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"Today, a demon that took a shape of a dog, appeared at the mountain of this city. Its enormous size not only destroyed the forest around it, but also the buildings around the area. The creature seemed to fight a man. By the time this program is airing, the government has sent the military for evacuation."


Totosai swung the sword at Sesshoumaru. The demon dog tried to fight back, but the he also needs to focus on protecting the body in his mouth. He held her by the clothes with his teeth, maintained the grip so it won't hurt her but also to keep her from falling.

"Why are you keep evading? Worry that this sword will hit your small lover and make her rot?" Totosai's words may seemed like he's mocking the demon dog. However his face was straight 'cause he knee that what he said was a fact. "With or without the Bakusaiga, she will rot eventually.."

Sesshoumaru only bat an eye on his old friend. For now, his objective was only to keep the body safe, then he could fight this man properly. He jumped over the mountain, tried to reached the castle back, but Toyosai's attack made him turned his heels to another direction.

"Face the fact, Lord Sesshoumaru! She's an ordinary human! Sooner or later, she'll die!" Once again Totosai swung the signature sword towards its wielder. "Tch.. missed again.. this sword really hates me for sure.." Totosai muttered under his breath. The sword unleashed a painful reaction towards his touch, and somehow it often changed the direction of the attack even just a slight centimeters. "Time to change the target.."

After evading the last attack from Totosai, Sesshoumaru made its way to the girl's castle. The men in black suit were visible at the courtyard, seemed like they're already waiting for him. His big paws landed and he leaned closer to the ground, slowly putting his little helper's body. "Keep her safe!" He commanded the men before he turned back to face his old friend.

When the demon dog left, the litthe girl's father appeared from the door. He's walking towards the men that gathered around her daughter's dead body. His steps halted when he could see her clearly, being lifeless on the hard ground.

"Send half of the man to fight with The Great Demon Dog! The rest stay and protect the castle!" The middle-aged man ordered. After that, the man lowered his body and extended his arms. "I never thought.. the first time I picked you up like this will be the last time.." He received no answer from her. Her body's getting cold in his arms and it's aching his heart.

"Honey!" A woman in a black slim dress appeared from the crowds of men. Her face told them that she's in a mess. Her hair was untidy and her make up was ruined by her tears. "My- My child.." She's almost tripped on her dress, but the men caught her before she fell. A few steps later she reached her husband, but her focus was on the girl in his arms.


Sesshoumaru marched an attack with his sharp teeth, but the friend blocked it with his sword. Now cornered, between the ground and the Great Demon Dog, Totosai kicked Sesshoumaru's jaw and jumped backwards. Sesshoumaru instantly swung his claw. Totosai wasn't ready for for the attack. The Great Demon Dog's claw hit right at his right shoulder, dropping the sword in result.

Totosai tried to reached the sword back but Sesshoumaru's huge claw were already pinned him down. "You're not going to walk out alive from this." Sesshoumaru's threat felt so real as his nails were already digging his flesh.

"You're not wondering.. the reason why I killed her?" Totosai started the conversation casually, as if he did nothing wrong.

"To prevent me from destroying the whole village, I know!"

"Haha.. More than that.."

"What do you mean?"

"You killed half of the village, put your own daughter in a critical state.. and killed your brother.. You lost yourself and consumed by the monster in you.. the unintelligent one to be exact.."

"He did?"

"What did he tell you? Died protecting his family? He did. He protected your daughter.. from you." Hearing the truth surely aching for Sesshoumaru. How could he, as a father, hurting his own daughter. Even his own father treated his sons in a best way that he could.

"From now on, your love for her will grow stronger, even stronger than your own demonic power. It will reach the point of obsession over her, especially when you realized her time in the world is about to end." Totosai could read the surprise in Sesshoumaru's orbs. "You may kill me now.. but remember this, it's all come back to you.. After all, you're the one that could change the future, not her.. 'cause you're the one that live in this cycle the whole time.."

Live.. in this cycle? All of a sudden, series of images of were running into his mind, something that he never seen before yet felt familiar. Her face dominated most of the images. Thousands of emotions in thousands of occasions were shown. Now he realized that these were his lost memories of her.. all of it, including the event that he's experiencing now. He realized that he had repeated this scene, not only once or twice.. even too much for him just to count how much he had faced this reality. "Wha- what is this??"

"Surprised? Me too. When I saw you come back from the future with her, now I noticed that.. you're actually living in a loop.." Sesshoumaru listened to his victim's explanation. Having his memories back, now he could accept this theory.

"I see.." Totosai could see that his friend was considering something in his mind. "And now you just killed her. As I said before.. I will kill you." Sesshoumaru pussed his claw deeper into his body. Slowly, to give the most painful death for him.

Sesshoumaru turned back to his human form, now holding his own signature sword back. Before leaving the dead man, he took a last glance at him, making sure that the hole that his claw made was deep enough to end his life. After that, he turned his heels towards the castle behind the shadow of the woods.

(Y/n)... (y/n)... I won't let you die!


Helloo~~ how are youu??
Hope you like this part too ><

I'm gonna continue to the next part awyish! *w*)9

Thank you for reading anyway..

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