she know that the figure in front of her was taken in the picture too.

"Let's eat~" she said with a cheerful voice.

"This is a food?" The man asked. He seemed to be a lot more curious today. No one from his time would expect him being like this.

"Yeah.. try it.. it's good.." the girl shoved the ice cream with the pink  spoon and put it in her mouth. An satisfied hum was heard from her. Now, it's time for Sesshoumaru to tried it too. He copied the girl's action and shocked by it. A sweet yet cold flavor spread in his mouth.

"It's cold??!" He wouldn't expect that bear would be cold, especially in a summer like this.

"Yeah.. that's why it's called ice cream.."

"But it's summer outside.. how do you keep this ice from melting??" The small food was really a surprised for him. He even couldn't help but to shove another spoon.

"It's technology~~" she gestured a rainbow on her head with a playful tone just like Spongebob. Once again, this thing called 'technology' could do things that completely out of Sesshoumaru's mind. "Anyway.. do you like it??" The girl changed the subject after hearing him sighed.

"This taste.. is unfamiliar.. yet, not bad.." He continued to tried another layer of the parfait. Each layer gave him the same surprised reaction, however the girl seemed to enjoy this view.

After finished with their parfait and her book, both of them were ready to go home. The girl asked for the bill that came with a cute pastel mint cover and she paid for everything again.

"I'm sorry miss.. but my friends in here said that both of you really look alike.." the waiter smiled shyly while she gave back the change to the girl.

"Oh.. hahaha we're.. siblings.. yeah.." the girl rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, yet she still showed a smile for the waiter. She switched her glance towards Sesshoumaru and the waiter, hoping that Sesshoumaru will help her build up an excuse.

"Oh.. really? I thought you're a couple.."

"Eh?? Ahahaa no-no way.. haha.." the girl blushed in embarrassment.

"Both of you are really look alike.. but more in a complementary way... like.. completing each other.. oops- I'm talking too much.. I'm sorry.." the waiter excused himself before leaving them.

The girl quickly took her belongings, stood up and walked to the front door, followed by Sesshoumaru. The waiters were thanking them as they passed. She didn't look back at them, it's just too embarrassing for her. She didn't want Sesshoumaru to saw her burnt face again for today. Meanwhile, after they were out of the cafe, Sesshoumaru lowered his back and signed her to get on him.

She quickly get on his back, before he could check on her face. Sesshoumaru noticed her uneasy mind, yet his heart knew that he shouldn't question her so much for today he already threw a lot of it.

Sesshoumaru jumped to a nearby building before he let the wind took his mass and fly. Meanwhile for the girl, she felt a different sensation of touch on her skin. She scanned down and realized Sesshoumaru's bare arms were holding her. Then she noticed a red mark on his arms that soon blowed her mind before she soon lost her consciousness.


Hello.. I hope you like this part too~~
Thank you for reading.. ><

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