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Sound of the rustling chains were heard in the room. The room only got a dim blue lighting and the stone walls increased the tension in it.

"Ugh.." a grunt was heard. The chains were rustling even more. A few strands of crimson hair were swinging due to a small movement. "Where.. am I?" The man slowly opened his greenish lemon orbs.

"Guess it." A voice heard from a few meters from him. He tried to lifted up his head that was hanging helplessly, but he felt a huge sting from his back. He needed to give a second attempt for that action.

He scanned the room but the point of interest of the room was on a person that was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. The person covered the face with the arm and a leg, yet the man knew who this is. "What a nice palace.. that you got.. darling.." The girl didn't give any reply, instead, she changed the subject. She pointed her index finger at him. Wondering what did she mean by that, he asked. "Why?" His usual grin also suddenly vanished from his visual.

"Thank you.." The girl unexpectedly said something that no other assassin would said. Then her index finger changed its direction, from his face, down to his midsection. Wondered by the action, he followed the movement and found himself being topless and his wounds got bandaged.

"Ow.. you're actual-" the only door for the room suddenly opened. A man in a black suit and purple hair came in. His glasses reflected the dim light and makes it harder to see his eyes.

"Mr.Yoshihide.. I have finished my test.. far before the deadline.." she put her arms in front of her chest. The purple haired man didn't answer. He walked aside as if he's ignoring the girl, but actually he let someone that more superpower to answer her statement.

"Pretty impressive.. yet, not good enough.." A woman in an indigo long dress with high cut walked in. Her long (h/c) hair was braided beautifully this time, yet a frightening aura spread around her.

"Mom?!" The girl gasped in her inaudible mutter. She moved away and let the woman went further into the room.

"I hope you had a pleasant trip, Mr. Kiyonobu.." The older woman walked closer to the captivated man.

"haha.. Thank you for your concern, ma'am.." The man chuckled, but his head was hanging low. Thankfully, the chains on both of his hands were holding his weight.

"By the time she arrived here, she immediately treated that huge wounds on your back.. I believe you get a good impression of her from that.." the woman continued explaining about what the girl did to him. Of course she treated his wounds, she didn't want to fail in her mission, but why does her mom has to tell him that? She's sounded more like she's praising her only angel, and it's obviously a rare thing to do.

"Ah.. yeah.. We got an uninvited guest, and I got the responsibility to protect her once that person attacked us.. " His answer made the woman's orbs opened wider.

"Oh.. This is new.. Yoshihide! release him!" The woman commanded the purple haired man to do as she said. The girl confused and she went forward to confront her own mother.

"Mom!! Why did you release him?? Oh-.. I see.. This is all your plan.." Her (e/c) orbs was full of surprises, but now there's only anger left in it. "So stupid of me.. I thought we're gonna kill him and claim his position.."

"We are.. the execution will be different, but the outcome will be the same.."

"What do you mean?" The girl turned her gaze to the man. He's still weak just to stood on his own feet, yet he tried to approach the girl. Soon, he reached her right hand and he kneeled before her. His soft lips once again touched her skin, yet this time, it's the back of her right hand, but his touch always sent shivers to her spine.

After planted a soft kiss, he lifted up his chin and lock his gaze on hers. "Let me introduce myself properly.. My name is Kiyonobu Hyotaro and I'm your future groom.." His greenish lemon orbs burned brightly as he grinned. "I'm looking forward for our wedding, my darling.."

Lost between confusion and shock, the girl kept turning her gaze between her mother and the man in front of her. "I- wha-.." the situation made her speechless.

"I heard from my butterflies that you often hanging out with a weird looking man lately.. I believe Mr. Kiyonobu will help you forget about that man and focus on the future of both of you.." Her mother sighed as if her daughter's action was a great shame for her.

"WEIRD LOOKING MAN? I BEG YOUR PARDON??" The girl quickly turned her heels to her mother and let go of her hand from his hand. "He's NOT a weird looking man!! How many times have I told you not to underestimate others???!" The girl pointed her index finger on the older woman. "Once you know the real him, you would reconsider in calling him a weird looking man!"

Suddenly the woman moved her hand and slapped the girl until she flew to the floor. Hyotaro's eyes were widened by the view, however, for Yoshihide, it was a common view. Blood were spilled from the girl's mouth while she's trying to lift herself up. The woman then stared at her daughter's weak figure. "Next time, you should learn how to respect your own mother!"

The woman said as she left the room. Right before she walked out from the door, her steps stopped and she turned her heels for a minute. "Mr. Kiyonobu, I would like to speak with you about the wedding after you changed your clothes with the one that I have prepared.. Yoshihide will show you the way. Now, please excuse me.." The woman left soon.

Then, Yoshihide opened the door and said "Mr. Kiyonobu.. please follow me.."

Hyotaro felt guilty for the girl, yet he couldn't do anyhing right now. His status and future were on the hands of a greater authority in the house. He couldn't be reckless or his plan would be ruined. I'm sorry. His heart kept repeating the same thing yet all that the girl could hear was his steps that's fading away.


Hello~ thanks for reading ><
Hope you like this part too~
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